
859 lines
32 KiB

-- | Specific configuration for Joey Hess's sites. Probably not useful to
-- others except as an example.
module Propellor.Property.SiteSpecific.JoeySites where
import Propellor
import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
import qualified Propellor.Property.Gpg as Gpg
import qualified Propellor.Property.Ssh as Ssh
import qualified Propellor.Property.Git as Git
import qualified Propellor.Property.Cron as Cron
import qualified Propellor.Property.Service as Service
import qualified Propellor.Property.User as User
import qualified Propellor.Property.Obnam as Obnam
import qualified Propellor.Property.Apache as Apache
import qualified Propellor.Property.Postfix as Postfix
import Utility.SafeCommand
import Utility.FileMode
import Data.List
import System.Posix.Files
import Data.String.Utils
oldUseNetServer :: [Host] -> Property HasInfo
oldUseNetServer hosts = propertyList " server" $ props
& Apt.installed ["leafnode"]
& oldUseNetInstalled "oldusenet-server"
& Obnam.latestVersion
& oldUseNetBackup
& check (not . isSymbolicLink <$> getSymbolicLinkStatus newsspool)
(property " spool in place" $ makeChange $ do
removeDirectoryRecursive newsspool
createSymbolicLink (datadir </> "news") newsspool
& "/etc/news/leafnode/config" `File.hasContent`
[ "# configuration (deployed by propellor)"
, "expire = 1000000" -- no expiry via texpire
, "server = " -- no upstream server
, "debugmode = 1"
, "allowSTRANGERS = 42" -- lets anyone connect
, "nopost = 1" -- no new posting (just gather them)
& "/etc/hosts.deny" `File.lacksLine` "leafnode: ALL"
& Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "openbsd-inetd"
& File.notPresent "/etc/cron.daily/leafnode"
& File.notPresent "/etc/cron.d/leafnode"
& Cron.niceJob "oldusenet-expire" (Cron.Times "11 1 * * *") "news" newsspool expirecommand
& Cron.niceJob "oldusenet-uucp" (Cron.Times "*/5 * * * *") "news" "/" uucpcommand
& Apache.siteEnabled "" nntpcfg
newsspool = "/var/spool/news"
datadir = "/var/spool/oldusenet"
expirecommand = intercalate ";"
[ "find \\( -path ./out.going -or -path ./interesting.groups -or -path './*/.overview' \\) -prune -or -type f -ctime +60 -print | xargs --no-run-if-empty rm"
, "find -type d -empty | xargs --no-run-if-empty rmdir"
uucpcommand = "/usr/bin/uucp " ++ datadir
nntpcfg = apachecfg "" False
[ " DocumentRoot " ++ datadir ++ "/"
, " <Directory " ++ datadir ++ "/>"
, " Options Indexes FollowSymlinks"
, " AllowOverride None"
, Apache.allowAll
, " </Directory>"
oldUseNetBackup = Obnam.backup datadir (Cron.Times "33 4 * * *")
[ "--repository=s"
, "--client-name=spool"
, "--ssh-key=" ++ keyfile
] Obnam.OnlyClient
`requires` Ssh.keyImported' (Just keyfile) SshRsa "root" (Context "")
`requires` Ssh.knownHost hosts "" "root"
keyfile = "/root/.ssh/"
oldUseNetShellBox :: Property HasInfo
oldUseNetShellBox = propertyList " shellbox" $ props
& oldUseNetInstalled "oldusenet"
& Service.running "shellinabox"
oldUseNetInstalled :: Apt.Package -> Property HasInfo
oldUseNetInstalled pkg = check (not <$> Apt.isInstalled pkg) $
propertyList (" " ++ pkg) $ props
& Apt.installed (words "build-essential devscripts debhelper git libncursesw5-dev libpcre3-dev pkg-config bison libicu-dev libidn11-dev libcanlock2-dev libuu-dev ghc libghc-strptime-dev libghc-hamlet-dev libghc-ifelse-dev libghc-hxt-dev libghc-utf8-string-dev libghc-missingh-dev libghc-sha-dev")
`describe` " build deps"
& scriptProperty
[ "rm -rf /root/tmp/oldusenet" -- idenpotency
