## Color Words L'ewa uses a RGB color system like computers. The basic colors are red, green and blue, with some other basic ones for convenience: | English | L'ewa | | ------- | ------ | | blue | blanu | | red | delja | | green | qalno | | yellow | yeplo | | teal | te'ra | | pink | hetlo | | black | xekri | | white | pu'ro | | 50% gray | flego | Colors will be mixed by creating compound words between base colors. Compound words still need to be fleshed out, but generally all CVCCV words will have wordparts made out of the first, second and fifth letter, unless the vowel pair is illegal and all CCVCV words are the first, second and fifth letter unless this otherwise violates the morphology rules. Like I said though, this really needs to be fleshed out and this is only a preview for now. For example a light green would be `puoqa'o` (`pu'lo qalno`, white-green).