79 lines
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79 lines
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import requests
# PonyAPI module for Python programs
This is written in a metaprogramming style.
import ponyapi
episodes = ponyapi.all_episodes()
for episode in episodes:
print episode
Available methods:
all_episodes() -> return all information on all episodes
newest() -> return information on the newest episode
random() -> return a random episode
get_season(snum) -> return all episodes in season snum
get_episode(snum, enum) -> return info on season snum episode enum
search(query) -> return all episodes that have query in the title
API_ENDPOINT = "http://ponyapi.apps.xeserv.us"
## _base_get :: Text -> Maybe [Text] -> IO (Either (Maybe Episode) [Episode])
def _base_get(endpoint, *fragments):
def doer(*args):
r = None
assert len(fragments) == len(args)
if len(fragments) == 0:
r = requests.get(API_ENDPOINT + endpoint)
url = API_ENDPOINT + endpoint
for i in range(len(fragments)):
url = url + "/" + fragments[i] + "/" + str(args[i])
r = requests.get(url)
if r.status_code != 200:
raise Exception("Not found or server error")
return r.json()
return doer
# all_episodes :: IO [Episode]
all_episodes = _base_get("/all")
# newest :: IO Episode
newest = _base_get("/newest")
# random :: IO Episode
random = _base_get("/random")
# get_season :: Int -> IO [Episode]
get_season = _base_get("", "season")
# get_episode :: Int -> Int -> IO Episode
get_episode = _base_get("", "season", "episode")
# search :: Text -> IO [Episode]
def search(query):
params = {"q": query}
r = requests.get(API_ENDPOINT + "/search", params=params)
if r.status_code != 200:
raise Exception("Not found or server error")
return r.json()