, "git clone git:// /root/tmp/oldusenet/source"
, "cd /root/tmp/oldusenet/source/"
, "dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc"
, "dpkg -i ../" ++ pkg ++ "_*.deb || true"
, "apt-get -fy install" -- dependencies
, "rm -rf /root/tmp/oldusenet"
] `describe` " built"
kgbServer :: Property HasInfo
kgbServer = propertyList desc $ props
& installed
& File.hasPrivContent "/etc/kgb-bot/kgb.conf" anyContext
`onChange` Service.restarted "kgb-bot"
desc = " setup"
installed = withOS desc $ \o -> case o of
(Just (System (Debian Unstable) _)) ->
ensureProperty $ propertyList desc
[ Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "kgb-bot"
, "/etc/default/kgb-bot" `File.containsLine` "BOT_ENABLED=1"
`describe` "kgb bot enabled"
`onChange` Service.running "kgb-bot"
_ -> error "kgb server needs Debian unstable (for kgb-bot 1.31+)"
mumbleServer :: [Host] -> Property HasInfo
mumbleServer hosts = combineProperties hn $ props
& Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "mumble-server"
& Obnam.latestVersion
& Obnam.backup "/var/lib/mumble-server" (Cron.Times "55 5 * * *")
[ "--repository=s" ++ hn ++ ".obnam"
, "--client-name=mumble"
] Obnam.OnlyClient
`requires` Ssh.keyImported SshRsa "root" (Context hn)
`requires` Ssh.knownHost hosts "" "root"
& trivial (cmdProperty "chown" ["-R", "mumble-server:mumble-server", "/var/lib/mumble-server"])
hn = ""
obnamLowMem :: Property NoInfo
obnamLowMem = combineProperties "obnam tuned for low memory use"
[ Obnam.latestVersion
, "/etc/obnam.conf" `File.containsLines`
[ "[config]"
, "# Suggested by liw to keep Obnam memory consumption down (at some speed cost)."
, "upload-queue-size = 96"
, "lru-size = 96"
-- and
gitServer :: [Host] -> Property HasInfo
gitServer hosts = propertyList " setup" $ props
& Obnam.latestVersion
& Obnam.backupEncrypted "/srv/git" (Cron.Times "33 3 * * *")
[ "--repository=s"
, "--ssh-key=" ++ sshkey
, "--client-name=wren" -- historical
] Obnam.OnlyClient (Gpg.GpgKeyId "1B169BE1")
`requires` Ssh.keyImported' (Just sshkey) SshRsa "root" (Context "")
`requires` Ssh.knownHost hosts "" "root"
`requires` Ssh.authorizedKeys "family" (Context "")
`requires` User.accountFor "family"
& Apt.installed ["git", "rsync", "gitweb"]
& Apt.installed ["git-annex"]
& Apt.installed ["kgb-client"]
& File.hasPrivContentExposed "/etc/kgb-bot/kgb-client.conf" anyContext
`requires` File.dirExists "/etc/kgb-bot/"
& Git.daemonRunning "/srv/git"
& "/etc/gitweb.conf" `File.containsLines`
[ "$projectroot = '/srv/git';"
, "@git_base_url_list = ('git://', '', '', 'ssh://');"
, "# disable snapshot download; overloads server"
, "$feature{'snapshot'}{'default'} = [];"
`describe` "gitweb configured"
-- Repos push on to github.
& Ssh.knownHost hosts "" "joey"
-- I keep the website used for gitweb checked into git..
& Git.cloned "root" "/srv/git/joey/" "/srv/web/" Nothing
& website ""
& website ""
& Apache.modEnabled "cgi"
sshkey = "/root/.ssh/"
website hn = apacheSite hn True
[ " DocumentRoot /srv/web/"
, " <Directory /srv/web/>"
, " Options Indexes ExecCGI FollowSymlinks"
, " AllowOverride None"
, " AddHandler cgi-script .cgi"
, " DirectoryIndex index.cgi"
, Apache.allowAll
, " </Directory>"
, ""
, " ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/"
, " <Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin>"
, " SetHandler cgi-script"
, " Options ExecCGI"
, " </Directory>"
type AnnexUUID = String
-- | A website, with files coming from a git-annex repository.
