!< This program calculates the sum of 32767 even numbers. !< The program is "lexically" and "syntactically" correct !< and should not produce any error PLATYPUS { a=+0.0; sum008 = 7.87050 ; INPUT(a,sum008); USING(i = 0,i < 32767 .OR. i == 077777,i = i + 02 )REPEAT{ a= a*i/0.5 ; sum008 = sum008 + a - 1 ; }; IF(text# == "")THEN text# = "prog" << "ram"; ELSE { text# = text# << "ram"; }; OUTPUT("\* This is a platypus -:)-<-<-- \*"); OUTPUT(text#); IF(text# == "program".OR.sum008<>8..AND.i>012)THEN OUTPUT(sum008); OUTPUT(); ELSE{}; }