-- | This is the live config file used by propellor's author. import Propellor import Propellor.CmdLine import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt import qualified Propellor.Property.Network as Network import qualified Propellor.Property.Ssh as Ssh import qualified Propellor.Property.Cron as Cron import qualified Propellor.Property.Sudo as Sudo import qualified Propellor.Property.User as User import qualified Propellor.Property.Hostname as Hostname --import qualified Propellor.Property.Reboot as Reboot import qualified Propellor.Property.Tor as Tor import qualified Propellor.Property.OpenId as OpenId import qualified Propellor.Property.Docker as Docker import qualified Propellor.Property.SiteSpecific.GitHome as GitHome import qualified Propellor.Property.SiteSpecific.GitAnnexBuilder as GitAnnexBuilder import qualified Propellor.Property.SiteSpecific.JoeySites as JoeySites import Data.List main :: IO () main = defaultMain [host, Docker.containerProperties container] -- | This is where the system's HostName, either as returned by uname -- or one specified on the command line, is converted into a list of -- Properties for that system. -- -- Edit this to configure propellor! host :: HostName -> Maybe [Property] -- Clam is a tor bridge, and an olduse.net shellbox and other fun stuff. host hostname@"clam.kitenet.net" = standardSystem Unstable $ props & cleanCloudAtCost hostname & Apt.unattendedUpgrades & Network.ipv6to4 & Apt.installed ["git-annex", "mtr"] & Tor.isBridge & JoeySites.oldUseNetshellBox & Docker.docked container hostname "openid-provider" & Docker.configured & Docker.garbageCollected -- Orca is the main git-annex build box. host hostname@"orca.kitenet.net" = standardSystem Unstable $ props & Hostname.set hostname & Apt.unattendedUpgrades & Docker.configured & Apt.buildDep ["git-annex"] & Docker.docked container hostname "amd64-git-annex-builder" & Docker.docked container hostname "i386-git-annex-builder" & Docker.docked container hostname "armel-git-annex-builder-companion" & Docker.docked container hostname "armel-git-annex-builder" & Docker.garbageCollected -- My laptop host _hostname@"darkstar.kitenet.net" = Just $ props & Docker.configured -- add more hosts here... --host "foo.example.com" = host _ = Nothing -- | This is where Docker containers are set up. A container -- can vary by hostname where it's used, or be the same everywhere. container :: HostName -> Docker.ContainerName -> Maybe (Docker.Container) container parenthost name -- Simple web server, publishing the outside host's /var/www | name == "webserver" = Just $ Docker.containerFrom (image $ System (Debian Unstable) "amd64") [ Docker.publish "8080:80" , Docker.volume "/var/www:/var/www" , Docker.inside $ props & serviceRunning "apache2" `requires` Apt.installed ["apache2"] & Apt.unattendedUpgrades ] -- My own openid provider. Uses php, so containerized for security -- and administrative sanity. | name == "openid-provider" = Just $ Docker.containerFrom (image $ System (Debian Stable) "amd64") [ Docker.publish "8081:80" , Docker.inside $ props & Apt.stdSourcesList Stable & Apt.unattendedUpgrades & OpenId.providerFor ["joey", "liw"] parenthost ] -- armel builder has a companion container that run amd64 and -- runs the build first to get TH splices. They share a home -- directory, and need to have the same versions of all haskell -- libraries installed. | name == "armel-git-annex-builder-companion" = Just $ Docker.containerFrom (image $ System (Debian Unstable) "amd64") [ Docker.volume GitAnnexBuilder.homedir , Docker.inside $ props & Apt.unattendedUpgrades ] | name == "armel-git-annex-builder" = Just $ Docker.containerFrom (image $ System (Debian Unstable) "armel") [ Docker.link (name ++ "-companion") "companion" , Docker.volumes_from (name ++ "-companion") , Docker.inside $ props -- & GitAnnexBuilder.builder "armel" "15 * * * *" True & Apt.unattendedUpgrades ] | "-git-annex-builder" `isSuffixOf` name = let arch = takeWhile (/= '-') name in Just $ Docker.containerFrom (image $ System (Debian Unstable) arch) [ Docker.inside $ props & GitAnnexBuilder.builder arch "15 * * * *" True & Apt.unattendedUpgrades ] | otherwise = Nothing -- | Docker images I prefer to use. image :: System -> Docker.Image image (System (Debian Unstable) arch) = "joeyh/debian-unstable-" ++ arch image (System (Debian Stable) arch) = "joeyh/debian-stable-" ++ arch image _ = "debian-stable-official" -- does not currently exist! -- This is my standard system setup standardSystem :: DebianSuite -> [Property] -> Maybe [Property] standardSystem suite customprops = Just $ standardprops : customprops ++ endprops where standardprops = propertyList "standard system" $ props & Apt.stdSourcesList suite `onChange` Apt.upgrade & Apt.installed ["etckeeper"] & Apt.installed ["ssh"] & GitHome.installedFor "root" & User.hasSomePassword "root" -- Harden the system, but only once root's authorized_keys -- is safely in place. & check (Ssh.hasAuthorizedKeys "root") (Ssh.passwordAuthentication False) & User.accountFor "joey" & User.hasSomePassword "joey" & Sudo.enabledFor "joey" & GitHome.installedFor "joey" & Apt.installed ["vim", "screen", "less"] & Cron.runPropellor "30 * * * *" -- I use postfix, or no MTA. & Apt.removed ["exim4", "exim4-daemon-light", "exim4-config", "exim4-base"] `onChange` Apt.autoRemove -- May reboot, so comes last -- Currently not enable due to #726375 endprops = [] -- [Apt.installed ["systemd-sysv"] `onChange` Reboot.now] -- Clean up a system as installed by cloudatcost.com cleanCloudAtCost :: HostName -> Property cleanCloudAtCost hostname = propertyList "cloudatcost cleanup" [ Hostname.set hostname , Ssh.uniqueHostKeys , "worked around grub/lvm boot bug #743126" ==> "/etc/default/grub" `File.containsLine` "GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true" `onChange` cmdProperty "update-grub" [] `onChange` cmdProperty "update-initramfs" ["-u"] , combineProperties "nuked cloudatcost cruft" [ File.notPresent "/etc/rc.local" , File.notPresent "/etc/init.d/S97-setup.sh" , User.nuked "user" User.YesReallyDeleteHome ] ]