remove now redundant _hostname field of Attr

Now that Host includes _hostName, it's redundant to also keep it in Attr.

This requires changing the reader monad to operate on the whole Host.
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2014-05-31 18:02:56 -04:00
parent d3ac75a1a2
commit 5fc4b00651
8 changed files with 60 additions and 68 deletions

View File

@ -14,19 +14,15 @@ import Control.Applicative
pureAttrProperty :: Desc -> SetAttr -> Property
pureAttrProperty desc = Property ("has " ++ desc) (return NoChange)
hostname :: HostName -> Property
hostname name = pureAttrProperty ("hostname " ++ name) $
\d -> d { _hostname = name }
getHostName :: Propellor HostName
getHostName = asks _hostname
getHostName = asks _hostName
os :: System -> Property
os system = pureAttrProperty ("Operating " ++ show system) $
\d -> d { _os = Just system }
getOS :: Propellor (Maybe System)
getOS = asks _os
getOS = asks (_os . hostAttr)
-- | Indidate that a host has an A record in the DNS.
@ -74,17 +70,17 @@ addNamedConf conf d = d { _namedconf = new }
_ -> M.insert domain conf m
getNamedConf :: Propellor (M.Map Domain NamedConf)
getNamedConf = asks _namedconf
getNamedConf = asks (_namedconf . hostAttr)
sshPubKey :: String -> Property
sshPubKey k = pureAttrProperty ("ssh pubkey known") $
\d -> d { _sshPubKey = Just k }
getSshPubKey :: Propellor (Maybe String)
getSshPubKey = asks _sshPubKey
getSshPubKey = asks (_sshPubKey . hostAttr)
hostAttr :: Host -> Attr
hostAttr (Host hn _ mkattrs) = mkattrs (newAttr hn)
hostAttr (Host _ _ mkattrs) = mkattrs newAttr
hostProperties :: Host -> [Property]
hostProperties (Host _ ps _) = ps
@ -92,9 +88,6 @@ hostProperties (Host _ ps _) = ps
hostMap :: [Host] -> M.Map HostName Host
hostMap l = M.fromList $ zip (map _hostName l) l
hostAttrMap :: [Host] -> M.Map HostName Attr
hostAttrMap l = M.fromList $ zip (map _hostName l) (map hostAttr l)
findHost :: [Host] -> HostName -> Maybe Host
findHost l hn = M.lookup hn (hostMap l)
@ -105,12 +98,3 @@ hostAddresses :: HostName -> [Host] -> [IPAddr]
hostAddresses hn hosts = case hostAttr <$> findHost hosts hn of
Nothing -> []
Just attr -> mapMaybe getIPAddr $ S.toList $ _dns attr
-- | Lifts an action into a different host.
-- For example, `fromHost hosts "otherhost" getSshPubKey`
fromHost :: [Host] -> HostName -> Propellor a -> Propellor (Maybe a)
fromHost l hn getter = case findHost l hn of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just h -> liftIO $ Just <$>
runReaderT (runWithAttr getter) (hostAttr h)

View File

@ -67,24 +67,21 @@ defaultMain hostlist = do
go _ (Continue cmdline) = go False cmdline
go _ (Set hn field) = setPrivData hn field
go _ (AddKey keyid) = addKey keyid
go _ (Chain hn) = withprops hn $ \attr ps -> do
r <- runPropellor attr $ ensureProperties ps
go _ (Chain hn) = withhost hn $ \h -> do
r <- runPropellor h $ ensureProperties $ hostProperties h
putStrLn $ "\n" ++ show r
go _ (Docker hn) = Docker.chain hn
go True cmdline@(Spin _) = buildFirst cmdline $ go False cmdline
go True cmdline = updateFirst cmdline $ go False cmdline
go False (Spin hn) = withprops hn $ const . const $ spin hn
go False (Spin hn) = withhost hn $ const $ spin hn
go False (Run hn) = ifM ((==) 0 <$> getRealUserID)
( onlyProcess $ withprops hn mainProperties
( onlyProcess $ withhost hn mainProperties
, go True (Spin hn)
go False (Boot hn) = onlyProcess $ withprops hn boot
go False (Boot hn) = onlyProcess $ withhost hn boot
withprops :: HostName -> (Attr -> [Property] -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withprops hn a = maybe
(unknownhost hn)
(\h -> a (hostAttr h) (hostProperties h))
(findHost hostlist hn)
withhost :: HostName -> (Host -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withhost hn a = maybe (unknownhost hn) a (findHost hostlist hn)
onlyProcess :: IO a -> IO a
onlyProcess a = bracket lock unlock (const a)
@ -279,15 +276,15 @@ fromMarked marker s
len = length marker
matches = filter (marker `isPrefixOf`) $ lines s
boot :: Attr -> [Property] -> IO ()
boot attr ps = do
boot :: Host -> IO ()
boot h = do
sendMarked stdout statusMarker $ show Ready
reply <- hGetContentsStrict stdin
maybe noop (writeFileProtected privDataLocal) $
fromMarked privDataMarker reply
mainProperties attr ps
mainProperties h
addKey :: String -> IO ()
addKey keyid = exitBool =<< allM id [ gpg, gitadd, gitconfig, gitcommit ]

