
290 lines
7.5 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import math
import random
import re
import threading
from util import hook
def munge(inp, munge_count=0):
reps = 0
for n in xrange(len(inp)):
rep = character_replacements.get(inp[n])
if rep:
inp = inp[:n] + rep.decode('utf8') + inp[n + 1:]
reps += 1
if reps == munge_count:
return inp
class PaginatingWinnower(object):
def __init__(self):
self.lock = threading.Lock()
self.last_input = []
self.recent = set()
def winnow(self, inputs, limit=400, ordered=False):
"remove random elements from the list until it's short enough"
with self.lock:
# try to remove elements that were *not* removed recently
inputs_sorted = sorted(inputs)
if inputs_sorted == self.last_input:
same_input = True
same_input = False
self.last_input = inputs_sorted
combiner = lambda l: u', '.join(l)
suffix = ''
while len(combiner(inputs)) >= limit:
if same_input and any(inp in self.recent for inp in inputs):
if ordered:
for inp in self.recent:
if inp in inputs:
random.choice([inp for inp in inputs if inp in self.recent]))
if ordered:
inputs.pop(random.randint(0, len(inputs) - 1))
suffix = ' ...'
return combiner(inputs) + suffix
winnow = PaginatingWinnower().winnow
def add_tag(db, chan, nick, subject):
match = db.execute('select * from tag where lower(nick)=lower(?) and'
' chan=? and lower(subject)=lower(?)',
(nick, chan, subject)).fetchall()
if match:
return 'already tagged'
db.execute('replace into tag(chan, subject, nick) values(?,?,?)',
(chan, subject, nick))
return 'tag added'
def delete_tag(db, chan, nick, del_tag):
count = db.execute('delete from tag where lower(nick)=lower(?) and'
' chan=? and lower(subject)=lower(?)',
(nick, chan, del_tag)).rowcount
if count:
return 'deleted'
return 'tag not found'
def get_tag_counts_by_chan(db, chan):
tags = db.execute("select subject, count(*) from tag where chan=?"
" group by lower(subject)"
" order by lower(subject)", (chan,)).fetchall()
tags.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
if not tags:
return 'no tags in %s' % chan
return winnow(['%s (%d)' % row for row in tags], ordered=True)
def get_tags_by_nick(db, chan, nick):
tags = db.execute("select subject from tag where lower(nick)=lower(?)"
" and chan=?"
" order by lower(subject)", (nick, chan)).fetchall()
if tags:
return 'tags for "%s": ' % munge(nick, 1) + winnow([
tag[0] for tag in tags])
return ''
def get_nicks_by_tagset(db, chan, tagset):
nicks = None
for tag in tagset.split('&'):
tag = tag.strip()
current_nicks = db.execute("select nick from tag where " +
" and chan=?", (tag, chan)).fetchall()
if not current_nicks:
return "tag '%s' not found" % tag
if nicks is None:
nicks = set(current_nicks)
nicks = [munge(x[0], 1) for x in sorted(nicks)]
if not nicks:
return 'no nicks found with tags "%s"' % tagset
return 'nicks tagged "%s": ' % tagset + winnow(nicks)
def tag(inp, chan='', db=None):
'.tag <nick> <tag> -- marks <nick> as <tag> {related: .untag, .tags, .tagged}'
db.execute('create table if not exists tag(chan, subject, nick)')
add = re.match(r'(\S+) (.+)', inp)
if add:
nick, subject = add.groups()
return add_tag(db, chan, nick, subject)
tags = get_tags_by_nick(db, chan, inp)
if tags:
return tags
return tag.__doc__
def untag(inp, chan='', db=None):
'.untag <nick> <tag> -- unmarks <nick> as <tag> {related: .tag, .tags, .tagged}'
delete = re.match(r'(\S+) (.+)$', inp)
if delete:
nick, del_tag = delete.groups()
return delete_tag(db, chan, nick, del_tag)
return untag.__doc__
def tags(inp, chan='', db=None):
'.tags <nick>/list -- get list of tags for <nick>, or a list of tags {related: .tag, .untag, .tagged}'
if inp == 'list':
return get_tag_counts_by_chan(db, chan)
tags = get_tags_by_nick(db, chan, inp)
if tags:
return tags
return get_nicks_by_tagset(db, chan, inp)
def tagged(inp, chan='', db=None):
'.tagged <tag> [& tag...] -- get nicks marked as <tag> (separate multiple tags with &) {related: .tag, .untag, .tags}'
return get_nicks_by_tagset(db, chan, inp)
def distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):
deg_to_rad = math.pi / 180
lat1 *= deg_to_rad
lat2 *= deg_to_rad
lon1 *= deg_to_rad
lon2 *= deg_to_rad
R = 6371 # km
d = math.acos(math.sin(lat1) * math.sin(lat2) +
math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) *
math.cos(lon2 - lon1)) * R
return d
def near(inp, nick='', chan='', db=None):
loc = db.execute("select lat, lon from location where chan=? and nick=lower(?)",
(chan, nick)).fetchone()
except db.OperationError:
loc = None
if loc is None:
return 'use .weather <loc> first to set your location'
lat, lon = loc
db.create_function('distance', 4, distance)
nearby = db.execute("select nick, distance(lat, lon, ?, ?) as dist from location where chan=?"
" and nick != lower(?) order by dist limit 20", (lat, lon, chan, nick)).fetchall()
in_miles = 'mi' in inp.lower()
out = '(km) '
factor = 1.0
if in_miles:
out = '(mi) '
factor = 0.621
while nearby and len(out) < 200:
nick, dist = nearby.pop(0)
out += '%s:%.0f ' % (munge(nick, 1), dist * factor)
return out
character_replacements = {
'a': 'ä',
# 'b': 'Б',
'c': 'ċ',
'd': 'đ',
'e': 'ë',
'f': 'ƒ',
'g': 'ġ',
'h': 'ħ',
'i': 'í',
'j': 'ĵ',
'k': 'ķ',
'l': 'ĺ',
# 'm': 'ṁ',
'n': 'ñ',
'o': 'ö',
'p': 'ρ',
# 'q': 'ʠ',
'r': 'ŗ',
's': 'š',
't': 'ţ',
'u': 'ü',
# 'v': '',
'w': 'ω',
'x': 'χ',
'y': 'ÿ',
'z': 'ź',
'A': 'Å',
'B': 'Β',
'C': 'Ç',
'D': 'Ď',
'E': 'Ē',
# 'F': 'Ḟ',
'G': 'Ġ',
'H': 'Ħ',
'I': 'Í',
'J': 'Ĵ',
'K': 'Ķ',
'L': 'Ĺ',
'M': 'Μ',
'N': 'Ν',
'O': 'Ö',
'P': 'Р',
# 'Q': '',
'R': 'Ŗ',
'S': 'Š',
'T': 'Ţ',
'U': 'Ů',
# 'V': 'Ṿ',
'W': 'Ŵ',
'X': 'Χ',
'Y': '',
'Z': 'Ż'}