This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
module Propellor.Property.OS (
) where
import Propellor
import qualified Propellor.Property.Chroot as Chroot
import qualified Propellor.Property.Debootstrap as Debootstrap
-- | Replaces whatever OS was installed before with a clean installation
-- of the OS that the Host is configured to have.
-- This can replace one Linux distribution with different one.
-- But, it can also fail and leave the system in an unbootable state.
-- This property only runs once. The cleanly installed system will have
-- a file /etc/propellor-cleaninstall, which indicates it was cleanly
-- installed.
-- You will typically want to run some more properties after the clean
-- install, to bootstrap from the cleanly installed system to a fully
-- working system. For example:
-- > & os (System (Debian Unstable) "amd64")
-- > & cleanInstall (confirm "com.example.foo") (BackupOldOS <> UseOldKernel)
-- > `onChange` propertyList "fixing up after clean install"
-- > [ fixupNetworkInterfaces
-- > , fixupRootSsh
-- > -- , installDistroKernel
-- > -- , installGrub
-- > ]
-- > & Apt.installed ["ssh"]
-- > -- rest of system properties here
cleanInstallOnce :: Confirmation -> Exceptions -> Property
cleanInstallOnce c = check (not <$> doesFileExist flagfile) $
Property "OS cleanly installed" $ do
confirm c
error "TODO"
-- debootstrap /new-os chroot; avoid running
-- propellor inside the chroot yet
-- unmount all mounts
-- move all directories to /old-os,
-- except for /boot and /lib/modules
-- move /new-os to /
-- touch /etc/propellor-cleaninstall
-- re-bootstrap propellor in /usr/local/propellor,
-- (using git repo bundle, privdata file, and possibly
-- git repo url, which all need to be arranged to
-- be present in /old-os's /usr/local/propellor)
-- return MadeChange
flagfile = "/etc/propellor-cleaninstall"
-- | To confirm you really intend to apply a dangerous Property to a
-- system, and have not copied and pasted it in by accident, you must
-- provide as confirmation, the hostname of the system you intend
-- to apply the Property to, written in the form form "com.example.somehost"
newtype Confirmation = Confirmation String
confirm :: String -> Confirmation
confirm (Confirmation c) h
| h ==(intercalate "." $ reverse $ split "." c) = return ()
| otherwise = error "Bad confirmation of dangerous Property; see the documentation to fix this."
-- | Sometimes you want an almost clean install, but with some exceptions.
data Exceptions
= UseOldKernel -- ^ Leave /boot and /lib/modules from old OS, so the system can boot using them as before
| BackupOldOS -- ^ Back up old OS to /old-os, to avoid losing any important files
| NoExceptions
| CombinedExceptions Exceptions Exceptions
instance Monoid Exceptions where
mempty = NoExceptions
mappend = CombinedExceptions
-- /etc/network/interfaces is configured to bring up all interfaces that
-- are currently up, using the same IP addresses.
-- This property only does anything if it comes after cleanInstall,
-- in the same propellor run where cleanInstall has made a change.
fixupNetworkInterfaces :: Property
fixupNetworkInterfaces = undefined
-- /root/.ssh/authorized_keys is copied from the old os
fixupRootSsh :: Property
fixupRootSsh = undefined
-- Installs an appropriate kernel from the distribution.
installDistroKernel :: Property
installDistroKernel = undefined
-- Installs grub to boot the system.
installGrub :: Property
installGrub = undefined
-- Removes the old OS's backup from /old-os
oldOSRemoved :: Property
oldOSRemoved = check (doesDirectoryExist oldOsDir) $
Property "old OS backup removed" $ liftIO $ do
removeDirectoryRecursive oldOsDir
return MadeChange
oldOsDir :: FilePath
oldOsDir = "/old-os"
Reference in New Issue