View File

@ -5,20 +5,22 @@ module Propellor.Engine where
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Applicative
import System.Console.ANSI
import "mtl" Control.Monad.Reader
import Propellor.Types
import Propellor.Message
import Propellor.Exception
import Propellor.Attr
runPropellor :: Attr -> Propellor a -> IO a
runPropellor attr a = runReaderT (runWithAttr a) attr
runPropellor :: Host -> Propellor a -> IO a
runPropellor host a = runReaderT (runWithHost a) host
mainProperties :: Attr -> [Property] -> IO ()
mainProperties attr ps = do
r <- runPropellor attr $
ensureProperties [Property "overall" (ensureProperties ps) id]
mainProperties :: Host -> IO ()
mainProperties host = do
r <- runPropellor host $
ensureProperties [Property "overall" (ensureProperties $ hostProperties host) id]
setTitle "propellor: done"
hFlush stdout
case r of
@ -35,3 +37,12 @@ ensureProperties ps = ensure ps NoChange
ensureProperty :: Property -> Propellor Result
ensureProperty = catchPropellor . propertySatisfy
-- | Lifts an action into a different host.
-- For example, `fromHost hosts "otherhost" getSshPubKey`
fromHost :: [Host] -> HostName -> Propellor a -> Propellor (Maybe a)
fromHost l hn getter = case findHost l hn of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just h -> liftIO $ Just <$>
runReaderT (runWithHost getter) h

View File

@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ revert (RevertableProperty p1 p2) = RevertableProperty p2 p1
-- > ! oldproperty
-- > & otherproperty
host :: HostName -> Host
host hn = Host hn [] (\_ -> newAttr hn)
host hn = Host hn [] (\_ -> newAttr)
-- | Adds a property to a Host

View File

@ -129,9 +129,9 @@ secondaryFor masters hosts domain = RevertableProperty setup cleanup
otherServers :: DnsServerType -> [Host] -> Domain -> [HostName]
otherServers wantedtype hosts domain =
M.keys $ M.filter wanted $ hostAttrMap hosts
M.keys $ M.filter wanted $ hostMap hosts
wanted attr = case M.lookup domain (_namedconf attr) of
wanted h = case M.lookup domain (_namedconf $ hostAttr h) of
Nothing -> False
Just conf -> confDnsServerType conf == wantedtype
&& confDomain conf == domain
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ genZone hosts zdomain soa =
in (Zone zdomain soa (nub zhosts), warnings)
m = hostAttrMap hosts
m = hostMap hosts
-- Known hosts with hostname located in the zone's domain.
inzdomain = M.elems $ M.filterWithKey (\hn _ -> inDomain zdomain $ AbsDomain $ hn) m
@ -350,12 +350,13 @@ genZone hosts zdomain soa =
-- If a host lacks any IPAddr, it's probably a misconfiguration,
-- so warn.
hostips :: Attr -> [Either WarningMessage (BindDomain, Record)]
hostips attr
| null l = [Left $ "no IP address defined for host " ++ _hostname attr]
hostips :: Host -> [Either WarningMessage (BindDomain, Record)]
hostips h
| null l = [Left $ "no IP address defined for host " ++ _hostName h]
| otherwise = map Right l
l = zip (repeat $ AbsDomain $ _hostname attr)
attr = hostAttr h
l = zip (repeat $ AbsDomain $ _hostName h)
(map Address $ getAddresses attr)
-- Any host, whether its hostname is in the zdomain or not,
@ -370,10 +371,11 @@ genZone hosts zdomain soa =
-- We typically know the host's IPAddrs anyway.
-- So we can just use the IPAddrs.
addcnames :: Attr -> [Either WarningMessage (BindDomain, Record)]
addcnames attr = concatMap gen $ filter (inDomain zdomain) $
addcnames :: Host -> [Either WarningMessage (BindDomain, Record)]
addcnames h = concatMap gen $ filter (inDomain zdomain) $
mapMaybe getCNAME $ S.toList (_dns attr)
attr = hostAttr h
gen c = case getAddresses attr of
[] -> [ret (CNAME c)]
l -> map (ret . Address) l
@ -381,10 +383,11 @@ genZone hosts zdomain soa =
ret record = Right (c, record)
-- Adds any other DNS records for a host located in the zdomain.
hostrecords :: Attr -> [Either WarningMessage (BindDomain, Record)]
hostrecords attr = map Right l
hostrecords :: Host -> [Either WarningMessage (BindDomain, Record)]
hostrecords h = map Right l
l = zip (repeat $ AbsDomain $ _hostname attr)
attr = hostAttr h
l = zip (repeat $ AbsDomain $ _hostName h)
(S.toList $ S.filter (\r -> isNothing (getIPAddr r) && isNothing (getCNAME r)) (_dns attr))
inDomain :: Domain -> BindDomain -> Bool

