endAction can be used to register an action to run once propellor has successfully run on a host.
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ propellor (1.1.0) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* propellor.debug can be set in the git config to enable more persistent
debugging output.
* Run apt-cache policy with LANG=C so it works on other locales.
* endAction can be used to register an action to run once propellor
has successfully run on a host.
-- Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org> Sat, 22 Nov 2014 00:12:35 -0400
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import System.IO
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Applicative
import System.Console.ANSI
import "mtl" Control.Monad.Reader
import "mtl" Control.Monad.RWS.Strict
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import System.PosixCompat
import System.Posix.IO
@ -22,21 +22,37 @@ import Utility.Exception
import Utility.PartialPrelude
import Utility.Monad
runPropellor :: Host -> Propellor a -> IO a
runPropellor host a = runReaderT (runWithHost a) host
-- | Gets the Properties of a Host, and ensures them all,
-- with nice display of what's being done.
mainProperties :: Host -> IO ()
mainProperties host = do
r <- runPropellor host $
ret <- runPropellor host $
ensureProperties [Property "overall" (ensureProperties $ hostProperties host) mempty]
h <- mkMessageHandle
whenConsole h $
setTitle "propellor: done"
hFlush stdout
case r of
case ret of
FailedChange -> exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
_ -> exitWith ExitSuccess
-- | Runs a Propellor action with the specified host.
-- If the Result is not FailedChange, any EndActions
-- that were accumulated while running the action
-- are then also run.
runPropellor :: Host -> Propellor Result -> IO Result
runPropellor host a = do
(ret, _s, endactions) <- runRWST (runWithHost a) host ()
endrets <- mapM (runEndAction host) endactions
return $ mconcat (ret:endrets)
runEndAction :: Host -> EndAction -> IO Result
runEndAction host (EndAction desc a) = actionMessageOn (hostName host) desc $ do
(ret, _s, _) <- runRWST (runWithHost (catchPropellor a)) host ()
return ret
-- | Ensures a list of Properties, with a display of each as it runs.
ensureProperties :: [Property] -> Propellor Result
ensureProperties ps = ensure ps NoChange
@ -46,6 +62,8 @@ ensureProperties ps = ensure ps NoChange
r <- actionMessageOn hn (propertyDesc l) (ensureProperty l)
ensure ls (r <> rs)
-- | For when code running in the Propellor monad needs to ensure a
-- Property.
ensureProperty :: Property -> Propellor Result
ensureProperty = catchPropellor . propertySatisfy
@ -55,8 +73,11 @@ ensureProperty = catchPropellor . propertySatisfy
fromHost :: [Host] -> HostName -> Propellor a -> Propellor (Maybe a)
fromHost l hn getter = case findHost l hn of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just h -> liftIO $ Just <$>
runReaderT (runWithHost getter) h
Just h -> do
(ret, _s, runlog) <- liftIO $
runRWST (runWithHost getter) h ()
tell runlog
return (Just ret)
onlyProcess :: FilePath -> IO a -> IO a
onlyProcess lockfile a = bracket lock unlock (const a)
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import System.FilePath
import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Monad.IfElse
import "mtl" Control.Monad.Reader
import "mtl" Control.Monad.RWS.Strict
import Propellor.Types
import Propellor.Info
@ -131,11 +131,11 @@ boolProperty desc a = property desc $ ifM (liftIO a)
revert :: RevertableProperty -> RevertableProperty
revert (RevertableProperty p1 p2) = RevertableProperty p2 p1
-- Changes the action that is performed to satisfy a property.
-- | Changes the action that is performed to satisfy a property.
adjustProperty :: Property -> (Propellor Result -> Propellor Result) -> Property
adjustProperty p f = p { propertySatisfy = f (propertySatisfy p) }
-- Combines the Info of two properties.
-- | Combines the Info of two properties.
combineInfo :: (IsProp p, IsProp q) => p -> q -> Info
combineInfo p q = getInfo p <> getInfo q
@ -147,3 +147,8 @@ makeChange a = liftIO a >> return MadeChange
noChange :: Propellor Result
noChange = return NoChange
-- | Registers an action that should be run at the very end,
-- and only when all configured Properties of the host succeed.
endAction :: Desc -> Propellor Result -> Propellor ()
endAction desc a = tell [EndAction desc a]
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ module Propellor.Types
, SshKeyType(..)
, Val(..)
, fromVal
, RunLog
, EndAction(..)
, module Propellor.Types.OS
, module Propellor.Types.Dns
) where
@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ import Data.Monoid
import Control.Applicative
import System.Console.ANSI
import System.Posix.Types
import "mtl" Control.Monad.Reader
import "mtl" Control.Monad.RWS.Strict
import "MonadCatchIO-transformers" Control.Monad.CatchIO
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Propellor.Types.Dns as Dns
@ -52,13 +54,14 @@ data Host = Host
deriving (Show)
-- | Propellor's monad provides read-only access to info about the host
-- it's running on.
newtype Propellor p = Propellor { runWithHost :: ReaderT Host IO p }
-- it's running on, and a writer to accumulate logs about the run.
newtype Propellor p = Propellor { runWithHost :: RWST Host RunLog () IO p }
( Monad
, Functor
, Applicative
, MonadReader Host
, MonadWriter RunLog
, MonadIO
, MonadCatchIO
@ -197,3 +200,9 @@ instance Monoid (Val a) where
fromVal :: Val a -> Maybe a
fromVal (Val a) = Just a
fromVal NoVal = Nothing
type RunLog = [EndAction]
-- | An action that Propellor runs at the end, after trying to satisfy all
-- properties.
data EndAction = EndAction Desc (Propellor Result)
Reference in New Issue