## Feelings Feelings in L'ewa are marked with a family of particles called "WI". These can also be modified with other particles. Here are the emotional markers: | L'ewa | English | |-------|----------------| | `a'a` | attentive | | `a'e` | alertness | | `ai` | intent | | `a'i` | effort | | `a'o` | hope | | `au` | desire | | `a'u` | interest | | `e'a` | permission | | `e'e` | competence | | `ei` | obligation | | `e'i` | constraint | | `e'o` | request | | `e'u` | suggestion | | `ia` | belief | | `i'a` | acceptance | | `ie` | agreement | | `i'e` | approval | | `ii` | fear | | `i'i` | togetherness | | `io` | respect | | `i'o` | appreciation | | `iu` | love | | `i'u` | familiarity | | `o'a` | pride | | `o'e` | closeness | | `oi` | complaint/pain | | `o'i` | caution | | `o'o` | patience | | `o'u` | relaxation | | `ua` | discovery | | `u'a` | gain | | `ue` | surprise | | `u'e` | wonder | | `ui` | happiness | | `u'i` | amusement | | `uo` | completion | | `u'o` | courage | | `uu` | pity | | `u'u` | repentant | If an emotion is unknown in a conversation, you can ask with `kei`: ``` xoi, so pei? hi, what-verb what-feeling? madsa ui to eat :D ```