better error handling for this

This commit is contained in:
Christine Dodrill 2016-02-06 01:01:15 -08:00
parent be1dd411ee
commit ce0fb7983a
1 changed files with 35 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -199,48 +199,50 @@ routes:
get "/@kind/@id":
title: string = ""
ctx: Context
rows: seq[Row]
qid: int = 0
qid = (@"id").parseInt
qid = (@"id").decodeURLSimple()
redirect "/" & @"kind" & "/" & $qid
title: string = ""
ctx: Context
rows: seq[Row]
qid: int = 0
case @"kind":
of "browse":
rows = db.getAllRows(sql"SELECT * FROM quotes where deleted=0 ORDER BY time desc LIMIT 20 OFFSET ?", (qid * 20))
qid = (@"id").parseInt
qid = (@"id").decodeURLSimple()
redirect "/" & @"kind" & "/" & $qid
title = "page " & @"id"
of "quotes":
rows = db.getAllRows(sql"SELECT * FROM quotes WHERE id = ?", qid)
case @"kind":
of "browse":
rows = db.getAllRows(sql"SELECT * FROM quotes where deleted=0 ORDER BY time desc LIMIT 20 OFFSET ?", (qid * 20))
title = "#" & $qid & " by " & rows[0][2]
if (@"kind").startsWith "hashtag-":
let channel = (@"kind").replace("hashtag-", "#")
title = "page " & @"id"
of "quotes":
rows = db.getAllRows(sql"SELECT * FROM quotes WHERE id = ?", qid)
rows = db.getAllRows(sql"SELECT * FROM quotes WHERE channel=?, deleted=0 ORDER BY time desc LIMIT 20 OFFSET ?", channel, qid * 20)
title = channel & " page " & @"id"
title = "#" & $qid & " by " & rows[0][2]
halt Http404, "not found"
if (@"kind").startsWith "hashtag-":
let channel = (@"kind").replace("hashtag-", "#")
ctx = newContext()
var quoteSeq = newSeq[Context]()
rows = db.getAllRows(sql"SELECT * FROM quotes WHERE channel=?, deleted=0 ORDER BY time desc LIMIT 20 OFFSET ?", channel, qid * 20)
for row in items(rows):
var c = newContext()
c.contextQuote row[0].parseInt(), row
quoteSeq.add c
title = channel & " page " & @"id"
halt Http404, "not found"
ctx["quotes"] = quoteSeq
ctx.pagination(qid, @"kind")
ctx = newContext()
var quoteSeq = newSeq[Context]()
renderMustache(title, browseTemplate, ctx)
for row in items(rows):
var c = newContext()
c.contextQuote row[0].parseInt(), row
quoteSeq.add c
ctx["quotes"] = quoteSeq
ctx.pagination(qid, @"kind")
renderMustache(title, browseTemplate, ctx)
except: fail()