consume routes crate

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Cadey Ratio 2020-07-25 17:48:09 -04:00
parent 4b308972df
commit bfa8226e11
2 changed files with 233 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ use crate::Response;
use std::{error::Error, io};
use url::Url;
#[allow(dead_code, unused_assignments, unused_mut, unused_variables)]
mod routes;
pub use routes::*;
pub trait Handler {
fn handle(u: Url) -> Result<Response, Box<dyn Error + Sync + Send>>;

src/server/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
/// This file was rescued from
macro_rules! seg {
( $s:expr, $p:ident, $segment:tt ) => {
$p += 1; // advance past '/' sep
if $p >= $s.len() {
// done so soon?
let end = $s[$p..].find("/").map(|i| $p + i).unwrap_or($s.len());
seg!($s, $p, end, $segment);
( $s:expr, $p:ident, $end:ident, [_] ) => {
$p = $end;
( $s:expr, $p:ident, $end:ident, [ $n:ident ] ) => {
let $n = &$s[$p..$end];
$p = $end;
( $s:expr, $p:ident, $end:ident, [ $n:ident : $t:ty ] ) => {
let $n: $t;
match $s[$p..$end].parse::<$t>() {
Ok(v) => $n = v,
Err(_) => break,
$p = $end;
( $s:expr, $p:ident, $end:ident, $e:expr ) => {
if &$s[$p..$end] == $e {
$p = $end;
} else {
macro_rules! split {
( $s:expr, $p:ident, ( / $( $segment:tt )/ * ) ) => (
$( seg!($s, $p, $segment); )*
if !($p == $s.len() ||
$p == $s.len() - 1 && &$s[$p..] == "/") {
( $s:expr, $p:ident, ( / $( $segment:tt )/ * [ / $rest:ident .. ] ) ) => (
$( seg!($s, $p, $segment); )*
let $rest = &$s[$p..];
macro_rules! route {
( $path:expr , {
$( $m:tt => $handle:expr ; )*
} ) => (
$(loop {
let mut p = 0;
split!($path, p, $m);
return $handle;
( $path:expr , {
$( $m:tt => $handle:expr ); * // missing trailing comma
} ) => (
route_fn!($path, {
$( $m => $handle , )*
mod tests {
fn test_seg_macro() {
let mut ok = false;
let mut p = 1;
let end = 5;
let s = "/asdf";
loop {
seg!(s, p, end, [hello]);
ok = true;
assert_eq!(hello, "asdf");
assert_eq!(ok, true);
let mut ok = false;
let mut p = 1;
let end = 5;
let s = "/asdf";
loop {
seg!(s, p, end, "asdf");
ok = true;
assert_eq!(ok, true, "segment matched");
assert_eq!(p, 5);
let mut ok = false;
let mut p = 1;
let end = 5;
let s = "/asdf";
loop {
seg!(s, p, end, "fdsa");
ok = true;
assert_eq!(ok, false, "should not match segment");
assert_eq!(p, 1);
fn test_split_macro() {
let s = "/";
let mut p = 0;
let mut ok = false;
loop {
split!(s, p, (/));
ok = true;
assert_eq!(ok, true);
let s = "/uniphil";
let mut p = 0;
let mut ok = false;
loop {
split!(s, p, (/[username]));
ok = true;
assert_eq!(username, "uniphil");
assert_eq!(ok, true);
let s = "/abc";
let mut p = 0;
let mut ok = false;
loop {
split!(s, p, (/"abc"));
ok = true;
assert_eq!(ok, true);
let s = "/abc/xyz";
let mut p = 0;
let mut ok = false;
loop {
split!(s, p, (/"abc"/"xyz"));
ok = true;
assert_eq!(ok, true);
let s = "/abc/xyz";
let mut p = 0;
let mut ok = false;
loop {
split!(s, p, (/"abc"/"xy"));
ok = true;
assert_eq!(ok, false);
let s = "/abc/xyz/qrs";
let mut p = 0;
let mut ok = false;
loop {
split!(s, p, (/"abc"[/rest..]));
ok = true;
assert_eq!(rest, "/xyz/qrs");
assert_eq!(ok, true);
fn test_route() {
struct Request<'a> {
path: &'a str,
type Response = String;
fn home(req: &Request) -> Response {
fn blog_post(req: &Request, id: u32) -> Response {
format!("blog: {}", id)
fn account(req: &Request, subpath: &str) -> Response {
format!("account -- subpath: {}", subpath)
fn handle_route(req: &Request) -> Response {
route!(req.path, {
(/) => home(req);
(/"blog"/[id: u32]) => blog_post(req, id);
(/"me"[/rest..]) => account(req, rest);
Response::from("not found")
assert_eq!(&handle_route(&Request { path: "/" }), "home");
assert_eq!(&handle_route(&Request { path: "/blog/42" }), "blog: 42");
&handle_route(&Request { path: "/me/a/b/c" }),
"account -- subpath: /a/b/c"
assert_eq!(&handle_route(&Request { path: "/foo" }), "not found");