[afl-fuzz](http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl/) is quite rabid at ferreting out issues that are hard-to-impossible to find with manual testing. While classically, afl-fuzz attempts to detect exactly the sort of issues that nim is attempting to prevent with its runtime checks in debug mode, it is by no means of no use to the nim developer. AFL is extremely good at discovering programmer errors that cannot be caught with simple user testing, even when all the safety nets are turned on. Please note that AFL will catch errors by checking for the segfault signal; nim is designed to never do that and exception instead, so we have to simulate this behaviour for all error types we consider to be a unintended "crash" issue. This is why the example transforms any exceptions into a SIGSEGV exit code. ## Work by example The general idea behind AFL is that you shrink down your code path enough that you can just feed it some input and either have it work/do nothing, or crash. There are other ways to inject AFL hooking into a more complex program (google: afl-fuzz persistent mode), but for this example, we'll stick with that. AFL can feed data either over stdin (recommended! speed!) or over a temporary file. Let's start with a simple example program everyone can get behind: ```nim import os, streams, strutils, posix try: let s = newFileStream(stdin) var texts: seq[string] = newSeq[string]() var picks: seq[int] = newSeq[int]() let textCount = s.readInt8() for i in 0.. ``` ## Testcases AFL best works when given a bunch of valid test data. It *can* make up random data, but if you have some idea of what working input looks like, it'll help speed things up: ``` $ mkdir afl-in/ $ echo "\x03\02hi\05there\x03nim\x03\x02\x01\x00" > afl-in/testdata $ ./afltestcase < afl-in/testdata Read 3 texts Read 3 picks 2=nim 1=there 0=hi $ # yay, works! ``` ## Running AFL Finally, we can run AFL. As AFL feeds it's mutating input on stdin by default, we're already all set. ``` $ mkdir afl-out/ $ afl-fuzz -i afl-in/ -o afl-out/ -- ./afltestcase ``` Let it run for a while, but it should start finding issues pretty much immediately. While crash triage is way out of scope of this document, it should give you something to start - as soon as it starts finding crashes or hangs, look into afl-out/crashes|hangs for the input data that made your code throw an exception or hang: ``` $ ./afltestcase < afl-out/crashes/id:000000,sig:11,src:000000,op:flip1,pos:0 Read 0 texts Read 2 picks ref 0x10f911050 --> [parent = nil, name = 0x10f918260"IndexError", msg = 0x10f911088"index out of bounds", trace = 0x10f913050"Traceback (most recent call last)\10" "afl.nim(25) afl\10" "system.nim(2581) sysFatal\10" ""] ``` You can limit the exceptions that are considered crashes by adjusting the except: clause in the example. Then I'd strongly suggest to start reading up on afl if you want to employ it with confidence. ## Testing for bugs in your code By default AFL will identify segfaults and such but not vulnerabilities in your code. You can add extra assertions to be run only during the AFL test with: ```nim when defined(macosx) or defined(linux) or defined(freebsd) or defined(openbsd) or defined(netbsd) or defined(solaris): import posix template AFLAssert*(cond: bool) = when defined(afl): if not cond: echo "Failed AFL assertion: " & astToStr(cond) let pid = posix.getpid() discard posix.kill(pid, posix.SIGABRT) ``` Also add `-d:afl` to your nim.cfg to enable this.