h1. How can I help? For beginners I suggest to implement missing parts of the standard library or some other more specialized libraries: * locale support * bignums * a lean GUI library * libraries for scientific computing * libraries that deal with multi-media * etc. h1. Will Nimrod have block comments? Most probably not. Reasons for avoiding them are: * If proper block comments exist, they should be nestable. This means you cannot tokenize Nimrod with regular expressions anymore. * The editor can be used to put "#" in front of every line. * "when false" is not a bad solution. At least syntax is still checked for deactivated code. * discard """ """" is another solution. h1. Why is it case/style insensitive? * Identifiers which only differ in case are bad style. If the programming language treats them the same the programmer needs to come up with different names for different things. * Case insensitivity is widely considered to be more user friendly. This holds for file systems, configuration files, and programming languages. * Many programming languages are case insensitive: Lisp, Basic, Pascal, Ada, Eiffel, Fortran. Since software for aircrafts and power plants has been written in Ada, it seems reasonable to assume that case insensitivity will not destroy civilisation. * Note that most people confuse case sensitivity with case consistency (which is indeed good style). However, case consistency is easier to achieve with case insensitivity and a properly configured IDE than with case sensitivity. h1. Where can I find code examples? You can find examples in the "examples/":https://github.com/Araq/Nimrod/tree/master/examples directory. There are also many other examples available on "Rosetta Code":http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Nimrod.