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# Introduction
Below is a list of project ideas for [GSoC]( 2015. These projects require familiarity with the Nim programming language so it is absolutely essential that you become familiar with Nim ahead of time.
[Nim]( is a statically typed programming language which compiles primarily to C. Areas of the project you may wish to work on include the [Nim compiler](#wiki-nim-compiler) which is itself written in Nim, Nim's [standard library](#wiki-standard-library) and/or the [tools and infrastructure](#wiki-tools--infrastructure) of Nim which includes the Nim build farm (Nimbuild) and the Nim package manager (nimble).
To get started you will need to clone the Nim repository and then subsequently bootstrap the compiler, instructions for doing this are located [here]( You can then move onto the [tutorial]( and read through the [other documentation]( as well.
We encourage you to join the #nim IRC channel on Freenode to discuss these projects with the community and our mentors. The Nim [Forum]( is also available. Because communication is a big part of open source development you are expected to get in touch with us before making your application, failure to do so will put your application at a great disadvantage.
The following list of projects are just some ideas that the community and the developers have come up with. You will be contributing to a programming language so there is a lot of flexibility when it comes to the projects that you can work on, this list is certainly not comprehensive so we are happy to hear any suggestions that you may have.
# Project spec
Please add your project ideas in the following format.
## Sub-project
#### Title
**Desirable skills:**
**Expected Result:**
**Difficulty:** ...
**Mentor:** Mentor name ([@MentorName](
# Projects