## Word Order L'ewa is normally a Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) language like English. However, the word order of a sentence can be changed if it is important to specify some part of the sentence in particular. I haven't completely finalized the particles for this, but I'd like to use `ka` to denote the subject, `ke` to denote the verb and `ku` to denote the object. For example if the input sentence is something like: ``` /mi/ /mad.sa/ /lo/ /spa.lo/ mi madsa lo spalo I eat an apple ``` You could emphasize the eating with: ``` /kɛ/ /mad.sa/ /ka/ /mi/ /lo/ /spa.lo/ [ke] madsa ka mi lo spalo V eat S I an apple ``` (the `ke` is in square brackets here because it is technically not required, but it can make more sense to be explicit in some cases) or the apple with: ``` /ku/ /lo/ /spalo/ /kɛ/ /mad.sa/ /mi ku lo spalo ke madsa mi O an apple V eat I ``` L'ewa doesn't really have adjectives or adverbs in the normal indo-european sense, but it does have a way to analytically combine meanings together. For example if `qa'te` is the word for `is fast/quick/rapid in rate`, then saying you are quickly eating (or wolfing food down) would be something like: ``` /qaʔ.tɛ/ /mad.sa/ qa'te madsa is fast [kind of] eat ``` These are assumed to be metaphorical by default. It's not always clear what someone would mean by a fast kind of language (would they be referencing [Speedtalk][speedtalk]?) [speedtalk]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speedtalk L'ewa doesn't always require a subject or object if it can be figured out from context. You can just say "rain" instead of "it's raining". By default, the first word in a sentence without an article is the verb. The ka/ke/ku series needs to be used if the word order deviates from Subject-Verb-Object (it functions a lot like the selma'o FA from Lojban).