
243 lines
6.5 KiB

module Propellor.CmdLine where
import System.Environment
import Data.List
import System.Exit
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.Lazy as B64
import Data.Bits.Utils
import Propellor
import Utility.FileMode
import Utility.SafeCommand
import Utility.Data
data CmdLine
= Run HostName
| Spin HostName
| Boot HostName
| Set HostName PrivDataField
| AddKey String
processCmdLine :: IO CmdLine
processCmdLine = go =<< getArgs
go ("--help":_) = usage
go ("--spin":h:[]) = return $ Spin h
go ("--boot":h:[]) = return $ Boot h
go ("--add-key":k:[]) = return $ AddKey k
go ("--set":h:f:[]) = case readish f of
Just pf -> return $ Set h pf
Nothing -> error $ "Unknown privdata field " ++ f
go (h:[]) = return $ Run h
go [] = do
s <- takeWhile (/= '\n') <$> readProcess "hostname" ["-f"]
if null s
then error "Cannot determine hostname! Pass it on the command line."
else return $ Run s
go _ = usage
usage :: IO a
usage = do
putStrLn $ unlines
[ "Usage:"
, " propellor"
, " propellor hostname"
, " propellor --spin hostname"
, " propellor --set hostname field"
, " propellor --add-key keyid"
defaultMain :: (HostName -> Maybe [Property]) -> IO ()
defaultMain getprops = go =<< processCmdLine
go (Run host) = withprops host ensureProperties
go (Spin host) = withprops host (const $ spin host)
go (Boot host) = withprops host boot
go (Set host field) = setPrivData host field
go (AddKey keyid) = addKey keyid
withprops host a = maybe (unknownhost host) a (getprops host)
unknownhost :: HostName -> IO a
unknownhost h = error $ unwords
[ "Unknown host:", h
, "(perhaps you should specify the real hostname on the command line?)"
spin :: HostName -> IO ()
spin host = do
url <- getUrl
void $ gitCommit [Param "--allow-empty", Param "-a", Param "-m", Param "propellor spin"]
void $ boolSystem "git" [Param "push"]
go url =<< gpgDecrypt (privDataFile host)
go url privdata = withBothHandles createProcessSuccess (proc "ssh" [user, bootstrapcmd]) $ \(toh, fromh) -> do
let finish = do
senddata toh (privDataFile host) privDataMarker privdata
hClose toh
-- Display remaining output.
void $ tryIO $ forever $
showremote =<< hGetLine fromh
hClose fromh
status <- getstatus fromh `catchIO` error "protocol error"
case status of
HaveKeyRing -> finish
NeedKeyRing -> do
d <- w82s . BL.unpack . B64.encode
<$> BL.readFile keyring
senddata toh keyring keyringMarker d
NeedGitClone -> do
hClose toh
hClose fromh
sendGitClone host url
go url privdata
user = "root@"++host
bootstrapcmd = shellWrap $ intercalate " && "
[ intercalate " ; "
[ "if [ ! -d " ++ localdir ++ " ]"
, "then " ++ intercalate " && "
[ "apt-get -y install git"
, "echo " ++ toMarked statusMarker (show NeedGitClone)
, "fi"
, "cd " ++ localdir
, "make build"
, "./propellor --boot " ++ host
getstatus :: Handle -> IO BootStrapStatus
getstatus h = do
l <- hGetLine h
case readish =<< fromMarked statusMarker l of
Nothing -> do
showremote l
getstatus h
Just status -> return status
showremote s = putStrLn s
senddata toh f marker s = do
putStr $ "Sending " ++ f ++ " (" ++ show (length s) ++ " bytes) to " ++ host ++ "..."
hFlush stdout
hPutStrLn toh $ toMarked marker s
hFlush toh
putStrLn "done"
sendGitClone :: HostName -> String -> IO ()
sendGitClone host url = do
putStrLn $ "Pushing git repository to " ++ host
withTmpFile "gitbundle" $ \tmp _ -> do
-- TODO: ssh connection caching, or better push method
-- with less connections.
void $ boolSystem "git" [Param "bundle", Param "create", File tmp, Param "HEAD"]
void $ boolSystem "scp" [File tmp, Param ("root@"++host++":"++remotebundle)]
void $ boolSystem "ssh" [Param ("root@"++host), Param unpackcmd]
remotebundle = "/usr/local/propellor.git"
unpackcmd = shellWrap $ intercalate " && "
[ "git clone " ++ remotebundle ++ " " ++ localdir
, "cd " ++ localdir
, "git checkout -b master"
, "git remote rm origin"
, "git remote add origin " ++ url
, "rm -f " ++ remotebundle
data BootStrapStatus = HaveKeyRing | NeedKeyRing | NeedGitClone
deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
type Marker = String
type Marked = String
statusMarker :: Marker
statusMarker = "STATUS"
keyringMarker :: Marker
keyringMarker = "KEYRING"
privDataMarker :: String
privDataMarker = "PRIVDATA "
toMarked :: Marker -> String -> String
toMarked marker = intercalate "\n" . map (marker ++) . lines
fromMarked :: Marker -> Marked -> Maybe String
fromMarked marker s
| null matches = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ intercalate "\n" $
map (drop len) matches
len = length marker
matches = filter (marker `isPrefixOf`) $ lines s
boot :: [Property] -> IO ()
boot props = do
havering <- doesFileExist keyring
putStrLn $ toMarked statusMarker $ show $ if havering then HaveKeyRing else NeedKeyRing
hFlush stdout
reply <- hGetContentsStrict stdin
maybe noop (writeFileProtected privDataLocal) $
fromMarked privDataMarker reply
case eitherToMaybe . B64.decode . BL.pack . s2w8 =<< fromMarked keyringMarker reply of
Nothing -> noop
Just d -> do
writeFileProtected keyring ""
BL.writeFile keyring d
ensureProperties props
addKey :: String -> IO ()
addKey keyid = exitBool =<< allM id [ gpg, gitadd, gitcommit ]
gpg = boolSystem "sh"
[ Param "-c"
, Param $ "gpg --export " ++ keyid ++ " | gpg " ++
unwords (gpgopts ++ ["--import"])
gitadd = boolSystem "git"
[ Param "add"
, File keyring
gitcommit = gitCommit
[ File keyring
, Param "-m"
, Param "propellor addkey"
{- Automatically sign the commit if there'a a keyring. -}
gitCommit :: [CommandParam] -> IO Bool
gitCommit ps = do
k <- doesFileExist keyring
boolSystem "git" $ catMaybes $
[ Just (Param "commit")
, if k then Just (Param "--gpg-sign") else Nothing
] ++ map Just ps
keyring :: FilePath
keyring = privDataDir </> "keyring.gpg"
gpgopts :: [String]
gpgopts = ["--options", "/dev/null", "--no-default-keyring", "--keyring", keyring]
localdir :: FilePath
localdir = "/usr/local/propellor"
getUrl :: IO String
getUrl = fromMaybe nourl <$> getM get urls
urls = ["remote.deploy.url", "remote.origin.url"]
nourl = error $ "Cannot find deploy url in " ++ show urls
get u = do
v <- catchMaybeIO $
takeWhile (/= '\n')
<$> readProcess "git" ["config", u]
return $ case v of
Just url | not (null url) -> Just url
_ -> Nothing