propellor spin

This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2014-11-19 01:02:13 -04:00
parent 9a779939c4
commit 05086b3abe
Failed to extract signature
2 changed files with 29 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ module Propellor.Property.Docker (
) where
import Propellor
import Propellor.SimpleSh
import Propellor.Types.Info
import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
import qualified Propellor.Property.Docker.Shim as Shim
import Utility.SafeCommand
import Utility.Path
import Utility.ThreadScheduler
import Control.Concurrent.Async hiding (link)
import System.Posix.Directory
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ runningContainer :: ContainerId -> Image -> [RunParam] -> Property
runningContainer cid@(ContainerId hn cn) image runps = containerDesc cid $ property "running" $ do
l <- liftIO $ listContainers RunningContainers
if cid `elem` l
then checkident =<< liftIO (getrunningident simpleShClient)
then checkident =<< liftIO getrunningident
else ifM (liftIO $ elem cid <$> listContainers AllContainers)
( do
-- The container exists, but is not
@ -348,9 +348,9 @@ runningContainer cid@(ContainerId hn cn) image runps = containerDesc cid $ prope
-- starting it up first.
void $ liftIO $ startContainer cid
-- It can take a while for the container to
-- start up enough to get its ident, so
-- retry for up to 60 seconds.
checkident =<< liftIO (getrunningident (simpleShClientRetry 60))
-- start up enough for its ident file to be
-- written, so retry for up to 60 seconds.
checkident =<< liftIO (retry 60 $ getrunningident)
, go image
@ -370,12 +370,18 @@ runningContainer cid@(ContainerId hn cn) image runps = containerDesc cid $ prope
void $ liftIO $ removeContainer cid
go oldimage
getrunningident shclient = shclient (namedPipe cid) "cat" [propellorIdent] $ \rs -> do
let !v = extractident rs
return v
getrunningident = readish
<$> readProcess' (inContainerProcess cid [] ["cat", propellorIdent])
extractident :: [Resp] -> Maybe ContainerIdent
extractident = headMaybe . catMaybes . map readish . catMaybes . map getStdout
retry :: Int -> IO (Maybe a) -> IO (Maybe a)
retry 0 _ = return Nothing
retry n a = do
v <- a
case v of
Just _ -> return v
Nothing -> do
threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 1)
retry (n-1) a
go img = do
liftIO $ do
@ -393,7 +399,6 @@ runningContainer cid@(ContainerId hn cn) image runps = containerDesc cid $ prope
-- This process is effectively init inside the container.
-- It even needs to wait on zombie processes!
-- Fork a thread to run the SimpleSh server in the background.
-- In the foreground, run an interactive bash (or sh) shell,
-- so that the user can interact with it when attached to the container.
@ -412,14 +417,11 @@ chain s = case toContainerId s of
Just cid -> do
changeWorkingDirectory localdir
writeFile propellorIdent . show =<< readIdentFile cid
-- Run boot provisioning before starting simpleSh,
-- to avoid ever provisioning twice at the same time.
whenM (checkProvisionedFlag cid) $ do
let shim = Shim.file (localdir </> "propellor") (localdir </> shimdir cid)
unlessM (boolSystem shim [Param "--continue", Param $ show $ Chain (containerHostName cid)]) $
warningMessage "Boot provision failed!"
void $ async $ job reapzombies
void $ async $ job $ simpleSh $ namedPipe cid
job $ do
void $ tryIO $ ifM (inPath "bash")
( boolSystem "bash" [Param "-l"]
@ -437,10 +439,11 @@ provisionContainer cid = containerDesc cid $ property "provisioned" $ liftIO $ d
let shim = Shim.file (localdir </> "propellor") (localdir </> shimdir cid)
let params = ["--continue", show $ Chain (containerHostName cid)]
msgh <- mkMessageHandle
r <- inContainer cid
let p = inContainerProcess cid
[ if isConsole msgh then "-it" else "-i" ]
(shim : params)
(processoutput Nothing)
r <- withHandle StdoutHandle createProcessSuccess p $
processoutput Nothing
when (r /= FailedChange) $
setProvisionedFlag cid
return r
@ -471,7 +474,6 @@ stoppedContainer cid = containerDesc cid $ property desc $
desc = "stopped"
cleanup = do
nukeFile $ namedPipe cid
nukeFile $ identFile cid
removeDirectoryRecursive $ shimdir cid
clearProvisionedFlag cid
@ -488,9 +490,8 @@ runContainer :: Image -> [RunParam] -> [String] -> IO Bool
runContainer image ps cmd = boolSystem dockercmd $ map Param $
"run" : (ps ++ image : cmd)
inContainer :: ContainerId -> [String] -> [String] -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
inContainer cid ps cmd = withHandle StdoutHandle createProcessSuccess
(proc dockercmd ("exec" : ps ++ [fromContainerId cid] ++ cmd))
inContainerProcess :: ContainerId -> [String] -> [String] -> CreateProcess
inContainerProcess cid ps cmd = proc dockercmd ("exec" : ps ++ [fromContainerId cid] ++ cmd)
commitContainer :: ContainerId -> IO (Maybe Image)
commitContainer cid = catchMaybeIO $
@ -534,10 +535,6 @@ dockerInfo i = mempty { _dockerinfo = i }
propellorIdent :: FilePath
propellorIdent = "/.propellor-ident"
-- | Named pipe used for communication with the container.
namedPipe :: ContainerId -> FilePath
namedPipe cid = "docker" </> fromContainerId cid
provisionedFlag :: ContainerId -> FilePath
provisionedFlag cid = "docker" </> fromContainerId cid ++ ".provisioned"

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ module Utility.Process (
@ -66,17 +67,19 @@ readProcess :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO String
readProcess cmd args = readProcessEnv cmd args Nothing
readProcessEnv :: FilePath -> [String] -> Maybe [(String, String)] -> IO String
readProcessEnv cmd args environ =
withHandle StdoutHandle createProcessSuccess p $ \h -> do
output <- hGetContentsStrict h
hClose h
return output
readProcessEnv cmd args environ = readProcess' p
p = (proc cmd args)
{ std_out = CreatePipe
, env = environ
readProcess' :: CreateProcess -> IO String
readProcess' p = withHandle StdoutHandle createProcessSuccess p $ \h -> do
output <- hGetContentsStrict h
hClose h
return output
{- Runs an action to write to a process on its stdin,
- returns its output, and also allows specifying the environment.