annexWebSite :: Git.RepoUrl -> HostName -> AnnexUUID -> [(String, Git.RepoUrl)] -> Property HasInfo
annexWebSite origin hn uuid remotes = propertyList (hn ++" website using git-annex") $ props
& Git.cloned "joey" origin dir Nothing
`onChange` setup
& alias hn
& postupdatehook `File.hasContent`
[ "#!/bin/sh"
, "exec git update-server-info"
] `onChange`
(postupdatehook `File.mode` (combineModes (ownerWriteMode:readModes ++ executeModes)))
& setupapache
dir = "/srv/web/" ++ hn
postupdatehook = dir </> ".git/hooks/post-update"
setup = userScriptProperty "joey" setupscript
setupscript =
[ "cd " ++ shellEscape dir
, "git annex reinit " ++ shellEscape uuid
] ++ map addremote remotes ++
[ "git annex get"
, "git update-server-info"
addremote (name, url) = "git remote add " ++ shellEscape name ++ " " ++ shellEscape url
setupapache = apacheSite hn True
[ " ServerAlias www."++hn
, ""
, " DocumentRoot /srv/web/"++hn
, " <Directory /srv/web/"++hn++">"
, " Options FollowSymLinks"
, " AllowOverride None"
, Apache.allowAll
, " </Directory>"
, " <Directory /srv/web/"++hn++">"
, " Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI"
, " AllowOverride None"
, " AddHandler cgi-script .cgi"
, " DirectoryIndex index.html index.cgi"
, Apache.allowAll
, " </Directory>"
apacheSite :: HostName -> Bool -> Apache.ConfigFile -> RevertableProperty
apacheSite hn withssl middle = Apache.siteEnabled hn $ apachecfg hn withssl middle
apachecfg :: HostName -> Bool -> Apache.ConfigFile -> Apache.ConfigFile
apachecfg hn withssl middle
| withssl = vhost False ++ vhost True
| otherwise = vhost False
vhost ssl =
[ "<VirtualHost *:"++show port++">"
, " ServerAdmin"
, " ServerName "++hn++":"++show port
++ mainhttpscert ssl
++ middle ++
[ ""
, " ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log"
, " LogLevel warn"
, " CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined"
, " ServerSignature On"
, " "
, " <Directory \"/usr/share/apache2/icons\">"
, " Options Indexes MultiViews"
, " AllowOverride None"
, Apache.allowAll
, " </Directory>"
, "</VirtualHost>"
port = if ssl then 443 else 80 :: Int
mainhttpscert :: Bool -> Apache.ConfigFile
mainhttpscert False = []
mainhttpscert True =
[ " SSLEngine on"
, " SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/web.pem"
, " SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/web.pem"
, " SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/ssl/certs/startssl.pem"
gitAnnexDistributor :: Property HasInfo
gitAnnexDistributor = combineProperties "git-annex distributor, including rsync server and signer" $ props
& Apt.installed ["rsync"]
& File.hasPrivContent "/etc/rsyncd.conf" (Context "git-annex distributor")
`onChange` Service.restarted "rsync"
& File.hasPrivContent "/etc/rsyncd.secrets" (Context "git-annex distributor")
`onChange` Service.restarted "rsync"
& "/etc/default/rsync" `File.containsLine` "RSYNC_ENABLE=true"
`onChange` Service.running "rsync"
& endpoint "/srv/web/"
& endpoint "/srv/web/"
-- git-annex distribution signing key
& Gpg.keyImported (Gpg.GpgKeyId "89C809CB") "joey"
endpoint d = combineProperties ("endpoint " ++ d)
[ File.dirExists d
, File.ownerGroup d "joey" "joey"
downloads :: [Host] -> Property HasInfo
downloads hosts = annexWebSite "/srv/git/downloads.git"
[("eubackup", "ssh://")]
`requires` Ssh.knownHost hosts "" "joey"
tmp :: Property HasInfo
tmp = propertyList "" $ props
& annexWebSite "/srv/git/joey/tmp.git"
& twitRss
& pumpRss
-- Twitter, you kill us.
twitRss :: Property HasInfo
twitRss = combineProperties "twitter rss" $ props
& Git.cloned "joey" "git://" dir Nothing
& check (not <$> doesFileExist (dir </> "twitRss")) compiled
& feed "" "git-annex-twitter"
& feed "" "twittergrep"
dir = "/srv/web/"
crontime = Cron.Times "15 * * * *"
feed url desc = Cron.job desc crontime "joey" dir $
"./twitRss " ++ shellEscape url ++ " > " ++ shellEscape ("../" ++ desc ++ ".rss")
compiled = userScriptProperty "joey"
[ "cd " ++ dir
, "ghc --make twitRss"
`requires` Apt.installed
[ "libghc-xml-dev"
, "libghc-feed-dev"
, "libghc-tagsoup-dev"
-- Work around for expired ssl cert.
