propellor spin

This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2014-04-09 00:54:27 -04:00
parent 969f01eb73
commit 064cdd8fc5
Failed to extract signature
9 changed files with 484 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ withPrivData field a = maybe missing a =<< getPrivData field
where where
missing = do missing = do
warningMessage $ "Missing privdata " ++ show field warningMessage $ "Missing privdata " ++ show field
putStrLn $ "Fix this by running: propellor --set $hostname '" ++ show field ++ "'"
return FailedChange return FailedChange
getPrivData :: PrivDataField -> IO (Maybe String) getPrivData :: PrivDataField -> IO (Maybe String)

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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
module Propellor.Property.Scheduled
( period
, Recurrance(..)
, WeekDay
, MonthDay
, YearDay
) where
import Propellor
import Utility.Scheduled
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- | Makes a Property only be checked every so often.
-- This uses the description of the Property to keep track of when it was
-- last run.
period :: Property -> Recurrance -> Property
period prop recurrance = Property desc $ do
lasttime <- getLastChecked (propertyDesc prop)
nexttime <- fmap startTime <$> nextTime schedule lasttime
t <- localNow
if Just t >= nexttime
then do
r <- ensureProperty prop
setLastChecked t (propertyDesc prop)
return r
else noChange
schedule = Schedule recurrance AnyTime
desc = propertyDesc prop ++ " (period " ++ show recurrance ++ ")"
lastCheckedFile :: FilePath
lastCheckedFile = localdir </> ".lastchecked"
getLastChecked :: Desc -> IO (Maybe LocalTime)
getLastChecked desc = M.lookup desc <$> readLastChecked
localNow :: IO LocalTime
localNow = do
now <- getCurrentTime
tz <- getTimeZone now
return $ utcToLocalTime tz now
setLastChecked :: LocalTime -> Desc -> IO ()
setLastChecked time desc = do
m <- readLastChecked
writeLastChecked (M.insert desc time m)
readLastChecked :: IO (M.Map Desc LocalTime)
readLastChecked = fromMaybe M.empty <$> catchDefaultIO Nothing go
go = readish <$> readFile lastCheckedFile
writeLastChecked :: M.Map Desc LocalTime -> IO ()
writeLastChecked = writeFile lastCheckedFile . show

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@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
says they are unchanged even when they changed and triggered a says they are unchanged even when they changed and triggered a
reprovision. reprovision.
* Should properties be a tree rather than a list? * Should properties be a tree rather than a list?
* Only make docker garbage collection run once a day or something
to avoid GC after a temp fail.
* Need a way for a dns server host to look at the properties of * Need a way for a dns server host to look at the properties of
the other hosts and generate a zone file. For example, mapping the other hosts and generate a zone file. For example, mapping to a CNAME to, which is where to a CNAME to, which is where

Utility/QuickCheck.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
{- QuickCheck with additional instances
- Copyright 2012-2014 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module Utility.QuickCheck
( module X
, module Utility.QuickCheck
) where
import Test.QuickCheck as X
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import System.Posix.Types
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Applicative
instance (Arbitrary k, Arbitrary v, Eq k, Ord k) => Arbitrary (M.Map k v) where
arbitrary = M.fromList <$> arbitrary
instance (Arbitrary v, Eq v, Ord v) => Arbitrary (S.Set v) where
arbitrary = S.fromList <$> arbitrary
{- Times before the epoch are excluded. -}
instance Arbitrary POSIXTime where
arbitrary = fromInteger <$> nonNegative arbitrarySizedIntegral
instance Arbitrary EpochTime where
arbitrary = fromInteger <$> nonNegative arbitrarySizedIntegral
{- Pids are never negative, or 0. -}
instance Arbitrary ProcessID where
arbitrary = arbitrarySizedBoundedIntegral `suchThat` (> 0)
{- Inodes are never negative. -}
instance Arbitrary FileID where
arbitrary = nonNegative arbitrarySizedIntegral
{- File sizes are never negative. -}
instance Arbitrary FileOffset where
arbitrary = nonNegative arbitrarySizedIntegral
nonNegative :: (Num a, Ord a) => Gen a -> Gen a
nonNegative g = g `suchThat` (>= 0)
positive :: (Num a, Ord a) => Gen a -> Gen a
positive g = g `suchThat` (> 0)

