-- | Support for running propellor, as built outside a docker container, -- inside the container. -- -- Note: This is currently Debian specific, due to glibcLibs. module Propellor.Property.Docker.Shim (setup, cleanEnv, file) where import Propellor import Utility.LinuxMkLibs import Utility.SafeCommand import Utility.Path import Utility.FileMode import Data.List import System.Posix.Files -- | Sets up a shimmed version of the program, in a directory, and -- returns its path. setup :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO FilePath setup propellorbin dest = do createDirectoryIfMissing True dest libs <- parseLdd <$> readProcess "ldd" [propellorbin] glibclibs <- glibcLibs let libs' = nub $ libs ++ glibclibs libdirs <- map (dest ++) . nub . catMaybes <$> mapM (installLib installFile dest) libs' let linker = (dest ++) $ fromMaybe (error "cannot find ld-linux linker") $ headMaybe $ filter ("ld-linux" `isInfixOf`) libs' let gconvdir = (dest ++) $ parentDir $ fromMaybe (error "cannot find gconv directory") $ headMaybe $ filter ("/gconv/" `isInfixOf`) glibclibs let linkerparams = ["--library-path", intercalate ":" libdirs ] let shim = file propellorbin dest writeFile shim $ unlines [ "#!/bin/sh" , "GCONV_PATH=" ++ shellEscape gconvdir , "export GCONV_PATH" , "exec " ++ unwords (map shellEscape $ linker : linkerparams) ++ " " ++ shellEscape propellorbin ++ " \"$@\"" ] modifyFileMode shim (addModes executeModes) return shim cleanEnv :: IO () cleanEnv = void $ unsetEnv "GCONV_PATH" file :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath file propellorbin dest = dest </> takeFileName propellorbin installFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () installFile top f = do createDirectoryIfMissing True destdir nukeFile dest createLink f dest `catchIO` (const copy) where copy = void $ boolSystem "cp" [Param "-a", Param f, Param dest] destdir = inTop top $ parentDir f dest = inTop top f