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2017-01-20 01:27:14 +00:00
package tunnel
import (
2017-01-22 17:36:44 +00:00
2017-01-20 01:27:14 +00:00
//go:generate stringer -type ClientState
// ErrRedialAborted is emitted on ClientClosed event, when backoff policy
// used by a client decided no more reconnection attempts must be made.
var ErrRedialAborted = errors.New("unable to restore the connection, aborting")
// ClientState represents client connection state to tunnel server.
type ClientState uint32
// ClientState enumeration.
const (
ClientUnknown ClientState = iota
ClientClosed // keep it always last
// ClientStateChange represents single client state transition.
type ClientStateChange struct {
Identifier string
Previous ClientState
Current ClientState
Error error
// Strings implements the fmt.Stringer interface.
func (cs *ClientStateChange) String() string {
if cs.Error != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s->%s (%s)", cs.Identifier, cs.Previous, cs.Current, cs.Error)
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s->%s", cs.Identifier, cs.Previous, cs.Current)
// Backoff defines behavior of staggering reconnection retries.
type Backoff interface {
// Next returns the duration to sleep before retrying reconnections.
// If the returned value is negative, the retry is aborted.
NextBackOff() time.Duration
// Reset is used to signal a reconnection was successful and next
// call to Next should return desired time duration for 1st reconnection
// attempt.
// Client is responsible for creating a control connection to a tunnel server,
// creating new tunnels and proxy them to tunnel server.
type Client struct {
// underlying yamux session
session *yamux.Session
// config holds the ClientConfig
config *ClientConfig
// yamuxConfig is passed to new yamux.Session's
yamuxConfig *yamux.Config
// proxy handles local server communication.
proxy ProxyFunc
// startNotify is a chanel user can get to be notified when client is
// connected to the server. The preferred way of doing this however,
// would be using StateChanges in ClientConfig where user can provide
// his own channel.
startNotify chan bool
// closed is a flag set when client calls Close() and quits.
closed bool
// closedMu guards both closed flag and startNotify channel. Since library
// owns the channel it's cleared when trying to reconnect.
closedMu sync.RWMutex
reqWg sync.WaitGroup
ctrlWg sync.WaitGroup
state ClientState
// redialBackoff is used to reconnect in exponential backoff intervals
redialBackoff Backoff
log logging.Logger
// ClientConfig defines the configuration for the Client
type ClientConfig struct {
// Identifier is the secret token that needs to be passed to the server.
// Required if FetchIdentifier is not set.
Identifier string
// FetchIdentifier can be used to fetch identifier. Required if Identifier
// is not set.
FetchIdentifier func() (string, error)
// ServerAddr defines the TCP address of the tunnel server to be connected.
// Required if FetchServerAddr is not set.
ServerAddr string
// FetchServerAddr can be used to fetch tunnel server address.
// Required if ServerAddress is not set.
FetchServerAddr func() (string, error)
// Dial provides custom transport layer for client server communication.
// If nil, default implementation is to return net.Dial("tcp", address).
// It can be used for connection monitoring, setting different timeouts or
// securing the connection.
Dial func(network, address string) (net.Conn, error)
// Proxy defines custom proxing logic. This is optional extension point
// where you can provide your local server selection or communication rules.
Proxy ProxyFunc
// StateChanges receives state transition details each time client
// connection state changes. The channel is expected to be sufficiently
// buffered to keep up with event pace.
// If nil, no information about state transitions are dispatched
// by the library.
StateChanges chan<- *ClientStateChange
// Backoff is used to control behavior of staggering reconnection loop.
// If nil, default backoff policy is used which makes a client to never
// give up on reconnection.
// If custom backoff is used, client will emit ErrRedialAborted set
// with ClientClosed event when no more reconnection atttemps should
// be made.
Backoff Backoff
// YamuxConfig defines the config which passed to every new yamux.Session. If nil
// yamux.DefaultConfig() is used.
YamuxConfig *yamux.Config
// Log defines the logger. If nil a default logging.Logger is used.
Log logging.Logger
// Debug enables debug mode, enable only if you want to debug the server.
Debug bool
// LocalAddr is DEPRECATED please use ProxyHTTP.LocalAddr, see ProxyOverwrite for more details.
LocalAddr string
// FetchLocalAddr is DEPRECATED please use ProxyTCP.FetchLocalAddr, see ProxyOverwrite for more details.
