PonyAPI Java Client =================== A Java client for accessing PonyAPI. Requires Java 8. Example Usage ------------- ```java package us.xeserv.examples; import us.xeserv.ponyapi.Episode; import us.xeserv.ponyapi.PonyApiClient; import java.io.IOException; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.List; public class PonyApiExample { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // Initialize a client with a custom API host PonyApiClient client = new PonyApiClient("some.fqdn.here"); // defaults to port 80 client = new PonyApiClient("some.fqdn.here", 8080); // with a custom port number // Initialize a client using http://ponyapi.apps.xeserv.us/ as the API host client = new PonyApiClient(); // Get a list of all the episodes List allEpisodes = client.all(); // Get the newest episode Episode newestEpisode = client.newest(); // Get information about an episode String name = newestEpisode.name; Instant airDate = newestEpisode.airDate; int seasonNumber = newestEpisode.season; int episodeNumber = newestEpisode.episode; boolean isMovie = newestEpisode.isMovie; // Get all episodes in a season List season = client.getSeason(1); // Get all movies List movies = client.getMovies(); // Get a specific episode by season and episode number Episode specificEpisode = client.getEpisode(1, 13); // Get a specific movie by movie number Episode specificMovie = client.getMovie(1); // Get a random movie or movie number Episode random = client.random(); // Get a list of all episodes and movies matching a query List queryResults = client.search("Owl's Well"); // returns Owl's Well That Ends Well } } ```