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2018-06-17 23:39:04 +00:00
// Copyright 2017 The go-interpreter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package compile is used internally by wagon to convert standard structured
// WebAssembly bytecode into an unstructured form suitable for execution by
// it's VM.
// The conversion process consists of translating block instruction sequences
// and branch operators (br, br_if, br_table) to absolute jumps to PC values.
// For instance, an instruction sequence like:
// loop
// i32.const 1
// get_local 0
// i32.add
// set_local 0
// get_local 1
// i32.const 1
// i32.add
// tee_local 1
// get_local 2
// i32.eq
// br_if 0
// end
// Is "compiled" to:
// i32.const 1
// i32.add
// set_local 0
// get_local 1
// i32.const 1
// i32.add
// tee_local 1
// get_local 2
// i32.eq
// jmpnz <addr> <preserve> <discard>
// Where jmpnz is a jump-if-not-zero operator that takes certain arguments
// plus the jump address as immediates.
// This is in contrast with original WebAssembly bytecode, where the target
// of branch operators are relative block depths instead.
package compile
import (
ops ""
// A small note on the usage of discard instructions:
// A control operator sequence isn't allowed to access nor modify (pop) operands
// that were pushed outside it. Therefore, each sequence has its own stack
// that may or may not push a value to the original stack, depending on the
// block's signature.
// Instead of creating a new stack every time we enter a control structure,
// we record the current stack height on encountering a control operator.
// After we leave the sequence, the stack height is restored using the discard
// operator. A block with a signature will push a value of that type on the parent
// stack (that is, the stack of the parent block where this block started). The
// OpDiscardPreserveTop operator allows us to preserve this value while
// discarding the remaining ones.
// Branches are rewritten as
// <jmp> <addr>
// Where the address is an 8 byte address, initially set to zero. It is
// later "patched" by patchOffset.
var (
// OpJmp unconditionally jumps to the provided address.
OpJmp byte = 0x0c
// OpJmpZ jumps to the given address if the value at the top of the stack is zero.
OpJmpZ byte = 0x03
// OpJmpNz jumps to the given address if the value at the top of the
// stack is not zero. It also discards elements and optionally preserves
// the topmost value on the stack
OpJmpNz byte = 0x0d
// OpDiscard discards a given number of elements from the execution stack.
OpDiscard byte = 0x0b
// OpDiscardPreserveTop discards a given number of elements from the
// execution stack, while preserving the value on the top of the stack.
OpDiscardPreserveTop byte = 0x05
// Target is the "target" of a br_table instruction.
// Unlike other control instructions, br_table does jumps and discarding all
// by itself.
type Target struct {
Addr int64 // The absolute address of the target
Discard int64 // The number of elements to discard
PreserveTop bool // Whether the top of the stack is to be preserved
Return bool // Whether to return in order to take this branch/target
// BranchTable is the structure pointed to by a rewritten br_table instruction.
// A rewritten br_table instruction is of the format:
// br_table <table_index>
// where <table_index> is the index to an array of
// BranchTable objects stored by the VM.
type BranchTable struct {
Targets []Target // A list of targets, br_table pops an int value, and jumps to Targets[val]
DefaultTarget Target // If val > len(Targets), the VM will jump here
patchedAddrs []int64 // A list of already patched addresses
blocksLen int // The length of the blocks map in Compile when this table was initialized
// block stores the information relevant for a block created by a control operator
// sequence (if...else...end, loop...end, and block...end)
type block struct {
// the byte offset to which the continuation of the label
// created by the block operator is located
// for 'loop', this is the offset of the loop operator itself
// for 'if', 'else', 'block', this is the 'end' operator
offset int64
// Whether this block is created by an 'if' operator
// in that case, the 'offset' field is set to the byte offset
// of the else branch, once the else operator is reached.
ifBlock bool
// if ... else ... end is compiled to
// jmpnz <else-addr> ... jmp <end-addr> ... <discard>
// elseAddrOffset is the byte offset of the else-addr address
// in the new/compiled byte buffer.
elseAddrOffset int64
// Whether this block is created by a 'loop' operator
// in that case, the 'offset' field is set at the end of the block
loopBlock bool
patchOffsets []int64 // A list of offsets in the bytecode stream that need to be patched with the correct jump addresses
discard disasm.StackInfo // Information about the stack created in this block, used while creating Discard instructions
branchTables []*BranchTable // All branch tables that were defined in this block.
// Compile rewrites WebAssembly bytecode from its disassembly.
// TODO(vibhavp): Add options for optimizing code. Operators like i32.reinterpret/f32
// are no-ops, and can be safely removed.
func Compile(disassembly []disasm.Instr) ([]byte, []*BranchTable) {
buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
branchTables := []*BranchTable{}
curBlockDepth := -1
blocks := make(map[int]*block) // maps nesting depths (labels) to blocks
blocks[-1] = &block{}
for _, instr := range disassembly {
if instr.Unreachable {
switch instr.Op.Code {
case ops.I32Load, ops.I64Load, ops.F32Load, ops.F64Load, ops.I32Load8s, ops.I32Load8u, ops.I32Load16s, ops.I32Load16u, ops.I64Load8s, ops.I64Load8u, ops.I64Load16s, ops.I64Load16u, ops.I64Load32s, ops.I64Load32u, ops.I32Store, ops.I64Store, ops.F32Store, ops.F64Store, ops.I32Store8, ops.I32Store16, ops.I64Store8, ops.I64Store16, ops.I64Store32:
// memory_immediate has two fields, the alignment and the offset.
