
170 lines
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module Pages.POSSE exposing (Model, Msg, page)
import Element exposing (..)
import Element.Background as Background
import Element.Font as Font
import Element.Input as Input
import Generated.Params as Params
import Global
import Http
import Mi
import Mi.POSSE as POSSE
import Spa.Page
import Utils.Spa exposing (Page, PageContext)
page : Page Params.POSSE Model Msg model msg appMsg
page =
{ title = always "POSSE"
, init = always init
, update = update
, subscriptions = always subscriptions
, view = always view
type alias Model =
{ title : String
, url : String
, body : String
, tags : String
, status : String
init : Params.POSSE -> ( Model, Cmd Msg, Cmd Global.Msg )
init _ =
( { title = ""
, url = ""
, body = ""
, tags = ""
, status = ""
, Cmd.none
, Cmd.none
type Msg
= UpdateTitle String
| UpdateBody String
| UpdateURL String
| UpdateTags String
| Send
| GotResponse (Result Http.Error String)
update : PageContext -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg, Cmd Global.Msg )
update { global } msg model =
case msg of
UpdateBody body ->
( { model | body = body }
, Cmd.none
, Cmd.none
UpdateURL url ->
( { model | url = url }
, Cmd.none
, Cmd.none
UpdateTags tags ->
( { model | tags = tags }
, Cmd.none
, Cmd.none
UpdateTitle title ->
( { model | title = title }
, Cmd.none
, Cmd.none
Send ->
post =
{ title = model.title
, body = model.body
, url = model.url
, tags = String.words model.tags
postJson =
POSSE.encoder post
( model
, Mi.request
(Maybe.withDefault "" global.token)
(Http.jsonBody postJson)
(Http.expectString GotResponse)
, Cmd.none
GotResponse resp ->
case resp of
Ok _ ->
( { model | status = "Posted!" }
, Cmd.none
, Cmd.none
Err data ->
( { model | status = "Error when posting! " ++ Mi.errorToString data }
, Cmd.none
, Cmd.none
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
view : Model -> Element Msg
view model =
statusMsg =
case model.status of
"" ->
_ ->
row [] [ text "Status", text model.status ]
makeInput : String -> (String -> Msg) -> String -> Element Msg
makeInput label msg text =
Input.spellChecked [ padding 10, Font.size 14 ]
{ label = Input.labelAbove [] (Element.text label)
, onChange = msg
, text = text
, placeholder = Nothing
column [ width fill ]
[ statusMsg
, row [ padding 10 ]
[ makeInput "Title" UpdateTitle model.title
, makeInput "URL" UpdateURL model.url
, makeInput "Tags" UpdateTags model.tags
, Input.multiline [ Font.size 14 ]
{ label =
[ Input.focusedOnLoad ]
(text "Body")
, onChange = UpdateBody
, spellcheck = True
, placeholder = Nothing
, text = model.body
, Input.button
{ onPress = Just Send
, label = text "Send"