allow disabling nspawn params, and default to bind mounting /etc/resolv.conf
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import Utility.FileMode
import Data.List
import Data.List.Utils
import qualified Data.Map as M
type ServiceName = String
@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ daemonReloaded = trivial $ cmdProperty "systemctl" ["daemon-reload"]
container :: MachineName -> (FilePath -> Chroot.Chroot) -> Container
container name mkchroot = Container name c h
& os system
& resolvConfed
c@(Chroot.Chroot _ system _ _) = mkchroot (containerDir name)
h = Host name [] mempty
@ -165,7 +167,8 @@ nspawnService (Container name _ _) cfg = RevertableProperty setup teardown
nspawnServiceParams :: ChrootCfg -> [String]
nspawnServiceParams ChrootCfg = []
nspawnServiceParams (SystemdNspawnCfg ps) = ps
nspawnServiceParams (SystemdNspawnCfg ps) =
M.keys $ M.filter id $ M.fromList ps
-- | Installs a "enter-machinename" script that root can use to run a
-- command inside the container.
@ -212,10 +215,19 @@ mungename = replace "/" "_"
-- "--link-journal=guest"
-- When there is no leading dash, "--" is prepended to the parameter.
containerCfg :: String -> Property
containerCfg p = pureInfoProperty ("container configured with " ++ p') $
mempty { _chrootinfo = mempty { _chrootCfg = SystemdNspawnCfg [p'] } }
-- Reverting the property will remove a parameter, if it's present.
containerCfg :: String -> RevertableProperty
containerCfg p = RevertableProperty (mk True) (mk False)
mk b = pureInfoProperty ("container configured " ++ if b then "with " else "without " ++ p') $
mempty { _chrootinfo = mempty { _chrootCfg = SystemdNspawnCfg [(p', b)] } }
p' = case p of
('-':_) -> p
_ -> "--" ++ p
-- | Bind mounts /etc/resolv.conf from the host into the container.
-- This property is enabled by default. Revert it to disable it.
resolvConfed :: RevertableProperty
resolvConfed = containerCfg "bind=/etc/resolv.conf"
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ instance Monoid (ChrootInfo host) where
data ChrootCfg
= ChrootCfg
| SystemdNspawnCfg [String]
| SystemdNspawnCfg [(String, Bool)]
deriving (Show)
instance Monoid ChrootCfg where
Reference in New Issue