Utility/Scheduled.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
{- scheduled activities
- Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Utility.Scheduled (
) where
import Utility.Data
import Utility.QuickCheck
import Utility.PartialPrelude
import Utility.Misc
import Control.Applicative
import Data.List
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate
import Data.Time.Calendar.OrdinalDate
import Data.Tuple.Utils
import Data.Char
{- Some sort of scheduled event. -}
data Schedule = Schedule Recurrance ScheduledTime
deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Ord)
data Recurrance
= Daily
| Weekly (Maybe WeekDay)
| Monthly (Maybe MonthDay)
| Yearly (Maybe YearDay)
-- ^ Days, Weeks, or Months of the year evenly divisible by a number.
-- (Divisible Year is years evenly divisible by a number.)
| Divisible Int Recurrance
deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Ord)
type WeekDay = Int
type MonthDay = Int
type YearDay = Int
data ScheduledTime
= AnyTime
| SpecificTime Hour Minute
deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Ord)
type Hour = Int
type Minute = Int
{- Next time a Schedule should take effect. The NextTimeWindow is used
- when a Schedule is allowed to start at some point within the window. -}
data NextTime
= NextTimeExactly LocalTime
| NextTimeWindow LocalTime LocalTime
deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
startTime :: NextTime -> LocalTime
startTime (NextTimeExactly t) = t
startTime (NextTimeWindow t _) = t
nextTime :: Schedule -> Maybe LocalTime -> IO (Maybe NextTime)
nextTime schedule lasttime = do
now <- getCurrentTime
tz <- getTimeZone now
return $ calcNextTime schedule lasttime $ utcToLocalTime tz now
{- Calculate the next time that fits a Schedule, based on the
- last time it occurred, and the current time. -}
calcNextTime :: Schedule -> Maybe LocalTime -> LocalTime -> Maybe NextTime
calcNextTime (Schedule recurrance scheduledtime) lasttime currenttime
| scheduledtime == AnyTime = do
next <- findfromtoday True
return $ case next of
NextTimeWindow _ _ -> next
NextTimeExactly t -> window (localDay t) (localDay t)
| otherwise = NextTimeExactly . startTime <$> findfromtoday False
findfromtoday anytime = findfrom recurrance afterday today
today = localDay currenttime
afterday = sameaslastday || toolatetoday
toolatetoday = not anytime && localTimeOfDay currenttime >= nexttime
sameaslastday = lastday == Just today
lastday = localDay <$> lasttime
nexttime = case scheduledtime of
AnyTime -> TimeOfDay 0 0 0
SpecificTime h m -> TimeOfDay h m 0
exactly d = NextTimeExactly $ LocalTime d nexttime
window startd endd = NextTimeWindow
(LocalTime startd nexttime)
(LocalTime endd (TimeOfDay 23 59 0))
findfrom r afterday day = case r of
| afterday -> Just $ exactly $ addDays 1 day
| otherwise -> Just $ exactly day
Weekly Nothing
| afterday -> skip 1
| otherwise -> case (wday <$> lastday, wday day) of
(Nothing, _) -> Just $ window day (addDays 6 day)
(Just old, curr)
| old == curr -> Just $ window day (addDays 6 day)
| otherwise -> skip 1
Monthly Nothing
| afterday -> skip 1
| maybe True (\old -> mnum day > mday old && mday day >= (mday old `mod` minmday)) lastday ->
-- Window only covers current month,
-- in case there is a Divisible requirement.
Just $ window day (endOfMonth day)
| otherwise -> skip 1
Yearly Nothing
| afterday -> skip 1
| maybe True (\old -> ynum day > ynum old && yday day >= (yday old `mod` minyday)) lastday ->
Just $ window day (endOfYear day)
| otherwise -> skip 1
Weekly (Just w)
| w < 0 || w > maxwday -> Nothing
| w == wday day -> if afterday
then Just $ exactly $ addDays 7 day
else Just $ exactly day
| otherwise -> Just $ exactly $
addDays (fromIntegral $ (w - wday day) `mod` 7) day
Monthly (Just m)
| m < 0 || m > maxmday -> Nothing
-- TODO can be done more efficiently than recursing
| m == mday day -> if afterday
then skip 1
else Just $ exactly day
| otherwise -> skip 1
Yearly (Just y)
| y < 0 || y > maxyday -> Nothing
| y == yday day -> if afterday
then skip 365
else Just $ exactly day
| otherwise -> skip 1
Divisible n r'@Daily -> handlediv n r' yday (Just maxyday)
Divisible n r'@(Weekly _) -> handlediv n r' wnum (Just maxwnum)
Divisible n r'@(Monthly _) -> handlediv n r' mnum (Just maxmnum)
Divisible n r'@(Yearly _) -> handlediv n r' ynum Nothing
Divisible _ r'@(Divisible _ _) -> findfrom r' afterday day
skip n = findfrom r False (addDays n day)
handlediv n r' getval mmax
| n > 0 && maybe True (n <=) mmax =
findfromwhere r' (divisible n . getval) afterday day
| otherwise = Nothing
findfromwhere r p afterday day
| maybe True (p . getday) next = next
