47 lines
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47 lines
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from util import hook, http
def stock(inp):
'''.stock <symbol> -- gets stock information'''
url = ('http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?format=json&'
parsed = http.get_json(url, q='select * from yahoo.finance.quotes '
'where symbol in ("%s")' % inp) # heh, SQLI
quote = parsed['query']['results']['quote']
# if we dont get a company name back, the symbol doesn't match a company
if quote['Change'] is None:
return "unknown ticker symbol %s" % inp
price = float(quote['LastTradePriceOnly'])
change = float(quote['Change'])
if quote['Open'] and quote['Bid'] and quote['Ask']:
open_price = float(quote['Open'])
bid = float(quote['Bid'])
ask = float(quote['Ask'])
if price < bid:
price = bid
elif price > ask:
price = ask
change = price - open_price
quote['LastTradePriceOnly'] = price
quote['Change'] = ("+%.2f" % change) if change >= 0 else change
if change < 0:
quote['color'] = "5"
quote['color'] = "3"
quote['PercentChange'] = 100 * change / (price - change)
ret = "%(Name)s - %(LastTradePriceOnly).2f " \
"\x03%(color)s%(Change)s (%(PercentChange).2f%%)\x03 " \
"Day Range: %(DaysRange)s " \
"MCAP: %(MarketCapitalization)s" % quote
return ret