This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2014-11-18 14:09:18 -04:00
parent a0ea904ecb
commit aa9aa832d2
2 changed files with 28 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -196,28 +196,34 @@ spin hn hst = do
hostprivdata = show . filterPrivData hst <$> decryptPrivData
go cacheparams privdata = withBothHandles createProcessSuccess (proc "ssh" $ cacheparams ++ [user, bootstrapcmd]) $ \(toh, fromh) -> do
let comm = do
let loop = do
status <- getMarked fromh statusMarker
case readish =<< status of
Just RepoUrl -> do
Just NeedRepoUrl -> do
sendMarked toh repoUrlMarker
=<< (fromMaybe "" <$> getRepoUrl)
Just NeedPrivData -> do
sendprivdata toh privdata
Just NeedGitClone -> do
hClose toh
hClose fromh
sendGitClone hn
go cacheparams privdata
-- Ready is only sent by old versions of
-- propellor. They expect to get privdata,
-- and then no more protocol communication.
Just Ready -> do
sendprivdata toh "privdata" privDataMarker privdata
sendprivdata toh privdata
hClose toh
-- Display remaining output.
void $ tryIO $ forever $
showremote =<< hGetLine fromh
hClose fromh
Just NeedGitClone -> do
hClose toh
hClose fromh
sendGitClone hn
go cacheparams privdata
Nothing -> error $ "protocol error; received: " ++ show status
user = "root@"++hn
@ -243,9 +249,9 @@ spin hn hst = do
showremote s = putStrLn s
sendprivdata toh desc marker s = void $
actionMessage ("Sending " ++ desc ++ " (" ++ show (length s) ++ " bytes) to " ++ hn) $ do
sendMarked toh marker s
sendprivdata toh privdata = void $
actionMessage ("Sending privdata (" ++ show (length privdata) ++ " bytes) to " ++ hn) $ do
sendMarked toh privDataMarker privdata
return True
-- Initial git clone, used for bootstrapping.
@ -273,13 +279,10 @@ sendGitClone hn = void $ actionMessage ("Pushing git repository to " ++ hn) $ do
-- client that ran propellor --spin.
boot :: IO ()
boot = do
sendMarked stdout statusMarker (show RepoUrl)
maybe noop setRepoUrl
=<< getMarked stdin repoUrlMarker
sendMarked stdout statusMarker (show Ready)
req NeedRepoUrl repoUrlMarker setRepoUrl
maybe noop (writeFileProtected privDataLocal)
=<< getMarked stdin privDataMarker
req NeedPrivData privDataMarker $
writeFileProtected privDataLocal
setRepoUrl :: String -> IO ()
setRepoUrl "" = return ()

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import Data.List
import Propellor
data BootStrapStatus = Ready | NeedGitClone | RepoUrl
data Stage = Ready | NeedGitClone | NeedRepoUrl | NeedPrivData
deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
type Marker = String
@ -49,3 +49,8 @@ getMarked h marker = go =<< catchMaybeIO (hGetLine h)
putStrLn l
getMarked h marker
Just v -> return (Just v)
req :: Stage -> Marker -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
req stage marker a = do
sendMarked stdout statusMarker (show stage)
maybe noop a =<< getMarked stdin marker