{ pkgs, lib, ... }: let vhost = "akko.within.website"; in { services.akkoma = { enable = true; config = let inherit ((pkgs.formats.elixirConf { }).lib) mkRaw mkMap; in { ":pleroma"."Pleroma.Web.Endpoint".url.host = vhost; ":pleroma".":media_proxy" = { enabled = false; base_url = "https://cache.akko.within.website"; proxy_opts.redirect_on_failure = true; }; ":prometheus"."Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter" = { enabled = true; auth = false; format = mkRaw ":text"; path = "/api/pleroma/app_metrics"; }; ":pleroma".":instance" = { name = "Within's Bot Zone"; description = "Within's akkoma server for testing and bot deployment, antifash edition"; email = "akko@xeserv.us"; notify_email = "akko@xeserv.us"; registrations_open = false; invites_enabled = true; limit = 69420; remote_limit = 100000; max_pinned_statuses = 10; max_account_fields = 100; limit_to_local_content = mkRaw ":unauthenticated"; healthcheck = true; cleanup_attachments = true; allow_relay = true; }; ":pleroma".":mrf".policies = map mkRaw [ "Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.SimplePolicy" ]; # To allow configuration from admin-fe ":pleroma".":configurable_from_database" = false; ":pleroma"."Pleroma.Captcha" = { enabled = false; }; # S3 setup ":pleroma"."Pleroma.Upload" = { uploader = mkRaw "Pleroma.Uploaders.S3"; base_url = "https://cdn.xeiaso.net/file/"; strip_exif = false; }; ":pleroma"."Pleroma.Uploaders.S3".bucket = "xeserv-akko"; ":ex_aws".":s3" = { access_key_id._secret = "/var/lib/secrets/akkoma/b2_key_id"; secret_access_key._secret = "/var/lib/secrets/akkoma/b2_app_key"; host = "s3.us-west-001.backblazeb2.com"; }; # Automated moderation settings # Borrowed from https://github.com/chaossocial/about/blob/master/blocked_instances.md ":pleroma".":mrf_simple" = let blocklist = import ./blocklist.nix; in { media_nsfw = mkMap blocklist.media_nsfw; reject = mkMap blocklist.reject; followers_only = mkMap blocklist.followers_only; }; }; nginx = { useACMEHost = "akko.within.website"; forceSSL = true; }; }; services.postgresql.enable = true; services.postgresql.package = pkgs.postgresql_15; services.postgresql.settings = { listen_addresses = lib.mkForce ",fd7a:115c:a1e0:ab12:4843:cd96:626a:3549,localhost"; }; services.postgresqlBackup.enable = true; services.nginx.commonHttpConfig = '' proxy_cache_path /var/cache/nginx/akkoma-media-cache levels= keys_zone=akkoma_media_cache:16m max_size=2g inactive=1y use_temp_path=off; ''; services.nginx.virtualHosts."cache.akko.within.website" = { locations."/" = { proxyPass = "http://unix:/run/akkoma/socket"; extraConfig = '' proxy_cache akkoma_media_cache; proxy_cache_key $host$uri$is_args$args; # Decouple client and upstream requests proxy_buffering on; proxy_cache_lock on; proxy_ignore_client_abort on; # Default cache times for various responses proxy_cache_valid 200 1y; proxy_cache_valid 206 301 304 1h; # Allow serving of stale items proxy_cache_use_stale error timeout invalid_header updating; ''; }; }; # services.nginx.virtualHosts."media.akko.within.website" = { # locations."~ /file/xeserv-akko/" = { # proxyPass = "https://b2"; # extraConfig = '' # proxy_cache akkoma_media_cache; # # Cache objects in slices of 1 MiB # proxy_cache_key $host$uri$is_args$args; # # Decouple client and upstream requests # proxy_buffering on; # proxy_cache_lock on; # proxy_ignore_client_abort on; # # Default cache times for various responses # proxy_cache_valid 200 1y; # proxy_cache_valid 206 301 304 1h; # # Allow serving of stale items # proxy_cache_use_stale error timeout invalid_header updating; # proxy_set_header Host f001.backblazeb2.com; # ''; # }; # }; security.acme = { defaults.email = "me@xeiaso.net"; certs."akko.within.website" = { group = "nginx"; dnsProvider = "route53"; credentialsFile = "/run/keys/aws-within.website"; extraDomainNames = [ "*.akko.within.website" ]; extraLegoFlags = [ "--dns.resolvers=" ]; }; }; age.secrets = { "aws-within.website" = { file = ../../secret/aws-within.website.age; path = "/run/keys/aws-within.website"; owner = "acme"; group = "nginx"; }; akko-keyid = { file = ../../secret/akko-keyid.age; path = "/var/lib/secrets/akkoma/b2_key_id"; owner = "akkoma"; group = "akkoma"; }; akko-applicationkey = { file = ../../secret/akko-applicationkey.age; path = "/var/lib/secrets/akkoma/b2_app_key"; owner = "akkoma"; group = "akkoma"; }; }; }