
165 lines
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# pycparser: _c_ast_gen.yaml
# Defines the AST Node classes used in pycparser.
# Each entry is a Node sub-class name, listing the attributes
# and child nodes of the class:
# <name>* - a child node
# <name>** - a sequence of child nodes
# <name> - an attribute
# Copyright (C) 2008-2009, Eli Bendersky
# License: LGPL
ArrayDecl: [type*, dim*]
ArrayRef: [name*, subscript*]
# op: =, +=, /= etc.
Assignment: [op, lvalue*, rvalue*]
BinaryOp: [op, left*, right*]
Break: []
Case: [expr*, stmt*]
Cast: [to_type*, expr*]
# Compound statement: { declarations... statements...}
Compound: [decls**, stmts**]
# type: int, char, float, etc. see CLexer for constant token types
Constant: [type, value]
Continue: []
# name: the variable being declared
# quals: list of qualifiers (const, volatile)
# storage: list of storage specifiers (extern, register, etc.)
# type: declaration type (probably nested with all the modifiers)
# init: initialization value, or None
# bitsize: bit field size, or None
Decl: [name, quals, storage, type*, init*, bitsize*]
Default: [stmt*]
DoWhile: [cond*, stmt*]
# Represents the ellipsis (...) parameter in a function
# declaration
EllipsisParam: []
# Enumeration type specifier
# name: an optional ID
# values: an EnumeratorList
Enum: [name, values*]
# A name/value pair for enumeration values
Enumerator: [name, value*]
# A list of enumerators
EnumeratorList: [enumerators**]
# a list of comma separated expressions
ExprList: [exprs**]
# This is the top of the AST, representing a single C file (a
# translation unit in K&R jargon). It contains a list of
# "external-declaration"s, which is either declarations (Decl),
# Typedef or function definitions (FuncDef).
FileAST: [ext**]
# for (init; cond; next) stmt
For: [init*, cond*, next*, stmt*]
# name: Id
# args: ExprList
FuncCall: [name*, args*]
# type <decl>(args)
FuncDecl: [args*, type*]
# Function definition: a declarator for the function name and
# a body, which is a compound statement.
# There's an optional list of parameter declarations for old
# K&R-style definitions
FuncDef: [decl*, param_decls**, body*]
Goto: [name]
ID: [name]
# Holder for types that are a simple identifier (e.g. the built
# ins void, char etc. and typedef-defined types)
IdentifierType: [names]
If: [cond*, iftrue*, iffalse*]
Label: [name, stmt*]
# a list of comma separated function parameter declarations
ParamList: [params**]
PtrDecl: [quals, type*]
Return: [expr*]
# name: struct tag name
# decls: declaration of members
Struct: [name, decls**]
# type: . or ->
# name.field or name->field
StructRef: [name*, type, field*]
Switch: [cond*, stmt*]
# cond ? iftrue : iffalse
TernaryOp: [cond*, iftrue*, iffalse*]
# A base type declaration
TypeDecl: [declname, quals, type*]
# A typedef declaration.
# Very similar to Decl, but without some attributes
Typedef: [name, quals, storage, type*]
Typename: [quals, type*]
UnaryOp: [op, expr*]
# name: union tag name
# decls: declaration of members
Union: [name, decls**]
While: [cond*, stmt*]