| otherwise = maybe Nothing (findfromwhere r p True . getday) next
next = findfrom r afterday day
getday = localDay . startTime
divisible n v = v `rem` n == 0
endOfMonth :: Day -> Day
endOfMonth day =
let (y,m,_d) = toGregorian day
in fromGregorian y m (gregorianMonthLength y m)
endOfYear :: Day -> Day
endOfYear day =
let (y,_m,_d) = toGregorian day
in endOfMonth (fromGregorian y maxmnum 1)
-- extracting various quantities from a Day
wday :: Day -> Int
wday = thd3 . toWeekDate
wnum :: Day -> Int
wnum = snd3 . toWeekDate
mday :: Day -> Int
mday = thd3 . toGregorian
mnum :: Day -> Int
mnum = snd3 . toGregorian
yday :: Day -> Int
yday = snd . toOrdinalDate
ynum :: Day -> Int
ynum = fromIntegral . fst . toOrdinalDate
{- Calendar max and mins. -}
maxyday :: Int
maxyday = 366 -- with leap days
minyday :: Int
minyday = 365
maxwnum :: Int
maxwnum = 53 -- some years have more than 52
maxmday :: Int
maxmday = 31
minmday :: Int
minmday = 28
maxmnum :: Int
maxmnum = 12
maxwday :: Int
maxwday = 7
fromRecurrance :: Recurrance -> String
fromRecurrance (Divisible n r) =
fromRecurrance' (++ "s divisible by " ++ show n) r
fromRecurrance r = fromRecurrance' ("every " ++) r
fromRecurrance' :: (String -> String) -> Recurrance -> String
fromRecurrance' a Daily = a "day"
fromRecurrance' a (Weekly n) = onday n (a "week")
fromRecurrance' a (Monthly n) = onday n (a "month")
fromRecurrance' a (Yearly n) = onday n (a "year")
fromRecurrance' a (Divisible _n r) = fromRecurrance' a r -- not used
onday :: Maybe Int -> String -> String
onday (Just n) s = "on day " ++ show n ++ " of " ++ s
onday Nothing s = s
toRecurrance :: String -> Maybe Recurrance
toRecurrance s = case words s of
("every":"day":[]) -> Just Daily
("on":"day":sd:"of":"every":something:[]) -> withday sd something
("every":something:[]) -> noday something
("days":"divisible":"by":sn:[]) ->
Divisible <$> getdivisor sn <*> pure Daily
("on":"day":sd:"of":something:"divisible":"by":sn:[]) ->
<$> getdivisor sn
<*> withday sd something
("every":something:"divisible":"by":sn:[]) ->
<$> getdivisor sn
<*> noday something
(something:"divisible":"by":sn:[]) ->
<$> getdivisor sn
<*> noday something
_ -> Nothing
constructor "week" = Just Weekly
constructor "month" = Just Monthly
constructor "year" = Just Yearly
constructor u
| "s" `isSuffixOf` u = constructor $ reverse $ drop 1 $ reverse u
| otherwise = Nothing
withday sd u = do
c <- constructor u
d <- readish sd
Just $ c (Just d)
noday u = do
c <- constructor u
Just $ c Nothing
getdivisor sn = do
n <- readish sn
if n > 0
then Just n
else Nothing
fromScheduledTime :: ScheduledTime -> String
fromScheduledTime AnyTime = "any time"
fromScheduledTime (SpecificTime h m) =
show h' ++ (if m > 0 then ":" ++ pad 2 (show m) else "") ++ " " ++ ampm
pad n s = take (n - length s) (repeat '0') ++ s
(h', ampm)
| h == 0 = (12, "AM")
| h < 12 = (h, "AM")
| h == 12 = (h, "PM")
| otherwise = (h - 12, "PM")
toScheduledTime :: String -> Maybe ScheduledTime
toScheduledTime "any time" = Just AnyTime
toScheduledTime v = case words v of
| map toUpper ampm == "AM" ->
go s h0
| map toUpper ampm == "PM" ->
go s (\h -> (h0 h) + 12)
| otherwise -> Nothing
(s:[]) -> go s id
_ -> Nothing
h0 h
| h == 12 = 0
| otherwise = h
go :: String -> (Int -> Int) -> Maybe ScheduledTime
go s adjust =
let (h, m) = separate (== ':') s
in SpecificTime
<$> (adjust <$> readish h)
<*> if null m then Just 0 else readish m
fromSchedule :: Schedule -> String
fromSchedule (Schedule recurrance scheduledtime) = unwords
[ fromRecurrance recurrance
, "at"
, fromScheduledTime scheduledtime
toSchedule :: String -> Maybe Schedule
toSchedule = eitherToMaybe . parseSchedule
parseSchedule :: String -> Either String Schedule
parseSchedule s = do
r <- maybe (Left $ "bad recurrance: " ++ recurrance) Right
(toRecurrance recurrance)
t <- maybe (Left $ "bad time of day: " ++ scheduledtime) Right
(toScheduledTime scheduledtime)
Right $ Schedule r t
(rws, tws) = separate (== "at") (words s)
recurrance = unwords rws
scheduledtime = unwords tws
instance Arbitrary Schedule where
arbitrary = Schedule <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary ScheduledTime where
arbitrary = oneof
[ pure AnyTime
, SpecificTime
<$> choose (0, 23)
<*> choose (1, 59)
instance Arbitrary Recurrance where
arbitrary = oneof
[ pure Daily
, Weekly <$> arbday
, Monthly <$> arbday
, Yearly <$> arbday
, Divisible
<$> positive arbitrary
<*> oneof -- no nested Divisibles
[ pure Daily
, Weekly <$> arbday
, Monthly <$> arbday
, Yearly <$> arbday
arbday = oneof
[ Just <$> nonNegative arbitrary
, pure Nothing
prop_schedule_roundtrips :: Schedule -> Bool
prop_schedule_roundtrips s = toSchedule (fromSchedule s) == Just s