pumpRss :: Property NoInfo
pumpRss = Cron.job "pump rss" (Cron.Times "15 * * * *") "joey" "/srv/web/"
"wget -O pump.atom --no-check-certificate 2>/dev/null"
ircBouncer :: Property HasInfo
ircBouncer = propertyList "IRC bouncer" $ props
& Apt.installed ["znc"]
& User.accountFor "znc"
& File.dirExists (takeDirectory conf)
& File.hasPrivContent conf anyContext
& File.ownerGroup conf "znc" "znc"
& Cron.job "znconboot" (Cron.Times "@reboot") "znc" "~" "znc"
-- ensure running if it was not already
& trivial (userScriptProperty "znc" ["znc || true"])
`describe` "znc running"
conf = "/home/znc/.znc/configs/znc.conf"
kiteShellBox :: Property NoInfo
kiteShellBox = propertyList " shellinabox"
[ Apt.installed ["shellinabox"]
, File.hasContent "/etc/default/shellinabox"
[ "# Deployed by propellor"
, "SHELLINABOX_ARGS=\"--no-beep --service=/\""
`onChange` Service.restarted "shellinabox"
, Service.running "shellinabox"
githubBackup :: Property HasInfo
githubBackup = propertyList "github-backup box" $ props
& Apt.installed ["github-backup", "moreutils"]
& githubKeys
& Cron.niceJob "github-backup run" (Cron.Times "30 4 * * *") "joey"
"/home/joey/lib/backup" backupcmd
& Cron.niceJob "gitriddance" (Cron.Times "30 4 * * *") "joey"
"/home/joey/lib/backup" gitriddancecmd
backupcmd = intercalate "&&" $
[ "mkdir -p github"
, "cd github"
, ". $HOME/.github-keys"
, "github-backup joeyh"
gitriddancecmd = intercalate "&&" $
[ "cd github"
, ". $HOME/.github-keys"
] ++ map gitriddance githubMirrors
gitriddance (r, msg) = "(cd " ++ r ++ " && gitriddance " ++ shellEscape msg ++ ")"
githubKeys :: Property HasInfo
githubKeys =
let f = "/home/joey/.github-keys"
in File.hasPrivContent f anyContext
`onChange` File.ownerGroup f "joey" "joey"
-- these repos are only mirrored on github, I don't want
-- all the proprietary features
githubMirrors :: [(String, String)]
githubMirrors =
[ ("ikiwiki", plzuseurl "")
, ("git-annex", plzuseurl "")
, ("myrepos", plzuseurl "")
, ("propellor", plzuseurl "")
, ("etckeeper", plzuseurl "")
plzuseurl u = "please submit changes to " ++ u ++ " instead of using github pull requests"
rsyncNetBackup :: [Host] -> Property NoInfo
rsyncNetBackup hosts = Cron.niceJob " copied in daily" (Cron.Times "30 5 * * *")
"joey" "/home/joey/lib/backup" "mkdir -p && rsync --delete -az"
`requires` Ssh.knownHost hosts "" "joey"
backupsBackedupFrom :: [Host] -> HostName -> FilePath -> Property NoInfo
backupsBackedupFrom hosts srchost destdir = Cron.niceJob desc
(Cron.Times "@reboot") "joey" "/" cmd
`requires` Ssh.knownHost hosts srchost "joey"
desc = "backups copied from " ++ srchost ++ " on boot"
cmd = "rsync -az --bwlimit=300K --partial --delete " ++ srchost ++ ":lib/backup/ " ++ destdir </> srchost
obnamRepos :: [String] -> Property NoInfo
obnamRepos rs = propertyList ("obnam repos for " ++ unwords rs)
(mkbase : map mkrepo rs)
mkbase = mkdir "/home/joey/lib/backup"
`requires` mkdir "/home/joey/lib"
mkrepo r = mkdir ("/home/joey/lib/backup/" ++ r ++ ".obnam")
mkdir d = File.dirExists d
`before` File.ownerGroup d "joey" "joey"
podcatcher :: Property NoInfo
podcatcher = Cron.niceJob "podcatcher run hourly" (Cron.Times "55 * * * *")
"joey" "/home/joey/lib/sound/podcasts"
"xargs git-annex importfeed -c annex.genmetadata=true < feeds; mr --quiet update"
`requires` Apt.installed ["git-annex", "myrepos"]
kiteMailServer :: Property HasInfo
kiteMailServer = propertyList " mail server" $ props
& Postfix.installed
& Apt.installed ["postfix-pcre"]
& Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "postgrey"
& Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "spamassassin"
& "/etc/default/spamassassin" `File.containsLines`
[ "# Propellor deployed"
, "OPTIONS=\"--create-prefs --max-children 5 --helper-home-dir\""
, "CRON=1"
, "NICE=\"--nicelevel 15\""
] `onChange` Service.restarted "spamassassin"
`describe` "spamd enabled"
`requires` Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "cron"
& Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "spamass-milter"
-- Add -m to prevent modifying messages Subject or body.
