diff --git a/doc/forum/remote.origin_not_copied_to_managed_host__63__.mdwn b/doc/forum/remote.origin_not_copied_to_managed_host__63__.mdwn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50e24a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/forum/remote.origin_not_copied_to_managed_host__63__.mdwn @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +The only remote which seems to be copied to /root/.propellor/.git/config is upstream... My /home/user/.propellor/.git/config contains a "origin" remote, but this part (as well as the master branch part) of my git config is not copied to the /root/.propellor/.git/config of a host I'm trying to manage... + +propellor fails with the following message: + + user@laptop:~$ PROPELLOR_DEBUG=1 propellor --spin laptop.localdomain + if ! cabal build; then cabal configure; cabal build; fi + Building propellor-0.5.0... + Preprocessing library propellor-0.5.0... + In-place registering propellor-0.5.0... + Preprocessing executable 'propellor' for propellor-0.5.0... + Preprocessing executable 'config' for propellor-0.5.0... + ln -sf dist/build/config/config propellor + + + [2014-04-21 18:07:45 CEST] command line: Spin "laptop.localdomain" + [2014-04-21 18:07:45 CEST] call: make ["build"] + if ! cabal build; then cabal configure; cabal build; fi + Building propellor-0.5.0... + Preprocessing library propellor-0.5.0... + In-place registering propellor-0.5.0... + Preprocessing executable 'propellor' for propellor-0.5.0... + Preprocessing executable 'config' for propellor-0.5.0... + ln -sf dist/build/config/config propellor + Propellor build ... done + [2014-04-21 18:07:48 CEST] read: git ["config","remote.deploy.url"] + [2014-04-21 18:07:48 CEST] read: git ["config","remote.origin.url"] + [2014-04-21 18:07:48 CEST] call: git ["commit","--gpg-sign","--allow-empty","-a","-m","propellor spin"] + + You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for + ... + + [master ee393d6] propellor spin + [2014-04-21 18:07:48 CEST] call: git ["push"] + Counting objects: 1, done. + Writing objects: 100% (1/1), 852 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done. + Total 1 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) + To git@remote-origin:propellor.git + 16a1f8b..ee393d6 master -> master + [2014-04-21 18:08:21 CEST] chat: ssh ["-o","ControlPath=/home/user/.ssh/propellor/laptop.localdomain.sock","-o","ControlMaster=auto","-o","ControlPersist=yes","root@laptop.localdomain","sh -c 'if [ ! -d /usr/local/propellor ] ; then apt-get --no-install-recommends --no-upgrade -y install git make && echo STATUSNeedGitClone ; else cd /usr/local/propellor && if ! test -x ./propellor; then make deps build; fi && ./propellor --boot laptop.localdomain ; fi'"] + Initialized empty Git repository in /root/.propellor/.git/ + warning: no common commits + From https://github.com/joeyh/propellor + * [new branch] joeyconfig -> upstream/joeyconfig + * [new branch] master -> upstream/master + * [new branch] setup -> upstream/setup + * [new tag] 0.1 -> 0.1 + * [new tag] 0.1.1 -> 0.1.1 + * [new tag] 0.1.2 -> 0.1.2 + * [new tag] 0.2.0 -> 0.2.0 + * [new tag] 0.2.1 -> 0.2.1 + * [new tag] 0.2.2 -> 0.2.2 + * [new tag] 0.2.3 -> 0.2.3 + * [new tag] 0.3.0 -> 0.3.0 + * [new tag] 0.3.1 -> 0.3.1 + * [new tag] 0.4.0 -> 0.4.0 + * [new tag] 0.5.0 -> 0.5.0 + * [new tag] debian/0.3.1 -> debian/0.3.1 + * [new tag] debian/0.4.0 -> debian/0.4.0 + * [new tag] debian/0.5.0 -> debian/0.5.0 + Merge made by the 'ours' strategy. + if [ "cabal" = ./Setup ]; then ghc --make Setup; fi + cabal configure + Warning: The package list for 'hackage.haskell.org' does not exist. Run 'cabal + update' to download it. + Resolving dependencies... + Configuring propellor-0.5.0... + if ! cabal build; then cabal configure; cabal build; fi + Building propellor-0.5.0... + Preprocessing executable 'propellor' for propellor-0.5.0... + [ 1 of 14] Compiling Utility.Env ( Utility/Env.hs, dist/build/propellor/propellor-tmp/Utility/Env.o ) + ... + [14 of 14] Compiling Main ( propellor.hs, dist/build/propellor/propellor-tmp/Main.o ) + Linking dist/build/propellor/propellor ... + Preprocessing library propellor-0.5.0... + [ 1 of 58] Compiling Utility.QuickCheck ( Utility/QuickCheck.hs, dist/build/Utility/QuickCheck.o ) + ... + [58 of 58] Compiling Propellor.CmdLine ( Propellor/CmdLine.hs, dist/build/Propellor/CmdLine.o ) + In-place registering propellor-0.5.0... + Preprocessing executable 'config' for propellor-0.5.0... + [ 1 of 44] Compiling Utility.QuickCheck ( Utility/QuickCheck.hs, dist/build/config/config-tmp/Utility/QuickCheck.o ) + ... + [44 of 44] Compiling Main ( config.hs, dist/build/config/config-tmp/Main.o ) + Linking dist/build/config/config ... + ln -sf dist/build/config/config propellor + fatal: No remote repository specified. Please, specify either a URL or a + remote name from which new revisions should be fetched. + Git fetch ... failed + merge: origin/master - not something we can merge + propellor: /usr/local/propellor/.lock: openFd: does not exist (No such file or directory) + Setting up your propellor repo in /root/.propellor + + + + ** error: protocol error (perhaps the remote propellor failed to run?) +propellor: user error (ssh ["-o","ControlPath=/home/user/.ssh/propellor/capeo.gueux.org.sock","-o","ControlMaster=auto","-o","ControlPersist=yes","root@laptop.localdomain","sh -c 'if [ ! -d /usr/local/propellor ] ; then apt-get --no-install-recommends --no-upgrade -y install git make && echo STATUSNeedGitClone ; else cd /usr/local/propellor && if ! test -x ./propellor; then make deps build; fi && ./propellor --boot laptop.localdomain ; fi'"] exited 1)