- Run the full testsuite (``tests\testament\tester all``) and ensure it's green; actually ensure travis is green (Usually the case these days)

- Update news.txt
- write a news ticker entry
- Update the version
  - In system.nim

- Recompile koch!
- Generate the full docs;  koch web0

- Test the installers: koch testinstall
- Tag the release, e.g. ```git tag -am "Version 0.15.0" v0.15.0```
- Push the tag: ```git push origin [tagname]```

- Run ``tools/winrelease`` 
  For this you need to close VSCode so that 'nimsuggest' can be overwritten!
- Upload the produced .zips.

- Merge devel into master
- Update csources via ``koch pushcsources``

**The following shell script shall be replaced by 'koch unixrelease'**
Shell script to build a source tarball:

set -eu
tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
cd $tmp_dir
git clone -q --depth 1 https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim.git
cd Nim
git clone -q --depth 1 https://github.com/nim-lang/csources
( cd csources && sh build.sh )
bin/nim c koch
./koch boot -d:release
./koch web0
./koch csource -d:release
./koch xz -d:release

## Website

### Uploading the binaries

- `scp nim-0.18.0.tar.xz username@servername:/var/www/nim-lang.org/download/nim-0.18.0.tar.xz` (change the version obviously)

### Generating the sha256's

- `ssh username@servername`
- `cd /var/www/nim-lang.org/download/`
- `sha256sum nim-0.18.0.tar.xz > nim-0.18.0.tar.xz.sha256`

### Updating the blog/downloads page

- Create a new blog post in `_drafts` titled: `version-<ver>-released.md` where `<ver>` is the version without any dots, e.g. `0180` for `0.18.0`.
- When ready to release:
  - move the blog post into `_posts`, making sure to append the current date to its filename: `2017-09-31-title.md`.
  - modify config.yml's `version` key to the new version
  - `git commit`
    - **TIP:** Here is a real-life example of a commit that signifies a release: https://github.com/nim-lang/website/commit/6f95916dee1212dcf5465d74dcff14e01f714503. The draft blog post was created in earlier commits, but hopefully it's pretty easy to figure out how it was made.
    - **TIP2:** You can see what a draft post looks like by running `jekyll serve --drafts` inside the website's `jekyll` directory.
  - `git push live master` (the `live` remote is a strict secret)

### Uploading docs

- ``export NIM_VER=<current_ver>`` (for example ``export NIM_VER=0.19.0``).
- Upload documentation to ``/var/www/nim-lang.org/$NIM_VER``
- Change ``docs`` symlink
  - ``cd /var/www/nim-lang.org/``
  - ``ln -sfn $NIM_VER docs`` (change the version here)
  - Verify this worked using ``ls -la | grep "docs"``

### Updating choosenim's channels

Choosenim currently only supports gz so you will need to create a .tar.gz out of the .tar.xz:

- ``export NIM_VER=<current_ver>``
- ``cd /var/www/nim-lang.org/download``
- ``cp nim-$NIM_VER.tar.xz nim-"$NIM_VER"_copy.tar.xz``
- ``unxz nim-"$NIM_VER"_copy.tar.xz``
- ``gzip --best nim-"$NIM_VER"_copy.tar``
- ``mv nim-"$NIM_VER"_copy.tar.gz nim-"$NIM_VER".tar.gz``
- ``sha256sum nim-"$NIM_VER".tar.gz > nim-"$NIM_VER".tar.gz.sha256``

Update the ``stable`` channel:

- Update ``/var/www/nim-lang.org/channels`` using your favourite editor
  - ``vim /var/www/nim-lang.org/channels/stable``