import requests import time """ # PonyAPI module for Python programs This is written in a metaprogramming style. Usage: ```python import ponyapi episodes = ponyapi.all_episodes() for episode in episodes: print episode ``` Available methods: all_episodes() -> return all information on all episodes newest() -> return information on the newest episode last_aired() -> returns the episode that most recently aired random() -> return a random episode get_season(snum) -> return all episodes in season snum get_episode(snum, enum) -> return info on season snum episode enum search(query) -> return all episodes that have query in the title """ API_ENDPOINT = "" # _base_get :: Text -> Maybe [Text] -> (Maybe [Text] -> IO (Either Episode [Episode])) # _base_get takes a text, a splatted list of texts and returns a function such that # the function takes a splatted list of texts and returns either an Episode or # a list of Episode as an IO action. def _base_get(endpoint, *fragments): def doer(*args): r = None assert len(fragments) == len(args) if len(fragments) == 0: r = requests.get(API_ENDPOINT + endpoint) else: url = API_ENDPOINT + endpoint for i in range(len(fragments)): url = url + "/" + fragments[i] + "/" + str(args[i]) r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Not found or server error") try: return r.json()["episodes"] except: return r.json()["episode"] return doer # all_episodes :: IO [Episode] all_episodes = _base_get("/all") # newest :: IO Episode newest = _base_get("/newest") # random :: IO Episode random = _base_get("/random") # get_season :: Int -> IO [Episode] get_season = _base_get("", "season") # get_episode :: Int -> Int -> IO Episode get_episode = _base_get("", "season", "episode") # search :: Text -> IO [Episode] def search(query): params = {"q": query} r = requests.get(API_ENDPOINT + "/search", params=params) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Not found or server error") return r.json()["episodes"] # last_aired :: IO Episode # TODO: Does not know how to wrap around seasons, fix this def last_aired(): new = newest() if new[u"air_date"] > int(time.time()): return get_episode(new[u"season"], (new[u"episode"]-1)) return new