& "/etc/default/spamass-milter" `File.containsLine`
"OPTIONS=\"-m -u spamass-milter -i\""
`onChange` Service.restarted "spamass-milter"
`describe` "spamass-milter configured"
& Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "amavisd-milter"
& "/etc/default/amavisd-milter" `File.containsLines`
[ "# Propellor deployed"
, "MILTERSOCKET=/var/spool/postfix/amavis/amavis.sock"
, "MILTERSOCKETOWNER=\"postfix:postfix\""
`onChange` Service.restarted "amavisd-milter"
`describe` "amavisd-milter configured for postfix"
& Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "clamav-freshclam"
& dkimInstalled
& Postfix.saslAuthdInstalled
& Apt.installed ["maildrop"]
& "/etc/maildroprc" `File.hasContent`
[ "# Global maildrop filter file (deployed with propellor)"
, "DEFAULT=\"$HOME/Maildir\""
, "# Filter spam to a spam folder, unless .keepspam exists"
, "if (/^X-Spam-Status: Yes/)"
, "{"
, " `test -e \"$HOME/.keepspam\"`"
, " if ( $RETURNCODE != 0 )"
, " to ${MAILBOX}spam"
, "}"
`describe` "maildrop configured"
& "/etc/aliases" `File.hasPrivContentExposed` ctx
`onChange` Postfix.newaliases
& hasJoeyCAChain
& hasPostfixCert ctx
& "/etc/postfix/mydomain" `File.containsLines`
[ "/.*\\.kitenet\\.net/\tOK"
, "/ikiwiki\\.info/\tOK"
, "/joeyh\\.name/\tOK"
`onChange` Postfix.reloaded
`describe` "postfix mydomain file configured"
& "/etc/postfix/obscure_client_relay.pcre" `File.hasContent`
-- Remove received lines for mails relayed from trusted
-- clients. These can be a privacy violation, or trigger
-- spam filters.
[ "/^Received: from ([^.]+)\\.kitenet\\.net.*using TLS.*by kitenet\\.net \\(([^)]+)\\) with (E?SMTPS?A?) id ([A-F[:digit:]]+)(.*)/ IGNORE"
-- Munge local Received line for postfix running on a
-- trusted client that relays through. These can trigger
-- spam filters.
, "/^Received: by ([^.]+)\\.kitenet\\.net.*/ REPLACE X-Question: 42"
`onChange` Postfix.reloaded
`describe` "postfix obscure_client_relay file configured"
& Postfix.mappedFile "/etc/postfix/virtual"
(flip File.containsLines
[ "# * to joey"
, "\tjoey"
) `describe` "postfix virtual file configured"
`onChange` Postfix.reloaded
& Postfix.mappedFile "/etc/postfix/relay_clientcerts"
(flip File.hasPrivContentExposed ctx)
& Postfix.mainCfFile `File.containsLines`
[ "myhostname ="
, "mydomain = $myhostname"
, "append_dot_mydomain = no"
, "myorigin ="
, "mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, $mydomain, kite.$mydomain., localhost, regexp:$config_directory/mydomain"
, "mailbox_command = maildrop"
, "virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual"
, "# Allow clients with trusted certs to relay mail through."
