To get the source code you need either of these:

* A working web browser + tar(or equivalent) `[[]]`
* wget + tar `wget --no-check-certificate ""`
* git `git clone --depth 1 git://`

### Bootstrapping

After downloading the source (and extracting it), you need to extract build/ then you can bootstrap with:

* `./` or `build.bat` (Windows)
* `nimrod c koch`
* `koch boot [-d:release]`
* Put Nimrod on your PATH
  * For Linux, you only need a symlink: `ln -s $PWD/bin/nimrod /home/user/bin`

### Babel

Babel is Nimrod's package manager
* Download the source from `[[]]` using one of the above methods.
* `nimrod c babel`
* `ln -s $PWD/babel /home/user/bin`
* `babel update`