Reading file ass1.pls ....Please wait The input file ass1.pls is not completely loaded. Input file size: 327 Printing buffer parameters: The capacity of the buffer is: 200 The current size of the buffer is: 200 The operational mode of the buffer is: 0 The increment factor of the buffer is: 0 The current mark of the buffer is: 200 Printing buffer contents: Compilers are fundamental to modern computing. They act as translators, transforming human-oriented language into computer-oriented machine-language. A compiler allows virtually all compu Printing buffer parameters: The capacity of the buffer is: 201 The current size of the buffer is: 201 The operational mode of the buffer is: 0 The increment factor of the buffer is: 0 The current mark of the buffer is: 200 Printing buffer contents: Compilers are fundamental to modern computing. They act as translators, transforming human-oriented language into computer-oriented machine-language. A compiler allows virtually all compu˙