, "relay_clientcerts = hash:/etc/postfix/relay_clientcerts"
, "smtpd_relay_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,permit_tls_clientcerts,permit_sasl_authenticated,reject_unauth_destination"
, "# Filter out client relay lines from headers."
, "header_checks = pcre:$config_directory/obscure_client_relay.pcre"
, "# Password auth for relaying (used by errol)"
, "smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes"
, "smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous"
, "smtpd_sasl_local_domain ="
, "# Enable postgrey."
, "smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_tls_clientcerts,permit_sasl_authenticated,,permit_mynetworks,reject_unauth_destination,check_policy_service inet:"
, "# Enable spamass-milter, amavis-milter, opendkim"
, "smtpd_milters = unix:/spamass/spamass.sock unix:amavis/amavis.sock inet:localhost:8891"
, "# opendkim is used for outgoing mail"
, "non_smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:8891"
, "milter_connect_macros = j {daemon_name} v {if_name} _"
, "# If a milter is broken, fall back to just accepting mail."
, "milter_default_action = accept"
, "# TLS setup -- server"
, "smtpd_tls_CAfile = /etc/ssl/certs/joeyca.pem"
, "smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/ssl/certs/postfix.pem"
, "smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/ssl/private/postfix.pem"
, "smtpd_tls_loglevel = 1"
, "smtpd_tls_received_header = yes"
, "smtpd_use_tls = yes"
, "smtpd_tls_ask_ccert = yes"
, "smtpd_tls_session_cache_database = sdbm:/etc/postfix/smtpd_scache"
, "# TLS setup -- client"
, "smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/ssl/certs/joeyca.pem"
, "smtp_tls_cert_file = /etc/ssl/certs/postfix.pem"
, "smtp_tls_key_file = /etc/ssl/private/postfix.pem"
, "smtp_tls_loglevel = 1"
, "smtp_use_tls = yes"
, "smtp_tls_session_cache_database = sdbm:/etc/postfix/smtp_scache"
`onChange` Postfix.dedupMainCf
`onChange` Postfix.reloaded
`describe` "postfix configured"
& Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "dovecot-imapd"
& Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "dovecot-pop3d"
& "/etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-mail.conf" `File.containsLine`
"mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir"
`onChange` Service.reloaded "dovecot"
`describe` "dovecot mail.conf"
& "/etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-auth.conf" `File.containsLine`
"!include auth-passwdfile.conf.ext"
`onChange` Service.restarted "dovecot"
`describe` "dovecot auth.conf"
& File.hasPrivContent dovecotusers ctx
`onChange` (dovecotusers `File.mode`
combineModes [ownerReadMode, groupReadMode])
& File.ownerGroup dovecotusers "root" "dovecot"
& Apt.installed ["mutt", "bsd-mailx", "alpine"]
& pinescript `File.hasContent`
[ "#!/bin/sh"
, "# deployed with propellor"
, "set -e"
, "pass=$HOME/.pine-password"
, "if [ ! -e $pass ]; then"
, "\ttouch $pass"
, "fi"
, "chmod 600 $pass"
, "exec alpine -passfile $pass \"$@\""
`onChange` (pinescript `File.mode`
combineModes (readModes ++ executeModes))
`describe` "pine wrapper script"
& "/etc/pine.conf" `File.hasContent`
[ "# deployed with propellor"
, "inbox-path={localhost/novalidate-cert/NoRsh}inbox"
`describe` "pine configured to use local imap server"
& Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "mailman"
ctx = Context ""
pinescript = "/usr/local/bin/pine"
dovecotusers = "/etc/dovecot/users"
-- Configures postfix to relay outgoing mail to, with
-- verification via tls cert.
postfixClientRelay :: Context -> Property HasInfo
postfixClientRelay ctx = Postfix.mainCfFile `File.containsLines`
[ "relayhost ="
, "smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/ssl/certs/joeyca.pem"
, "smtp_tls_cert_file = /etc/ssl/certs/postfix.pem"
, "smtp_tls_key_file = /etc/ssl/private/postfix.pem"
, "smtp_tls_loglevel = 0"
, "smtp_use_tls = yes"
`describe` "postfix client relay"
`onChange` Postfix.dedupMainCf
`onChange` Postfix.reloaded
`requires` hasJoeyCAChain
`requires` hasPostfixCert ctx
-- Configures postfix to have the dkim milter, and no other milters.