// The former is simply an optimization hint and can be safely
// discarded.
instr.Immediates = []interface{}{instr.Immediates[1].(uint32)}
case ops.If:
blocks[curBlockDepth] = &block{
ifBlock: true,
elseAddrOffset: int64(buffer.Len()),
// the address to jump to if the condition for `if` is false
// (i.e when the value on the top of the stack is 0)
binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, int64(0))
case ops.Loop:
// there is no condition for entering a loop block
blocks[curBlockDepth] = &block{
offset: int64(buffer.Len()),
ifBlock: false,
loopBlock: true,
discard: *instr.NewStack,
case ops.Block:
blocks[curBlockDepth] = &block{
ifBlock: false,
discard: *instr.NewStack,
case ops.Else:
ifInstr := disassembly[instr.Block.ElseIfIndex] // the corresponding `if` instruction for this else
if ifInstr.NewStack != nil && ifInstr.NewStack.StackTopDiff != 0 {
// add code for jumping out of a taken if branch
if ifInstr.NewStack.PreserveTop {
} else {
binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, ifInstr.NewStack.StackTopDiff)
ifBlockEndOffset := int64(buffer.Len())
binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, int64(0))
curOffset := int64(buffer.Len())
ifBlock := blocks[curBlockDepth]
code := buffer.Bytes()
buffer = patchOffset(code, ifBlock.elseAddrOffset, curOffset)
// this is no longer an if block
ifBlock.ifBlock = false
ifBlock.patchOffsets = append(ifBlock.patchOffsets, ifBlockEndOffset)
case ops.End:
depth := curBlockDepth
block := blocks[depth]
if instr.NewStack.StackTopDiff != 0 {
// when exiting a block, discard elements to
// restore stack height.
if instr.NewStack.PreserveTop {
// this is true when the block has a
// signature, and therefore pushes
// a value on to the stack
} else {
binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, instr.NewStack.StackTopDiff)
if !block.loopBlock { // is a normal block
block.offset = int64(buffer.Len())
if block.ifBlock {
code := buffer.Bytes()
buffer = patchOffset(code, block.elseAddrOffset, int64(block.offset))
for _, offset := range block.patchOffsets {
code := buffer.Bytes()
buffer = patchOffset(code, offset, block.offset)
for _, table := range block.branchTables {
table.patchTable(table.blocksLen-depth-1, int64(block.offset))
delete(blocks, curBlockDepth)
case ops.Br:
if instr.NewStack != nil && instr.NewStack.StackTopDiff != 0 {
if instr.NewStack.PreserveTop {
} else {
binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, instr.NewStack.StackTopDiff)
label := int(instr.Immediates[0].(uint32))
block := blocks[curBlockDepth-int(label)]
block.patchOffsets = append(block.patchOffsets, int64(buffer.Len()))
// write the jump address
binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, int64(0))
case ops.BrIf:
label := int(instr.Immediates[0].(uint32))
block := blocks[curBlockDepth-int(label)]
block.patchOffsets = append(block.patchOffsets, int64(buffer.Len()))
// write the jump address
binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, int64(0))
var stackTopDiff int64
// write whether we need to preserve the top
if instr.NewStack == nil || !instr.NewStack.PreserveTop || instr.NewStack.StackTopDiff == 0 {
} else {
stackTopDiff = instr.NewStack.StackTopDiff
// write the number of elements on the stack we need to discard
binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, stackTopDiff)
case ops.BrTable:
branchTable := &BranchTable{
// we subtract one for the implicit block created by
// the function body
blocksLen: len(blocks) - 1,
targetCount := instr.Immediates[0].(uint32)
branchTable.Targets = make([]Target, targetCount)
for i := range branchTable.Targets {
// The first immediates is the number of targets, so we ignore that
label := int64(instr.Immediates[i+1].(uint32))
branchTable.Targets[i].Addr = label
branch := instr.Branches[i]
branchTable.Targets[i].Return = branch.IsReturn
branchTable.Targets[i].Discard = branch.StackTopDiff
branchTable.Targets[i].PreserveTop = branch.PreserveTop
defaultLabel := int64(instr.Immediates[len(instr.Immediates)-1].(uint32))
branchTable.DefaultTarget.Addr = defaultLabel
defaultBranch := instr.Branches[targetCount]
branchTable.DefaultTarget.Return = defaultBranch.IsReturn
branchTable.DefaultTarget.Discard = defaultBranch.StackTopDiff
branchTable.DefaultTarget.PreserveTop = defaultBranch.PreserveTop
branchTables = append(branchTables, branchTable)
for _, block := range blocks {
block.branchTables = append(block.branchTables, branchTable)
binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, int64(len(branchTables)-1))
for _, imm := range instr.Immediates {
err := binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, imm)
if err != nil {
// writing nop as the last instructions allows us to branch out of the
// function (ie, return)
addr := buffer.Len()
// patch all references to the "root" block of the function body
for _, offset := range blocks[-1].patchOffsets {
code := buffer.Bytes()
buffer = patchOffset(code, offset, int64(addr))
for _, table := range branchTables {
table.patchedAddrs = nil
return buffer.Bytes(), branchTables
// replace the address starting at start with addr
func patchOffset(code []byte, start int64, addr int64) *bytes.Buffer {
var shift uint
for i := int64(0); i < 8; i++ {
code[start+i] = byte(addr >> shift)
shift += 8
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
return buf
func (table *BranchTable) patchTable(block int, addr int64) {
if block < 0 {
panic("Invalid block value")
for i, target := range table.Targets {
if !table.isAddr(target.Addr) && target.Addr == int64(block) {
table.Targets[i].Addr = addr
if table.DefaultTarget.Addr == int64(block) {
table.DefaultTarget.Addr = addr
table.patchedAddrs = append(table.patchedAddrs, addr)
// Whether the given value is an instruction (or the block depth)
func (table *BranchTable) isAddr(addr int64) bool {
for _, t := range table.patchedAddrs {
if t == addr {
return true
return false