This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2015-01-04 21:15:01 -04:00
parent 9825b9a3bd
commit 04f2fe947e
1 changed files with 25 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -417,31 +417,6 @@ com s = "; " ++ s
type WarningMessage = String
-- | Generates SSHFP records for hosts that have configured
-- ssh public keys.
-- This is done using ssh-keygen, so sadly needs IO.
genSSHFP :: Host -> Propellor [(BindDomain, Record)]
genSSHFP h = map (\r -> (AbsDomain hostname, r)) . concat <$> (gen =<< get)
hostname = hostName h
get = fromHost [h] hostname Ssh.getPubKey
gen = liftIO . mapM genSSHFP' . M.elems . fromMaybe M.empty
genSSHFP' :: String -> IO [Record]
genSSHFP' pubkey = withTmpFile "sshfp" $ \tmp tmph -> do
hPutStrLn tmph pubkey
hClose tmph
s <- catchDefaultIO "" $
readProcess "ssh-keygen" ["-r", "dummy", "-f", tmp]
return $ mapMaybe (parse . words) $ lines s
parse ("dummy":"IN":"SSHFP":x:y:s:[]) = do
x' <- readish x
y' <- readish y
return $ SSHFP x' y' s
parse _ = Nothing
-- | Generates a Zone for a particular Domain from the DNS properies of all
-- hosts that propellor knows about that are in that Domain.
@ -534,3 +509,28 @@ addNamedConf conf = mempty { _namedconf = NamedConfMap (M.singleton domain conf)
getNamedConf :: Propellor (M.Map Domain NamedConf)
getNamedConf = asks $ fromNamedConfMap . _namedconf . hostInfo
-- | Generates SSHFP records for hosts that have configured
-- ssh public keys.
-- This is done using ssh-keygen, so sadly needs IO.
genSSHFP :: Host -> Propellor [(BindDomain, Record)]
genSSHFP h = map (\r -> (AbsDomain hostname, r)) . concat <$> (gen =<< get)
hostname = hostName h
get = fromHost [h] hostname Ssh.getPubKey
gen = liftIO . mapM genSSHFP' . M.elems . fromMaybe M.empty
genSSHFP' :: String -> IO [Record]
genSSHFP' pubkey = withTmpFile "sshfp" $ \tmp tmph -> do
hPutStrLn tmph pubkey
hClose tmph
s <- catchDefaultIO "" $
readProcess "ssh-keygen" ["-r", "dummy", "-f", tmp]
return $ mapMaybe (parse . words) $ lines s
parse ("dummy":"IN":"SSHFP":x:y:s:[]) = do
x' <- readish x
y' <- readish y
return $ SSHFP x' y' s
parse _ = Nothing