dkimMilter :: Property HasInfo
dkimMilter = Postfix.mainCfFile `File.containsLines`
[ "smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:8891"
, "non_smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:8891"
, "milter_default_action = accept"
`describe` "postfix dkim milter"
`onChange` Postfix.dedupMainCf
`onChange` Postfix.reloaded
`requires` dkimInstalled
-- This does not configure postfix to use the dkim milter,
-- nor does it set up domainkey DNS.
dkimInstalled :: Property HasInfo
dkimInstalled = go `onChange` Service.restarted "opendkim"
go = propertyList "opendkim installed" $ props
& Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "opendkim"
& File.dirExists "/etc/mail"
& File.hasPrivContent "/etc/mail/dkim.key" (Context "")
& File.ownerGroup "/etc/mail/dkim.key" "opendkim" "opendkim"
& "/etc/default/opendkim" `File.containsLine`
& "/etc/opendkim.conf" `File.containsLines`
[ "KeyFile /etc/mail/dkim.key"
, "SubDomains yes"
, "Domain *"
, "Selector mail"
-- This is the dkim public key, corresponding with /etc/mail/dkim.key
-- This value can be included in a domain's additional records to make
-- it use this domainkey.
domainKey :: (BindDomain, Record)
domainKey = (RelDomain "mail._domainkey", TXT "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; t=y; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCc+/rfzNdt5DseBBmfB3C6sVM7FgVvf4h1FeCfyfwPpVcmPdW6M2I+NtJsbRkNbEICxiP6QY2UM0uoo9TmPqLgiCCG2vtuiG6XMsS0Y/gGwqKM7ntg/7vT1Go9vcquOFFuLa5PnzpVf8hB9+PMFdS4NPTvWL2c5xxshl/RJzICnQIDAQAB")
hasJoeyCAChain :: Property HasInfo
hasJoeyCAChain = "/etc/ssl/certs/joeyca.pem" `File.hasPrivContentExposed`
Context "joeyca.pem"
hasPostfixCert :: Context -> Property HasInfo
hasPostfixCert ctx = combineProperties "postfix tls cert installed"
[ "/etc/ssl/certs/postfix.pem" `File.hasPrivContentExposed` ctx
, "/etc/ssl/private/postfix.pem" `File.hasPrivContent` ctx
kitenetHttps :: Property HasInfo
kitenetHttps = propertyList " https certs" $ props
& File.hasPrivContent "/etc/ssl/certs/web.pem" ctx
& File.hasPrivContent "/etc/ssl/private/web.pem" ctx
& File.hasPrivContent "/etc/ssl/certs/startssl.pem" ctx
& Apache.modEnabled "ssl"
ctx = Context ""
-- Legacy static web sites and redirections from to newer
-- sites.
legacyWebSites :: Property HasInfo
legacyWebSites = propertyList "legacy web sites" $ props
& Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "apache2"
& Apache.modEnabled "rewrite"
& Apache.modEnabled "cgi"
& Apache.modEnabled "speling"
& userDirHtml
& kitenetHttps
& apacheSite "" True
-- /var/www is empty
[ "DocumentRoot /var/www"
, "<Directory /var/www>"
, " Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews ExecCGI Includes"
, " AllowOverride None"
, Apache.allowAll
, "</Directory>"
, "ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/"
-- for mailman cgi scripts
, "<Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin>"
, " AllowOverride None"
, " Options ExecCGI"
, Apache.allowAll
, "</Directory>"
, "Alias /pipermail/ /var/lib/mailman/archives/public/"
, "<Directory /var/lib/mailman/archives/public/>"
, " Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymlinks"
, " AllowOverride None"
, Apache.allowAll
, "</Directory>"
, "Alias /images/ /usr/share/images/"
, "<Directory /usr/share/images/>"
, " Options Indexes MultiViews"
, " AllowOverride None"
, Apache.allowAll
, "</Directory>"
, "RewriteEngine On"
, "# Force hostname to"
, "RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^kitenet\\.net [NC]"
, "RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^$"
, "RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://kitenet\\.net/$1 [L,R]"
, "# Moved pages"
, "RewriteRule /programs/debhelper [L]"
, "RewriteRule /programs/satutils [L]"
, "RewriteRule /programs/filters [L]"
, "RewriteRule /programs/ticker [L]"
, "RewriteRule /programs/pdmenu [L]"
, "RewriteRule /programs/sleepd [L]"
, "RewriteRule /programs/Lingua::EN::Words2Nums [L]"
, "RewriteRule /programs/wmbattery [L]"
, "RewriteRule /programs/dpkg-repack [L]"
, "RewriteRule /programs/debconf [L]"
, "RewriteRule /programs/perlmoo [L]"
, "RewriteRule /programs/alien [L]"
, "RewriteRule /~joey/blog/entry/(.+)-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9].html$1/ [L]"
, "RewriteRule /~anna/.* http://waldeneffect\\.org/ [R]"
, "RewriteRule /~anna/.* http://waldeneffect\\.org/ [R]"
, "RewriteRule /~anna http://waldeneffect\\.org/ [R]"
, "RewriteRule /simpleid/"
, "# Even the kite home page is not here any more!"
