## Questions There are a few ways to ask questions in L'ewa. They correlate to the different kinds of things that the speaker could want to know. ### `ma` `ma` is the particle used to fill in a missing/unknown noun phrase. Consider these sentences: ``` ma blanu? what is blue? ``` ``` ro qa madsa ma? you are eating what? ``` ### `no` `no` is the particle used to fill in a missing/unknown verb. Consider these sentences: ``` ro no? How are you doing? ``` ``` le wufra xi no? The dog did what? ``` ### `so` `so` is the particle used to ask questions about numbers, similar to the "how many" construct in English. ``` ro madsa so spalo? You ate how many apples? ``` ``` le so zasko xi qa'te glowa How many plants grow quickly? ```