**This wiki page was written quickly and may contain information which is out of date or needs to be worded better.** ### Module ### aliases.nim - Alias Analysis Used for term-rewriting macros. Buggy for this purpose because it has been rewritten with something completely different in mind. Analysis is both value and type based. Looks for areas ### ast.nim Tree structure ### astalgo contains helpers and debug procedures, which work on symbols, types, and node. ### babel.cmd helper for compilers babel support ### bitsets Helpers for code generator. Set representation as an array of bits ### nimsets.nim - The complement to bitsets. Set representation as an AST ### Canonicalizer Will be the future. Used to make the C code generator generate code in a much more deterministic fashion. ### ccgcalls C code generator calls. Generates a call expression in C, objective c, and C++ syntax. What needs to be done is that we often need to translate the result type into a hidden parameter. ### cggexpr C code generation for expressions. Divide between stmts and expr mostly historical ### ccgmerge A merger for C files which is used for the symbol files feature. ### ccgstmts Code generation for statements. See ccgexprs. NOt for for loops, b/c they are eliminated. ### ccthreadvars Thread variable emulation. ### ccgtypes complex, b/c deals with types. The PNode's are not cyclic. You can recurse them without any recursion checks. Type generation for the c backend, as well as run time type generation. ### ccgutils Misc. utilities for C generation code. Contains hash string. Has to be same as system hash string, generate hashes at compile time. Also contains getUniqueType, to be deprecated in place of the canonicalization module. ### cgen.nim Main file for the C code generation. Includes things like DLL generation, foreign function interface, dispatches to. Cgendata is the main structure. ### cgmeth.nim code generation for methods. Performs AST to AST transformations. Analysis away method look up. ### commands.nim Command line argument processing. ### condsyms conditional symbols ### crc.nim cyclic redundancy check algorithm. Used by symbol files, recom ### depends.nim Pass which computes dependancies between modules. Able to generate a dot file which can be used. ### docgen.nim Old documentation generator, which doesn't use the semantic pass. Doesn't know about symbols and identifiers. ### docgen2.nim New documenation generator ### effects.nim - ### evalffi.nim - ### evals.nim old evaluation engine, not used anymore ### exccomp external compiler, describes how the c compiler is invoked. ### filter_template hashbang filter ### filters helper for common stuff which source code filter. ### syntaxes.nim - ### guards - Growing module. Flow sensitive analysis, mainly for values. Used for not nil checking ### hlo - High level optimizer. Part of the term-rewriting macro engine. ### idents.nim - PIdents. Hash identifiers into a single global hash table ### idgen - ID generator. Used to create persistant IDs for the symbol files mechanism ### imports.nim - The module which has the helpers which deal with the module import mechanism. ### jsgen - Javascript code generator ### lambdalifting - Pass which changes closures into pairs of function pointers and environments ### lexer - the lexer ### lists - Linked list implementation ### llstream - low level stream which contains some features which the compiler needs. ### lookups.nim - helpers for symbol lookup. Quite involved due to templates, overloading, etc. ### lowerings - Quite new module which implements common AST to AST helpers. ### magicsyms - compilerproc symbol is used by code generator whic inse ### modules.nim - Module handling ### message.nim - Messages, warnings, hints. ### nimconf - configuration file handling ### nimeval - the upcoming virtual machine to evaluate code. ### nimlexbase - Old lexbase. Buffer handling fo rthe lexer. ### nimrod.nim - Main nimrod file which produces the nimrod executable. ### options - Contains commandline options and checks. ### parampatterns - Related to overloading based on AST ### parseaux - auxileries for the parser. Contains verbosity handling. ### sempass2 - additional semantic checking. ### patterns - related to term rewriting macros ### pbraces - start of braces parser ### platform.nim - contains information for cross compiling (data type information) ### pragmas.nim - Contains all the pragmas that the compiler support. Use a set approach. Contains one big procedure which parses all the possible pragmas. ### pretty.nim - Prettifier. Used for case consistancy ### procfind - used to find the header of a procedure. Used to determine if ### renderer - able to give a string representation in the AST. ### rodread - Reader of rod files, the symbol file mechanism. It also does module dependency tracking to decide whether a rod file can be used or whether the module needs to be recompiled ### rodutils - utilities for above ### ropes - Used throughout the code generator ### seterate.nim - Implements saturated arithmatic for integers. ### sem.nim - Main file for the semantic checker ### semcall - semantic checking for calls ### semdata - contains the main data structures for semantic checking. ### semdestruct - semantic checking for destructors. ### semexprs - semantic checking for expressions. ### semfold - semantic checking for constant folding. Needed in the semantic pass, since things like bounds checking etc rely on such data. ### semgnrc - pass which implements symbol lookups for generics. ### seminst - instantiation of generics ### macrosanity - generates semantic ast checking for macros ### semmagic - magics that need special treatment after overloading resolution. ### semparallel - semantic checking for the upcoming parallel statement ### sempass2 - Effect tracking ### service.nim - IDE Tool stuff ### sigmatch - very important module. Overloading resolution procedures. ### suggest.nim - helper for IDE tools ### syntaxes - dispatching for what parser or sourcecodefilter to invoke. ### transf - old transformation pass. Prepass before the code generator. Mostly deals with for loops into while loops ### trees.nim - Helper for ast (should get rid of) ### treetab - hashtable which works with trees ### types - helper for types ### typesrenderer - new. Used for the documentation generator so we get names ### vm.nim - new virtual machine for compile time evaluation