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import Propellor import Propellor
import Propellor.CmdLine import Propellor.CmdLine
import Propellor.Property.Scheduled
import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
import qualified Propellor.Property.Network as Network import qualified Propellor.Property.Network as Network
@ -38,21 +39,22 @@ host hostname@"" = standardSystem Unstable $ props
& JoeySites.oldUseNetshellBox & JoeySites.oldUseNetshellBox
& Docker.docked container hostname "openid-provider" & Docker.docked container hostname "openid-provider"
& Docker.configured & Docker.configured
& Docker.garbageCollected & Docker.garbageCollected `period` Daily
-- Orca is the main git-annex build box. -- Orca is the main git-annex build box.
host hostname@"" = standardSystem Unstable $ props host hostname@"" = standardSystem Unstable $ props
& Hostname.set hostname & Hostname.set hostname
& Apt.unattendedUpgrades & Apt.unattendedUpgrades
& Docker.configured & Docker.configured
& Apt.buildDep ["git-annex"] & Apt.buildDep ["git-annex"] `period` Daily
& Docker.docked container hostname "amd64-git-annex-builder" & Docker.docked container hostname "amd64-git-annex-builder"
& Docker.docked container hostname "i386-git-annex-builder" & Docker.docked container hostname "i386-git-annex-builder"
! Docker.docked container hostname "armel-git-annex-builder-companion" ! Docker.docked container hostname "armel-git-annex-builder-companion"
! Docker.docked container hostname "armel-git-annex-builder" ! Docker.docked container hostname "armel-git-annex-builder"
& Docker.garbageCollected & Docker.garbageCollected `period` Daily
-- My laptop -- My laptop
host _hostname@"" = Just $ props host _hostname@"" = Just $ props
& Docker.configured & Docker.configured
& Apt.buildDep ["git-annex"] `period` Daily
-- add more hosts here... -- add more hosts here...
--host "" = --host "" =