, "RewriteRule ^/$ [R]"
, "RewriteRule ^/index.html [R]"
, "RewriteRule ^/joey [R]"
, "RewriteRule ^/joey/index.html [R]"
, "RewriteRule ^/wifi [R]"
, "RewriteRule ^/wifi/index.html [R]"
, "# Old ikiwiki filenames for wiki."
, "rewritecond $1 !^/~"
, "rewritecond $1 !^/doc/"
, "rewritecond $1 !^/pipermail/"
, "rewritecond $1 !^/cgi-bin/"
, "rewritecond $1 !.*/index$"
, "rewriterule (.+).html$ $1/ [r]"
, "# Old ikiwiki filenames for joey's wiki."
, "rewritecond $1 ^/~joey/"
, "rewritecond $1 !.*/index$"
, "rewriterule (.+).html$$1/ [L,R]"
, "# ~joey to"
, "rewriterule /~joey/(.*)$1 [L]"
, "# Old familywiki location."
, "rewriterule /~family/(.*).html$1 [L]"
, "rewriterule /~family/(.*).rss$1/index.rss [L]"
, "rewriterule /~family(.*)$1 [L]"
, "rewriterule /~kyle/bywayofscience(.*)$1 [L]"
, "rewriterule /~kyle/family/wiki/(.*).html$1 [L]"
, "rewriterule /~kyle/family/wiki/(.*).rss$1/index.rss [L]"
, "rewriterule /~kyle/family/wiki(.*)$1 [L]"
& alias ""
& apacheSite "" False
[ "DocumentRoot /home/anna/html"
, "<Directory /home/anna/html/>"
, " Options Indexes ExecCGI"
, " AllowOverride None"
, Apache.allowAll
, "</Directory>"
& alias ""
& alias ""
& apacheSite "" False
[ "ServerAlias"
, "DocumentRoot /srv/web/"
, "<Directory /srv/web/>"
, " Options FollowSymLinks"
, " AllowOverride None"
, Apache.allowAll
, "</Directory>"
& alias ""
& alias ""
& apacheSite "" False
[ "ServerAlias"
, "DocumentRoot /srv/web/"
, "<Directory /srv/web/>"
, " Options FollowSymLinks"
, " AllowOverride None"
, Apache.allowAll
, "</Directory>"
& alias ""
& apacheSite "" False
[ "ServerAlias"
, "DocumentRoot /srv/web/"
, "<Directory /srv/web/>"
, " Options FollowSymLinks"
, " AllowOverride None"
, Apache.allowAll
, "</Directory>"
& alias ""
& apacheSite "" False
[ "DocumentRoot /var/www"
, "<Directory /var/www/>"
, " Options Indexes ExecCGI"
, " AllowOverride None"
, Apache.allowAll
, "</Directory>"
, "RewriteEngine On"
, "# Old ikiwiki filenames for joey's wiki."
, "rewritecond $1 !.*/index$"
, "rewriterule (.+).html$$1/ [l]"
, "rewritecond $1 !.*/index$"
, "rewriterule (.+).rss$$1/index.rss [l]"
, "# Redirect all to"
, "rewriterule (.*)$1 [r]"
userDirHtml :: Property HasInfo
userDirHtml = File.fileProperty "apache userdir is html" (map munge) conf
`onChange` Apache.reloaded
`requires` (toProp $ Apache.modEnabled "userdir")
munge = replace "public_html" "html"
conf = "/etc/apache2/mods-available/userdir.conf"