
382 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Propellor.Property.Systemd (
-- * Services
-- * Configuration
-- * Journal
-- * Containers
-- * Container configuration
module Propellor.Types.Container,
) where
import Propellor
import Propellor.Types.Chroot
import Propellor.Types.Container
import qualified Propellor.Property.Chroot as Chroot
import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
import Propellor.Property.Systemd.Core
import Utility.FileMode
import Data.List
import Data.List.Utils
import qualified Data.Map as M
type ServiceName = String
type MachineName = String
data Container = Container MachineName Chroot.Chroot Host
deriving (Show)
instance PropAccum Container where
(Container n c h) & p = Container n c (h & p)
(Container n c h) &^ p = Container n c (h &^ p)
getProperties (Container _ _ h) = hostProperties h
-- | Starts a systemd service.
-- Note that this does not configure systemd to start the service on boot,
-- it only ensures that the service is currently running.
started :: ServiceName -> Property NoInfo
started n = trivial $ cmdProperty "systemctl" ["start", n]
`describe` ("service " ++ n ++ " started")
-- | Stops a systemd service.
stopped :: ServiceName -> Property NoInfo
stopped n = trivial $ cmdProperty "systemctl" ["stop", n]
`describe` ("service " ++ n ++ " stopped")
-- | Enables a systemd service.
-- This does not ensure the service is started, it only configures systemd
-- to start it on boot.
enabled :: ServiceName -> Property NoInfo
enabled n = trivial $ cmdProperty "systemctl" ["enable", n]
`describe` ("service " ++ n ++ " enabled")
-- | Disables a systemd service.
disabled :: ServiceName -> Property NoInfo
disabled n = trivial $ cmdProperty "systemctl" ["disable", n]
`describe` ("service " ++ n ++ " disabled")
-- | Ensures that a service is both enabled and started
running :: ServiceName -> Property NoInfo
running n = trivial $ started n `requires` enabled n
-- | Restarts a systemd service.
restarted :: ServiceName -> Property NoInfo
restarted n = trivial $ cmdProperty "systemctl" ["restart", n]
`describe` ("service " ++ n ++ " restarted")
-- | The systemd-networkd service.
networkd :: ServiceName
networkd = "systemd-networkd"
-- | The systemd-journald service.
journald :: ServiceName
journald = "systemd-journald"
-- | Enables persistent storage of the journal.
persistentJournal :: Property NoInfo
persistentJournal = check (not <$> doesDirectoryExist dir) $
combineProperties "persistent systemd journal"
[ cmdProperty "install" ["-d", "-g", "systemd-journal", dir]
, cmdProperty "setfacl" ["-R", "-nm", "g:adm:rx,d:g:adm:rx", dir]
, started "systemd-journal-flush"
`requires` Apt.installed ["acl"]
dir = "/var/log/journal"
type Option = String
-- | Ensures that an option is configured in one of systemd's config files.
-- Does not ensure that the relevant daemon notices the change immediately.
-- This assumes that there is only one [Header] per file, which is
-- currently the case. And it assumes the file already exists with
-- the right [Header], so new lines can just be appended to the end.
configured :: FilePath -> Option -> String -> Property NoInfo
configured cfgfile option value = combineProperties desc
[ File.fileProperty desc (mapMaybe removeother) cfgfile
, File.containsLine cfgfile line
setting = option ++ "="
line = setting ++ value
desc = cfgfile ++ " " ++ line
removeother l
| setting `isPrefixOf` l = Nothing
| otherwise = Just l
-- | Causes systemd to reload its configuration files.
daemonReloaded :: Property NoInfo
daemonReloaded = trivial $ cmdProperty "systemctl" ["daemon-reload"]
-- | Configures journald, restarting it so the changes take effect.
journaldConfigured :: Option -> String -> Property NoInfo
journaldConfigured option value =
configured "/etc/systemd/journald.conf" option value
`onChange` restarted journald
-- | Defines a container with a given machine name.
-- Properties can be added to configure the Container.
