If you add more editor support, don't forget to add it to the [FAQ](https://github.com/Araq/Nimrod/blob/master/web/question.txt) as well.
The following editors have some Nimrod support:
### Emacs
### Vim
* Syntax Highlighting
* Auto-indent
* Build/Jump to errors within Vim
* Project Navigation and Jump to Definition (using the Ctags support listed below or [Nimrod's idetools](http://build.nimrod-code.org/docs/idetools.html) command)
### Scite
Recent versions of Scite have out-of-the-box support for Nimrod. For older versions:
### Aporia
Aporia is a Nimrod IDE written in Nimrod.
### Gedit/Other GtkSourceView editors
There is a .lang file for gedit [here](https://github.com/nimrod-code/Aporia/blob/master/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/nimrod.lang)
### Ctags
Basic ```~/.ctags``` rules for nimrod code (Feel free to improve and contribute)
Don't use this if possible, [nimrod idetools](http://build.nimrod-code.org/docs/idetools.html) provides better results.
### jEdit