date based serial numbers

complicated by OGMG-it's-2014-and-we're-still-using-unsigned-32-bit-ints
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2014-04-18 16:33:06 -04:00
parent 498fe2cd25
commit 8d8f68f5ab
1 changed files with 53 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ import qualified Propellor.Property.Service as Service
import Utility.Applicative
import Data.List
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Time.Format
import Foreign.C.Types
namedconf :: FilePath
namedconf = "/etc/bind/named.conf.local"
@ -66,7 +69,11 @@ zones zs = hasContent namedconf (concatMap zoneStanza zs)
`onChange` Service.reloaded "bind9"
-- | Represents a bind 9 zone file.
data Zone = Zone SOA [(HostName, Record)]
data Zone = Zone
{ zSOA :: SOA
, zHosts :: [(HostName, Record)]
deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
-- | Every domain has a SOA record, which is big and complicated.
data SOA = SOA
@ -81,6 +88,7 @@ data SOA = SOA
, sRecord :: [Record]
-- ^ Records for the root of the domain. Typically NS, A, TXT
deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
-- | Types of DNS records.
@ -92,11 +100,13 @@ data Record
| MX Int BindDomain
| NS BindDomain
| TXT String
deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
type Ipv4 = String
type Ipv6 = String
type SerialNumber = Integer
-- | Bind serial numbers are unsigned, 32 bit integers.
type SerialNumber = CInt
-- | Domains in the zone file must end with a period if they are absolute.
@ -105,6 +115,7 @@ type SerialNumber = Integer
-- The SOADomain refers to the root SOA record.
data BindDomain = RelDomain Domain | AbsDomain Domain | SOADomain
deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
dValue :: BindDomain -> String
dValue (RelDomain d) = d
@ -127,7 +138,7 @@ rValue (MX pri d) = show pri ++ " " ++ dValue d
rValue (NS d) = dValue d
rValue (TXT s) = [q] ++ filter (/= q) s ++ [q]
q = '\"'
q = '"'
-- | Adjusts the serial number of the zone to
@ -138,36 +149,59 @@ nextSerialNumber (Zone soa l) oldserial = Zone soa' l
soa' = soa { sSerial = succ $ max (sSerial soa) oldserial }
incrSerialNumber :: Zone -> Zone
incrSerialNumber (Zone soa l) = Zone soa' l
soa' = soa { sSerial = succ (sSerial soa) }
-- | Propellor uses a serial number derived from the current date and time.
-- This ensures that, even if zone files are being generated on
-- multiple hosts, the serial numbers will not get out of sync between
-- them.
-- Since serial numbers are limited to 32 bits, the number of seconds
-- since the epoch is divided by 5. This will work until the year 2650,
-- at which point this stupid limit had better have been increased to
-- 128 bits. If we didn't divide by 5, it would only work up to 2106!
-- Dividing by 5 means that this number only changes once every 5 seconds.
-- If propellor is running more often than once every 5 seconds, you're
-- doing something wrong.
currentSerialNumber :: IO SerialNumber
currentSerialNumber = calc <$> getPOSIXTime
calc t = floor (t / 5)
-- | Write a Zone out to a to a file.
-- The serial number that is written to the file comes from larger of the
-- Zone's SOA serial number, and the last serial number used in the file.
-- This ensures that serial number always increases, while also letting
-- a Zone contain an existing serial number, which may be quite large.
-- TODO: This increases the serial number when propellor is running on the
-- same host and generating its zone there, but what if the DNS host is
-- changed? We'd then want to remember the actual serial number and
-- propigate it to the new DNS host.
writeZoneFile :: Zone -> FilePath -> IO ()
writeZoneFile z f = do
oldserial <- nextZoneFileSerialNumber f
let z'@(Zone soa' _) = nextSerialNumber z oldserial
let z' = nextSerialNumber z oldserial
writeFile f (genZoneFile z')
writeFile (zoneSerialFile f) (show $ sSerial soa')
writeZonePropellorFile f z'
-- | Next to the zone file, is a ".serial" file, which contains
-- the SOA Serial number of that zone. This saves the bother of parsing
-- this horrible format.
zoneSerialFile :: FilePath -> FilePath
zoneSerialFile f = f ++ ".serial"
-- | Next to the zone file, is a ".propellor" file, which contains
-- the serialized Zone. This saves the bother of parsing
-- the horrible bind zone file format.
zonePropellorFile :: FilePath -> FilePath
zonePropellorFile f = f ++ ".serial"
nextZoneFileSerialNumber :: FilePath -> IO SerialNumber
nextZoneFileSerialNumber = maybe 1 (+1) <$$> readZoneSerialFile
nextZoneFileSerialNumber = maybe 1 (sSerial . zSOA . incrSerialNumber)
<$$> readZonePropellorFile
readZoneSerialFile :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe SerialNumber)
readZoneSerialFile f = catchDefaultIO Nothing $
readish <$> readFile (zoneSerialFile f)
writeZonePropellorFile :: FilePath -> Zone -> IO ()
writeZonePropellorFile f z = writeFile (zonePropellorFile f) (show z)
readZonePropellorFile :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Zone)
readZonePropellorFile f = catchDefaultIO Nothing $
readish <$> readFile (zonePropellorFile f)
-- | Generating a zone file.
genZoneFile :: Zone -> String