## Building Nim projects on Circle CI v2.0 (Currently in Beta)
Circle CI are currently testing version 2 of their platform, where you can use Docker containers to perform builds. The following example is taken from the following guide and builds against the current Nim version on both Ubuntu and Alpine Linux: +https://www.euantorano.co.uk/posts/nim-circle-ci/[Continuous Integration for Nim using Circle CI]
Building your code on Travis CI is useful to check regressions against the master and devel branches of Nim.
Same for your code documentation.
Detailed guide, which the following example originates from: +
http://blaxpirit.com/blog/22/advanced-uses-of-travis-ci-with-nim.html[Advanced uses of Travis CI with Nim]
If you don't want to rebuild the Nim compiler you can instead install the .deb packages listed on the CircleCI guide above using https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/installing-dependencies[this config]
# Copied from https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/wiki/TravisCI
language: c
# Build and test against the master and devel branches of Nim
- BRANCH=master
- BRANCH=devel
# Build and test using both gcc and clang
- gcc
- clang
# Ignore failures when building against the devel Nim branch