Replace String type synonym Docker.Image by a data type which allows to specify an image name and an optional tag.

This also introduces the class ImageIdentifier which is internally
used by some Docker methods.
This commit is contained in:
Antoine Eiche 2015-06-15 11:31:25 +02:00 committed by Joey Hess
parent b5de5703a4
commit 46241b3a89
2 changed files with 64 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ hosts =
-- A generic webserver in a Docker container.
webserverContainer :: Docker.Container
webserverContainer = Docker.container "webserver" "debian"
webserverContainer = Docker.container "webserver" (Docker.latestImage "debian")
& os (System (Debian (Stable "jessie")) "amd64")
& Apt.stdSourcesList
& Docker.publish "80:80"

View File

@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ module Propellor.Property.Docker (
@ -155,8 +156,8 @@ docked ctr@(Container _ h) =
imageBuilt :: HasImage c => FilePath -> c -> Property NoInfo
imageBuilt directory ctr = describe built msg
msg = "docker image " ++ image ++ " built from " ++ directory
built = Cmd.cmdProperty' dockercmd ["build", "--tag", image, "./"] workDir
msg = "docker image " ++ (imageIdentifier image) ++ " built from " ++ directory
built = Cmd.cmdProperty' dockercmd ["build", "--tag", imageIdentifier image, "./"] workDir
workDir p = p { cwd = Just directory }
image = getImageName ctr
@ -164,8 +165,8 @@ imageBuilt directory ctr = describe built msg
imagePulled :: HasImage c => c -> Property NoInfo
imagePulled ctr = describe pulled msg
msg = "docker image " ++ image ++ " pulled"
pulled = Cmd.cmdProperty dockercmd ["pull", image]
msg = "docker image " ++ (imageIdentifier image) ++ " pulled"
pulled = Cmd.cmdProperty dockercmd ["pull", imageIdentifier image]
image = getImageName ctr
propigateContainerInfo :: (IsProp (Property i)) => Container -> Property i -> Property HasInfo
@ -243,8 +244,52 @@ data ContainerInfo = ContainerInfo Image [RunParam]
-- | Parameters to pass to `docker run` when creating a container.
type RunParam = String
-- | A docker image, that can be used to run a container.
type Image = String
-- | ImageID is an image identifier to perform action on images. An
-- ImageID can be the name of an container image, a UID, etc.
-- It just encapsulates a String to avoid the definition of a String
-- instance of ImageIdentifier.
newtype ImageID = ImageID String
-- | Used to perform Docker action on an image.
-- Minimal complete definition: `imageIdentifier`
class ImageIdentifier i where
-- | For internal purposes only.
toImageID :: i -> ImageID
toImageID = ImageID . imageIdentifier
-- | A string that Docker can use as an image identifier.
imageIdentifier :: i -> String
instance ImageIdentifier ImageID where
imageIdentifier (ImageID i) = i
toImageID = id
-- | A docker image, that can be used to run a container. The user has
-- to specify a name and can provide an optional tag.
-- See < Docker Image Documention>
-- for more information.
data Image = Image
{ repository :: String
, tag :: Maybe String
deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
-- | Defines a Docker image without any tag. This is considered by
-- Docker as the latest image of the provided repository.
latestImage :: String -> Image
latestImage repo = Image repo Nothing
instance ImageIdentifier Image where
-- | The format of the imageIdentifier of an `Image` is:
-- repository | repository:tag
imageIdentifier i = repository i ++ (maybe "" ((++) ":") $ tag i)
-- | The UID of an image. This UID is generated by Docker.
newtype ImageUID = ImageUID String
instance ImageIdentifier ImageUID where
imageIdentifier (ImageUID uid) = uid
-- | Set custom dns server for container.
dns :: String -> Property HasInfo
@ -424,7 +469,9 @@ runningContainer cid@(ContainerId hn cn) image runps = containerDesc cid $ prope
return FailedChange
restartcontainer = do
oldimage <- liftIO $ fromMaybe image <$> commitContainer cid
oldimage <- liftIO $
fromMaybe (toImageID image) . fmap toImageID <$>
commitContainer cid
void $ liftIO $ removeContainer cid
go oldimage
@ -561,20 +608,20 @@ removeContainer :: ContainerId -> IO Bool
removeContainer cid = catchBoolIO $
snd <$> processTranscript dockercmd ["rm", fromContainerId cid ] Nothing
removeImage :: Image -> IO Bool
removeImage :: ImageIdentifier i => i -> IO Bool
removeImage image = catchBoolIO $
snd <$> processTranscript dockercmd ["rmi", image ] Nothing
snd <$> processTranscript dockercmd ["rmi", imageIdentifier image] Nothing
runContainer :: Image -> [RunParam] -> [String] -> IO Bool
runContainer :: ImageIdentifier i => i -> [RunParam] -> [String] -> IO Bool
runContainer image ps cmd = boolSystem dockercmd $ map Param $
"run" : (ps ++ image : cmd)
"run" : (ps ++ (imageIdentifier image) : cmd)
inContainerProcess :: ContainerId -> [String] -> [String] -> CreateProcess
inContainerProcess cid ps cmd = proc dockercmd ("exec" : ps ++ [fromContainerId cid] ++ cmd)
commitContainer :: ContainerId -> IO (Maybe Image)
commitContainer :: ContainerId -> IO (Maybe ImageUID)
commitContainer cid = catchMaybeIO $
takeWhile (/= '\n')
ImageUID . takeWhile (/= '\n')
<$> readProcess dockercmd ["commit", fromContainerId cid]
data ContainerFilter = RunningContainers | AllContainers
@ -592,8 +639,8 @@ listContainers status =
| otherwise = baseps
baseps = ["ps", "--no-trunc"]
listImages :: IO [Image]
listImages = lines <$> readProcess dockercmd ["images", "--all", "--quiet"]
listImages :: IO [ImageUID]
listImages = map ImageUID . lines <$> readProcess dockercmd ["images", "--all", "--quiet"]
runProp :: String -> RunParam -> Property HasInfo
runProp field val = pureInfoProperty (param) $ dockerInfo $