-- > container "webserver" (Chroot.debootstrapped (System (Debian Unstable) "amd64") mempty)
-- > & Apt.installedRunning "apache2"
-- > & ...
container :: MachineName -> (FilePath -> Chroot.Chroot) -> Container
container name mkchroot = Container name c h
& os system
& resolvConfed
& linkJournal
c@(Chroot.Chroot _ system _ _) = mkchroot (containerDir name)
h = Host name [] mempty
-- | Runs a container using systemd-nspawn.
-- A systemd unit is set up for the container, so it will automatically
-- be started on boot.
-- Systemd is automatically installed inside the container, and will
-- communicate with the host's systemd. This allows systemctl to be used to
-- examine the status of services running inside the container.
-- When the host system has persistentJournal enabled, journactl can be
-- used to examine logs forwarded from the container.
-- Reverting this property stops the container, removes the systemd unit,
-- and deletes the chroot and all its contents.
nspawned :: Container -> RevertableProperty
nspawned c@(Container name (Chroot.Chroot loc system builderconf _) h) =
p `describe` ("nspawned " ++ name)
p = enterScript c
`before` chrootprovisioned
`before` nspawnService c (_chrootCfg $ _chrootinfo $ hostInfo h)
`before` containerprovisioned
-- Chroot provisioning is run in systemd-only mode,
-- which sets up the chroot and ensures systemd and dbus are
-- installed, but does not handle the other provisions.
chrootprovisioned = Chroot.provisioned' (Chroot.propigateChrootInfo chroot) chroot True
-- Use nsenter to enter container and and run propellor to
-- finish provisioning.
containerprovisioned =
Chroot.propellChroot chroot (enterContainerProcess c) False
chroot = Chroot.Chroot loc system builderconf h
-- | Sets up the service file for the container, and then starts
-- it running.
nspawnService :: Container -> ChrootCfg -> RevertableProperty
nspawnService (Container name _ _) cfg = setup <!> teardown
service = nspawnServiceName name
servicefile = "/etc/systemd/system/" </> service
servicefilecontent = do
ls <- lines <$> readFile "/lib/systemd/system/systemd-nspawn@.service"
return $ unlines $
"# deployed by propellor" : map addparams ls
addparams l
| "ExecStart=" `isPrefixOf` l = unwords $
[ "ExecStart = /usr/bin/systemd-nspawn"
, "--quiet"
, "--keep-unit"
, "--boot"
, "--directory=" ++ containerDir name
, "--machine=%i"
] ++ nspawnServiceParams cfg
| otherwise = l
goodservicefile = (==)
<$> servicefilecontent
<*> catchDefaultIO "" (readFile servicefile)
writeservicefile = property servicefile $ makeChange $
viaTmp writeFile servicefile =<< servicefilecontent
setupservicefile = check (not <$> goodservicefile) $
-- if it's running, it has the wrong configuration,
-- so stop it
stopped service
`requires` daemonReloaded
`requires` writeservicefile
setup = started service `requires` setupservicefile
teardown = check (doesFileExist servicefile) $
disabled service `requires` stopped service
nspawnServiceParams :: ChrootCfg -> [String]
nspawnServiceParams NoChrootCfg = []
nspawnServiceParams (SystemdNspawnCfg ps) =
M.keys $ M.filter id $ M.fromList ps
-- | Installs a "enter-machinename" script that root can use to run a
-- command inside the container.
-- This uses nsenter to enter the container, by looking up the pid of the
-- container's init process and using its namespace.
