systemd container may be mostly done (untested)

This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2014-11-21 12:17:03 -04:00
parent 1af298dc10
commit 6a5a1bc761
3 changed files with 65 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import qualified Propellor.Property.Grub as Grub
import qualified Propellor.Property.Obnam as Obnam
import qualified Propellor.Property.Gpg as Gpg
import qualified Propellor.Property.Chroot as Chroot
import qualified Propellor.Property.Systemd as Systemd
import qualified Propellor.Property.HostingProvider.DigitalOcean as DigitalOcean
import qualified Propellor.Property.HostingProvider.CloudAtCost as CloudAtCost
import qualified Propellor.Property.HostingProvider.Linode as Linode
@ -80,7 +81,13 @@ clam = standardSystem "" Unstable "amd64"
! Ssh.listenPort 80
! Ssh.listenPort 443
& Chroot.provisioned testChroot
! Chroot.provisioned testChroot
& Systemd.persistentJournal
& Systemd.nspawned meow
meow :: Systemd.Container
meow = Systemd.container "meow" (System (Debian Unstable) "amd64") []
& Apt.serviceInstalledRunning ["fingerd"]
testChroot :: Chroot.Chroot
testChroot = Chroot.chroot "/tmp/chroot" (System (Debian Unstable) "amd64")

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@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ module Propellor.Property.Chroot (
-- * Internal use
) where
@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ provisioned c@(Chroot loc system _) = RevertableProperty
go desc a = property (chrootDesc c desc) $ ensureProperties [a]
setup = provisionChroot c `requires` toProp built
setup = propellChroot c (inChrootProcess c) `requires` toProp built
built = case system of
(System (Debian _) _) -> debootstrap
@ -60,11 +62,8 @@ chrootInfo (Chroot loc _ h) =
mempty { _chrootinfo = mempty { _chroots = M.singleton loc h } }
-- | Propellor is run inside the chroot to provision it.
-- Strange and wonderful tricks let the host's /usr/local/propellor
-- be used inside the chroot, without needing to install anything.
provisionChroot :: Chroot -> Property
provisionChroot c@(Chroot loc _ _) = property (chrootDesc c "provisioned") $ do
propellChroot :: Chroot -> ([String] -> CreateProcess) -> Property
propellChroot c@(Chroot loc _ _) mkproc = property (chrootDesc c "provisioned") $ do
let d = localdir </> shimdir c
let me = localdir </> "propellor"
shim <- liftIO $ ifM (doesDirectoryExist d)
@ -90,7 +89,7 @@ provisionChroot c@(Chroot loc _ _) = property (chrootDesc c "provisioned") $ do
chainprovision shim = do
parenthost <- asks hostName
cmd <- liftIO $ toChain parenthost c
let p = inChrootProcess c
let p = mkproc
[ shim
, "--continue"
, show cmd

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@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ module Propellor.Property.Systemd (
import Propellor
import qualified Propellor.Property.Chroot as Chroot
import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
import Utility.SafeCommand
import Utility.FileMode
import Data.List.Utils
@ -29,7 +31,7 @@ instance Hostlike Container where
installed :: Property
installed = Apt.installed ["systemd", "dbus"]
-- | Sets up persistent storage of the journal.
-- | Enables persistent storage of the journal.
persistentJournal :: Property
persistentJournal = check (not <$> doesDirectoryExist dir) $
combineProperties "persistent systetemd journal"
@ -64,21 +66,29 @@ container name system ps = Container name system ps (Host name [] mempty)
nspawned :: Container -> RevertableProperty
nspawned c@(Container name system _ h) = RevertableProperty setup teardown
-- TODO after container is running, use nsenter to enter it
-- and run propellor to finish provisioning.
setup = toProp (nspawnService c)
setup = containerprovisioned
`requires` toProp (nspawnService c)
`requires` toProp chrootprovisioned
`requires` toProp (enterScript c)
teardown = toProp (revert (chrootprovisioned))
`requires` toProp (revert (nspawnService c))
`requires` toProp (revert (enterScript c))
-- When provisioning the chroot, pass a version of the Host
-- that only has the Property of systemd being installed.
-- This is to avoid starting any daemons in the chroot,
-- which would not run in the container's namespace.
chrootprovisioned = Chroot.provisioned $
Chroot.Chroot (containerDir name) system $
h { hostProperties = [installed] }
mkChroot $ h { hostProperties = [installed] }
-- Use nsenter to enter container and and run propellor to
-- finish provisioning.
containerprovisioned = Chroot.propellChroot
(mkChroot h)
(enterContainerProcess c)
mkChroot = Chroot.Chroot (containerDir name) system
nspawnService :: Container -> RevertableProperty
nspawnService (Container name _ ps _) = RevertableProperty setup teardown
@ -91,13 +101,45 @@ nspawnService (Container name _ ps _) = RevertableProperty setup teardown
[ cmdProperty "systemctl" ["enable", service]
, cmdProperty "systemctl" ["start", service]
-- TODO adjust execStart line to reflect ps
-- TODO ^ adjust execStart line to reflect ps
teardown = undefined
-- | Installs a "enter-machinename" script that root can use to run a
-- command inside the container.
-- This uses nsenter to enter the container, by looking up the pid of the
-- container's init process and using its namespace.
enterScript :: Container -> RevertableProperty
enterScript c@(Container name _ _ _) = RevertableProperty setup teardown
setup = combineProperties ("generated " ++ enterScriptFile c)
[ scriptfile `File.hasContent`
[ "#!/bin/sh"
, "# Generated by propellor"
, "pid=\"$(machinectl show " ++ shellEscape name ++ " -p Leader | cut -d= -f2)\" || true"
, "if [ -n \"$pid\" ]; then"
, "\tnsenter -p -u -n -i -m -t \"$pid\""
, "else"
, "\texit 1"
, "fi"
, scriptfile `File.mode` combineModes (readModes ++ executeModes)
teardown = File.notPresent scriptfile
scriptfile = enterScriptFile c
enterScriptFile :: Container -> FilePath
enterScriptFile (Container name _ _ _ ) = "enter-" ++ mungename name
enterContainerProcess :: Container -> [String] -> CreateProcess
enterContainerProcess = proc . enterScriptFile
nspawnServiceName :: MachineName -> String
nspawnServiceName name = "systemd-nspawn@" ++ name ++ ".service"
containerDir :: MachineName -> FilePath
containerDir name = "/var/lib/container" ++ replace "/" "_" name
containerDir name = "/var/lib/container" ++ mungename name
mungename :: MachineName -> String
mungename = replace "/" "_"