Use small buffer to handle erroneous string literals

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Victor Fernandes 2017-03-19 15:50:45 -04:00
parent da033b6301
commit 32464b6bc2
1 changed files with 17 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ Token malar_next_token(Buffer * sc_buf)
/*String offset for the str_LTBL*/
static short str_offset = 0;
pBuffer err_lex_buf;
if (sc_buf == NULL) {
scerrnum = 1;
@ -196,21 +197,28 @@ Token malar_next_token(Buffer * sc_buf)
if (c == '\0' || b_eob(sc_buf) || c == 255) { /* Illegal string, make it an error token */
b_retract(sc_buf); /* Retract one more time to re-read '"' into err_lex */
t.code = ERR_T;
err_lex_buf = b_create(1, 1, 'a');
c = b_getc(sc_buf);
for (i = 0; i < (lexend - lexstart); c = b_getc(sc_buf), ++i) {
/* Continue until the end of the lexeme where error was found
* (error string attribute full) */
if (i < (ERR_LEN - 3)) {
t.attribute.err_lex[i] = c;
if (i < (ERR_LEN) || c != 255)
b_addc(err_lex_buf, c);
else {
t.attribute.err_lex[i] = '.';
t.attribute.err_lex[ERR_LEN] = '\0';
t = aa_table[ES](err_lex_buf->cb_head);
/* t.attribute.err_lex[ERR_LEN - 1] = '.';
t.attribute.err_lex[ERR_LEN - 2] = '.';
t.attribute.err_lex[ERR_LEN - 3] = '.';
if ((lexend - lexstart) < ERR_LEN)
t.attribute.err_lex[i] = '\0';
t.attribute.err_lex[ERR_LEN] = '\0';*/
return t;
} /* end for loop, string finished and considered valid */
@ -225,6 +233,7 @@ Token malar_next_token(Buffer * sc_buf)
b_addc(str_LTBL, '\0'); ++str_offset;
t.code = STR_T;
return t;
if (isalpha(c) || isalnum(c)) {