The first thing you need to do is import the sockets module<br> <code>import sockets</code><br> Then you need to create and initialize a TSocket object<br> <code>var s: TSocket = socket()</code><br> After that you can use <code>s.connect("addr", TPort(80))</code> to connect to a server<br> Once you connect to a server, you can send and receive messages to/from the server by using <code>s.send("Message")</code> to send, and <code>s.recv()</code> to receive. <pre> import sockets, strutils when not defined(strutils.toStringSep): proc toStringSep(x: int64): string = var s = $x result = "" var j = 0 for i in countdown(len(s)-1, 0): inc(j) if j == 4: result = ',' & result j = 0 result = s[i] & result proc toMiB(size: int64): int64 = return size div 1024 div 1024 proc formatSize(size: int64): string = var gigabytes: int64 = size div 1024 div 1024 div 1024 var megabytes: int64 = size.toMiB() var kilobytes: int64 = size div 1024 if gigabytes != 0: return toStringSep(gigabytes) & "GB" elif megabytes != 0: return toStringSep(megabytes) & "MB" elif kilobytes != 0: return toStringSep(kilobytes) & "KB" else: return toStringSep(size) & "B" var s = socket() s.connect("", TPort(6667)) s.send("NICK NimrodBot\c\L") s.send("USER NimrodBot * 0 :IRC Bot programmed in Nimrod!\c\L") while True: var data: string = "" discard s.recvLine(data) echo(data) if data.split()[0] == "PING": s.send("PONG " & data.split()[1] & "\c\L") if data.split()[1] == "001": s.send("JOIN #nimrod\c\L") if data.split()[1] == "PRIVMSG": if data.split()[3] == ":!about": var msg = "NimrodBot 0.1 compiled on " & CompileDate & " " & CompileTime msg.add(" running on " & hostOS) s.send("PRIVMSG " & data.split()[2] & " :" & msg & "\c\L") elif data.split()[3] == ":!mem": var msg = "Occupied memory: " & formatSize(int64(getOccupiedMem())) s.send("PRIVMSG " & data.split()[2] & " :" & msg & "\c\L") elif data.split()[3] == ":!freemem": var msg = "Free memory: " & formatSize(int64(getFreeMem())) s.send("PRIVMSG " & data.split()[2] & " :" & msg & "\c\L") elif data.split()[3] == ":!totalmem": var msg = "Total memory: " & formatSize(int64(getTotalMem())) s.send("PRIVMSG " & data.split()[2] & " :" & msg & "\c\L") </pre>