## Connectives Connectives exist to link noun phrases and verbs together into larger noun phrases and verbs. They can also be used to link together sentences. There are four simple connectives: `fa` (OR), `fe` (AND), `fi` (connective question), `fo` (if-and-only-if) and `fu` (whether-or-not). ### OR ``` ro au madsa lo spalo fa lo hafto? Do you want to eat an apple or an egg? ``` ### AND ``` ro au madsa lo spalo fe lo hafto? Do you want to eat an apple and an egg? ``` ### If and Only If ``` ro 'amwo mi fo mi madsa hafto? Do you love me if I eat eggs? ``` ### Whether or Not ``` mi 'amwo ro. fu ro madsa hafto. I love you, whether or not you eat eggs. ``` ### Connective Question ``` ro au madsa lo spalo fi lo hafto? Do you want to eat apples and/or eggs? ```