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
import Propellor import Propellor
import Propellor.CmdLine import Propellor.CmdLine
import Propellor.Property.Scheduled
import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
import qualified Propellor.Property.Network as Network import qualified Propellor.Property.Network as Network
@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ host hostname@"" = Just $ props
& Network.ipv6to4 & Network.ipv6to4
& File.dirExists "/var/www" & File.dirExists "/var/www"
& Docker.docked container hostname "webserver" & Docker.docked container hostname "webserver"
& Docker.garbageCollected & Docker.garbageCollected `period` Daily
& Cron.runPropellor "30 * * * *" & Cron.runPropellor "30 * * * *"
-- add more hosts here... -- add more hosts here...
--host "" = --host "" =

debian/changelog vendored
View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ propellor (0.2.4) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* ipv6to4: Ensure interface is brought up automatically on boot. * ipv6to4: Ensure interface is brought up automatically on boot.
* Enabling unattended upgrades now ensures that cron is installed and * Enabling unattended upgrades now ensures that cron is installed and
running to perform them. running to perform them.
* Properties can be scheduled to only be checked after a given time period.
-- Joey Hess <> Tue, 08 Apr 2014 18:07:12 -0400 -- Joey Hess <> Tue, 08 Apr 2014 18:07:12 -0400

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Executable propellor
GHC-Options: -Wall GHC-Options: -Wall
Build-Depends: MissingH, directory, filepath, base >= 4.5, base < 5, Build-Depends: MissingH, directory, filepath, base >= 4.5, base < 5,
IfElse, process, bytestring, hslogger, unix-compat, ansi-terminal, IfElse, process, bytestring, hslogger, unix-compat, ansi-terminal,
containers, network, async containers, network, async, time, QuickCheck
if (! os(windows)) if (! os(windows))
Build-Depends: unix Build-Depends: unix
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Executable config
GHC-Options: -Wall -threaded GHC-Options: -Wall -threaded
Build-Depends: MissingH, directory, filepath, base >= 4.5, base < 5, Build-Depends: MissingH, directory, filepath, base >= 4.5, base < 5,
IfElse, process, bytestring, hslogger, unix-compat, ansi-terminal, IfElse, process, bytestring, hslogger, unix-compat, ansi-terminal,
containers, network, async containers, network, async, time, QuickCheck
if (! os(windows)) if (! os(windows))
Build-Depends: unix Build-Depends: unix
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Library
GHC-Options: -Wall GHC-Options: -Wall
Build-Depends: MissingH, directory, filepath, base >= 4.5, base < 5, Build-Depends: MissingH, directory, filepath, base >= 4.5, base < 5,
IfElse, process, bytestring, hslogger, unix-compat, ansi-terminal, IfElse, process, bytestring, hslogger, unix-compat, ansi-terminal,
containers, network, async containers, network, async, time, QuickCheck
if (! os(windows)) if (! os(windows))
Build-Depends: unix Build-Depends: unix
@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ Library
Propellor.Property.File Propellor.Property.File
Propellor.Property.Network Propellor.Property.Network
Propellor.Property.Reboot Propellor.Property.Reboot
Propellor.Property.Ssh Propellor.Property.Ssh
Propellor.Property.Sudo Propellor.Property.Sudo
Propellor.Property.Tor Propellor.Property.Tor
@ -103,9 +105,11 @@ Library
Utility.PosixFiles Utility.PosixFiles
Utility.Process Utility.Process
Utility.SafeCommand Utility.SafeCommand
Utility.ThreadScheduler Utility.ThreadScheduler
Utility.Tmp Utility.Tmp
Utility.UserInfo Utility.UserInfo
source-repository head source-repository head
type: git type: git