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ type ContainerName = String
container :: ContainerName -> Image -> Host
container cn image = Host hn [] (\_ -> attr)
attr = (newAttr hn) { _dockerImage = Just image }
attr = newAttr { _dockerImage = Just image }
hn = cn2hn cn
cn2hn :: ContainerName -> HostName
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ exposeDnsAttrs :: Host -> Property -> Property
exposeDnsAttrs (Host _ _ containerattr) p = combineProperties (propertyDesc p) $
p : map addDNS (S.toList containerdns)
containerdns = _dns $ containerattr $ newAttr undefined
containerdns = _dns $ containerattr newAttr
:: Maybe Host

View File

@ -42,14 +42,14 @@ data Host = Host
, _hostAttrs :: SetAttr
-- | Propellor's monad provides read-only access to attributes of the
-- system.
newtype Propellor p = Propellor { runWithAttr :: ReaderT Attr IO p }
-- | Propellor's monad provides read-only access to the host it's running
-- on, including its attributes.
newtype Propellor p = Propellor { runWithHost :: ReaderT Host IO p }
( Monad
, Functor
, Applicative
, MonadReader Attr
, MonadReader Host
, MonadIO
, MonadCatchIO

View File

@ -6,10 +6,9 @@ import qualified Propellor.Types.Dns as Dns
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- | The attributes of a host. For example, its hostname.
-- | The attributes of a host.
data Attr = Attr
{ _hostname :: HostName
, _os :: Maybe System
{ _os :: Maybe System
, _sshPubKey :: Maybe String
, _dns :: S.Set Dns.Record
, _namedconf :: M.Map Dns.Domain Dns.NamedConf
@ -20,8 +19,7 @@ data Attr = Attr
instance Eq Attr where
x == y = and
[ _hostname x == _hostname y
, _os x == _os y
[ _os x == _os y
, _dns x == _dns y
, _namedconf x == _namedconf y
, _sshPubKey x == _sshPubKey y
@ -33,8 +31,7 @@ instance Eq Attr where
instance Show Attr where
show a = unlines
[ "hostname " ++ _hostname a
, "OS " ++ show (_os a)
[ "OS " ++ show (_os a)
, "sshPubKey " ++ show (_sshPubKey a)
, "dns " ++ show (_dns a)
, "namedconf " ++ show (_namedconf a)
@ -42,7 +39,7 @@ instance Show Attr where
, "docker run params " ++ show (map (\mk -> mk "") (_dockerRunParams a))
newAttr :: HostName -> Attr
newAttr hn = Attr hn Nothing Nothing S.empty M.empty Nothing []
newAttr :: Attr
newAttr = Attr Nothing Nothing S.empty M.empty Nothing []
type SetAttr = Attr -> Attr