merge from git-annex
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- scheduled activities
- Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2013-2014 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module Utility.Scheduled (
@ -22,7 +23,8 @@ module Utility.Scheduled (
) where
import Utility.Data
@ -66,8 +68,8 @@ data ScheduledTime
type Hour = Int
type Minute = Int
{- Next time a Schedule should take effect. The NextTimeWindow is used
- when a Schedule is allowed to start at some point within the window. -}
-- | Next time a Schedule should take effect. The NextTimeWindow is used
-- when a Schedule is allowed to start at some point within the window.
data NextTime
= NextTimeExactly LocalTime
| NextTimeWindow LocalTime LocalTime
@ -83,10 +85,10 @@ nextTime schedule lasttime = do
tz <- getTimeZone now
return $ calcNextTime schedule lasttime $ utcToLocalTime tz now
{- Calculate the next time that fits a Schedule, based on the
- last time it occurred, and the current time. -}
-- | Calculate the next time that fits a Schedule, based on the
-- last time it occurred, and the current time.
calcNextTime :: Schedule -> Maybe LocalTime -> LocalTime -> Maybe NextTime
calcNextTime (Schedule recurrance scheduledtime) lasttime currenttime
calcNextTime schedule@(Schedule recurrance scheduledtime) lasttime currenttime
| scheduledtime == AnyTime = do
next <- findfromtoday True
return $ case next of
@ -97,10 +99,10 @@ calcNextTime (Schedule recurrance scheduledtime) lasttime currenttime
findfromtoday anytime = findfrom recurrance afterday today
today = localDay currenttime
afterday = sameaslastday || toolatetoday
afterday = sameaslastrun || toolatetoday
toolatetoday = not anytime && localTimeOfDay currenttime >= nexttime
sameaslastday = lastday == Just today
lastday = localDay <$> lasttime
sameaslastrun = lastrun == Just today
lastrun = localDay <$> lasttime
nexttime = case scheduledtime of
AnyTime -> TimeOfDay 0 0 0
SpecificTime h m -> TimeOfDay h m 0
@ -108,27 +110,31 @@ calcNextTime (Schedule recurrance scheduledtime) lasttime currenttime
window startd endd = NextTimeWindow
(LocalTime startd nexttime)
(LocalTime endd (TimeOfDay 23 59 0))
findfrom r afterday candidate = case r of
findfrom r afterday candidate
| ynum candidate > (ynum (localDay currenttime)) + 100 =
-- avoid possible infinite recusion
error $ "bug: calcNextTime did not find a time within 100 years to run " ++
show (schedule, lasttime, currenttime)
| otherwise = findfromChecked r afterday candidate
findfromChecked r afterday candidate = case r of
| afterday -> Just $ exactly $ addDays 1 candidate
| otherwise -> Just $ exactly candidate
Weekly Nothing
| afterday -> skip 1
| otherwise -> case (wday <$> lastday, wday candidate) of
| otherwise -> case (wday <$> lastrun, wday candidate) of
(Nothing, _) -> Just $ window candidate (addDays 6 candidate)
(Just old, curr)
| old == curr -> Just $ window candidate (addDays 6 candidate)
| otherwise -> skip 1
Monthly Nothing
| afterday -> skip 1
| maybe True (\old -> mnum candidate > mnum old && mday candidate >= (mday old `mod` minmday)) lastday ->
-- Window only covers current month,
-- in case there is a Divisible requirement.
| maybe True (candidate `oneMonthPast`) lastrun ->
Just $ window candidate (endOfMonth candidate)
| otherwise -> skip 1
Yearly Nothing
| afterday -> skip 1
| maybe True (\old -> ynum candidate > ynum old && yday candidate >= (yday old `mod` minyday)) lastday ->
| maybe True (candidate `oneYearPast`) lastrun ->
Just $ window candidate (endOfYear candidate)
| otherwise -> skip 1
Weekly (Just w)
@ -170,6 +176,18 @@ calcNextTime (Schedule recurrance scheduledtime) lasttime currenttime
getday = localDay . startTime
divisible n v = v `rem` n == 0
-- Check if the new Day occurs one month or more past the old Day.
oneMonthPast :: Day -> Day -> Bool
new `oneMonthPast` old = fromGregorian y (m+1) d <= new
(y,m,d) = toGregorian old
-- Check if the new Day occurs one year or more past the old Day.
oneYearPast :: Day -> Day -> Bool
new `oneYearPast` old = fromGregorian (y+1) m d <= new
(y,m,d) = toGregorian old
endOfMonth :: Day -> Day
endOfMonth day =
let (y,m,_d) = toGregorian day
@ -194,17 +212,13 @@ yday = snd . toOrdinalDate
ynum :: Day -> Int
ynum = fromIntegral . fst . toOrdinalDate
{- Calendar max and mins. -}
-- Calendar max values.
maxyday :: Int
maxyday = 366 -- with leap days
minyday :: Int
minyday = 365
maxwnum :: Int
maxwnum = 53 -- some years have more than 52
maxmday :: Int
maxmday = 31
minmday :: Int
minmday = 28
maxmnum :: Int
maxmnum = 12
maxwday :: Int
@ -356,3 +370,27 @@ instance Arbitrary Recurrance where
prop_schedule_roundtrips :: Schedule -> Bool
prop_schedule_roundtrips s = toSchedule (fromSchedule s) == Just s
prop_past_sane :: Bool
prop_past_sane = and
[ all (checksout oneMonthPast) (mplus1 ++ yplus1)
, all (not . (checksout oneMonthPast)) (map swap (mplus1 ++ yplus1))
, all (checksout oneYearPast) yplus1
, all (not . (checksout oneYearPast)) (map swap yplus1)
mplus1 = -- new date old date, 1+ months before it
[ (fromGregorian 2014 01 15, fromGregorian 2013 12 15)
, (fromGregorian 2014 01 15, fromGregorian 2013 02 15)
, (fromGregorian 2014 02 15, fromGregorian 2013 01 15)
, (fromGregorian 2014 03 01, fromGregorian 2013 01 15)
, (fromGregorian 2014 03 01, fromGregorian 2013 12 15)
, (fromGregorian 2015 01 01, fromGregorian 2010 01 01)
yplus1 = -- new date old date, 1+ years before it
[ (fromGregorian 2014 01 15, fromGregorian 2012 01 16)
, (fromGregorian 2014 01 15, fromGregorian 2013 01 14)
, (fromGregorian 2022 12 31, fromGregorian 2000 01 01)
checksout cmp (new, old) = new `cmp` old
swap (a,b) = (b,a)
Reference in New Issue