enterScript :: Container -> RevertableProperty
enterScript c@(Container name _ _) = setup <!> teardown
setup = combineProperties ("generated " ++ enterScriptFile c)
[ scriptfile `File.hasContent`
[ "#!/usr/bin/perl"
, "# Generated by propellor"
, "my $pid=`machinectl show " ++ shellEscape name ++ " -p Leader | cut -d= -f2`;"
, "chomp $pid;"
, "if (length $pid) {"
, "\tforeach my $var (keys %ENV) {"
, "\t\tdelete $ENV{$var} unless $var eq 'PATH' || $var eq 'TERM';"
, "\t}"
, "\texec('nsenter', '-p', '-u', '-n', '-i', '-m', '-t', $pid, @ARGV);"
, "} else {"
, "\tdie 'container not running';"
, "}"
, "exit(1);"
, scriptfile `File.mode` combineModes (readModes ++ executeModes)
teardown = File.notPresent scriptfile
scriptfile = enterScriptFile c
enterScriptFile :: Container -> FilePath
enterScriptFile (Container name _ _ ) = "/usr/local/bin/enter-" ++ mungename name
enterContainerProcess :: Container -> [String] -> IO (CreateProcess, IO ())
enterContainerProcess c ps = pure (proc (enterScriptFile c) ps, noop)
nspawnServiceName :: MachineName -> ServiceName
nspawnServiceName name = "systemd-nspawn@" ++ name ++ ".service"
containerDir :: MachineName -> FilePath
containerDir name = "/var/lib/container" </> mungename name
mungename :: MachineName -> String
mungename = replace "/" "_"
-- | This configures how systemd-nspawn(1) starts the container,
-- by specifying a parameter, such as "--private-network", or
-- "--link-journal=guest"
-- When there is no leading dash, "--" is prepended to the parameter.
-- Reverting the property will remove a parameter, if it's present.
containerCfg :: String -> RevertableProperty
containerCfg p = RevertableProperty (mk True) (mk False)
mk b = pureInfoProperty ("container configuration " ++ (if b then "" else "without ") ++ p') $
mempty { _chrootinfo = mempty { _chrootCfg = SystemdNspawnCfg [(p', b)] } }
p' = case p of
('-':_) -> p
_ -> "--" ++ p
-- | Bind mounts </etc/resolv.conf> from the host into the container.
-- This property is enabled by default. Revert it to disable it.
resolvConfed :: RevertableProperty
resolvConfed = containerCfg "bind=/etc/resolv.conf"
-- | Link the container's journal to the host's if possible.
-- (Only works if the host has persistent journal enabled.)
-- This property is enabled by default. Revert it to disable it.
linkJournal :: RevertableProperty
linkJournal = containerCfg "link-journal=try-guest"
-- | Disconnect networking of the container from the host.
privateNetwork :: RevertableProperty
privateNetwork = containerCfg "private-network"
class Publishable a where
toPublish :: a -> String
instance Publishable Port where
toPublish (Port n) = show n
instance Publishable (Bound Port) where
toPublish v = toPublish (hostSide v) ++ ":" ++ toPublish (containerSide v)
data Proto = TCP | UDP
instance Publishable (Proto, Bound Port) where
toPublish (TCP, fp) = "tcp:" ++ toPublish fp
toPublish (UDP, fp) = "udp:" ++ toPublish fp
-- | Publish a port from the container to the host.
-- This feature was first added in systemd version 220.
-- This property is only needed (and will only work) if the container
-- is configured to use private networking. Also, networkd should be enabled
-- both inside the container, and on the host. For example:
-- > foo :: Host
-- > foo = host ""
-- > & Systemd.running Systemd.networkd
-- > & Systemd.nspawned webserver
-- >
-- > webserver :: Systemd.container
-- > webserver = Systemd.container "webserver" (Chroot.debootstrapped (System (Debian Testing) "amd64") mempty)
-- > & Systemd.privateNetwork
-- > & Systemd.running Systemd.networkd
-- > & Systemd.publish (Port 80 ->- Port 8080)
-- > & Apt.installedRunning "apache2"
publish :: Publishable p => p -> RevertableProperty
publish p = containerCfg $ "--port=" ++ toPublish p
class Bindable a where
toBind :: a -> String
instance Bindable FilePath where
toBind f = f
instance Bindable (Bound FilePath) where
toBind v = hostSide v ++ ":" ++ containerSide v
-- | Bind mount a file or directory from the host into the container.
bind :: Bindable p => p -> RevertableProperty
bind p = containerCfg $ "--bind=" ++ toBind p
-- | Read-only mind mount.
bindRo :: Bindable p => p -> RevertableProperty
bindRo p = containerCfg $ "--bind-ro=" ++ toBind p