FetchLocalAddr func(port int) (string, error)
// verify is used to verify the ClientConfig
func (c *ClientConfig) verify() error {
if c.ServerAddr == "" && c.FetchServerAddr == nil {
return errors.New("neither ServerAddr nor FetchServerAddr is set")
if c.Identifier == "" && c.FetchIdentifier == nil {
return errors.New("neither Identifier nor FetchIdentifier is set")
if c.YamuxConfig != nil {
if err := yamux.VerifyConfig(c.YamuxConfig); err != nil {
return err
if c.Proxy != nil && (c.LocalAddr != "" || c.FetchLocalAddr != nil) {
return errors.New("both Proxy and LocalAddr or FetchLocalAddr are set")
return nil
// NewClient creates a new tunnel that is established between the serverAddr
// and localAddr. It exits if it can't create a new control connection to the
// server. If localAddr is empty client will always try to proxy to a local
// port.
func NewClient(cfg *ClientConfig) (*Client, error) {
if err := cfg.verify(); err != nil {
return nil, err
yamuxConfig := yamux.DefaultConfig()
if cfg.YamuxConfig != nil {
yamuxConfig = cfg.YamuxConfig
var proxy = DefaultProxy
if cfg.Proxy != nil {
proxy = cfg.Proxy
if cfg.LocalAddr != "" || cfg.FetchLocalAddr != nil {
var f ProxyFuncs
if cfg.LocalAddr != "" {
f.HTTP = (&HTTPProxy{LocalAddr: cfg.LocalAddr}).Proxy
f.WS = (&HTTPProxy{LocalAddr: cfg.LocalAddr}).Proxy
if cfg.FetchLocalAddr != nil {
f.TCP = (&TCPProxy{FetchLocalAddr: cfg.FetchLocalAddr}).Proxy
proxy = Proxy(f)
var bo Backoff = newForeverBackoff()
if cfg.Backoff != nil {
bo = cfg.Backoff
log := newLogger("tunnel-client", cfg.Debug)
if cfg.Log != nil {
log = cfg.Log
client := &Client{
config: cfg,
yamuxConfig: yamuxConfig,
proxy: proxy,
startNotify: make(chan bool, 1),
redialBackoff: bo,
log: log,
return client, nil
// Start starts the client and connects to the server with the identifier.
// client.FetchIdentifier() will be used if it's not nil. It's supports
// reconnecting with exponential backoff intervals when the connection to the
// server disconnects. Call client.Close() to shutdown the client completely. A
// successful connection will cause StartNotify() to receive a value.
func (c *Client) Start() {
fetchIdent := func() (string, error) {
if c.config.FetchIdentifier != nil {
return c.config.FetchIdentifier()
return c.config.Identifier, nil
fetchServerAddr := func() (string, error) {
if c.config.FetchServerAddr != nil {
return c.config.FetchServerAddr()
return c.config.ServerAddr, nil
c.changeState(ClientStarted, nil)
var lastErr error
for {
prev := c.changeState(ClientConnecting, lastErr)
if c.isRetry(prev) {
dur := c.redialBackoff.NextBackOff()
if dur < 0 {
c.changeState(ClientClosed, ErrRedialAborted)
// exit if closed
if c.isClosed() {
c.changeState(ClientClosed, lastErr)
identifier, err := fetchIdent()
if err != nil {
lastErr = err
c.log.Critical("client fetch identifier error: %s", err)
serverAddr, err := fetchServerAddr()
if err != nil {
lastErr = err
c.log.Critical("client fetch server address error: %s", err)
if err := c.connect(identifier, serverAddr); err != nil {
lastErr = err
c.log.Debug("client connect error: %s", err)
// exit if closed
if c.isClosed() {
c.changeState(ClientClosed, lastErr)
// Close closes the client and shutdowns the connection to the tunnel server
func (c *Client) Close() error {
defer c.setClosed(true)
if c.session == nil {
return errors.New("session is not initialized")
// wait until all connections are finished
waitCh := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
if err := c.session.GoAway(); err != nil {
c.log.Debug("Session go away failed: %s", err)
select {
case <-waitCh:
// ok
case <-time.After(time.Second * 10):
c.log.Info("Timeout waiting for connections to finish")
if err := c.session.Close(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// isClosed securely checks if client is marked as closed.
func (c *Client) isClosed() bool {
defer c.closedMu.RUnlock()
return c.closed
// setClosed securely marks client as closed (or not closed). If not closed
// also empty the value inside the startNotify channel by retrieving it (if any),
// so it doesn't block during connect, when the client was closed and started again,
// and startNotify was never listened to.
func (c *Client) setClosed(closed bool) {
defer c.closedMu.Unlock()
c.closed = closed
if !closed {
// clear channel
select {
case <-c.startNotify:
// startNotifyIfNeeded sends ok to startNotify channel if it's listened to.
// This function is called by connect when connection was successful.
func (c *Client) startNotifyIfNeeded() {
if !c.closed {
c.log.Debug("sending ok to startNotify chan")
select {
case c.startNotify <- true:
// reaching here means the client never read the signal via
// StartNotify(). This is OK, we shouldn't except it the consumer
// to read from this channel. It's optional, so we just drop the
// signal.
c.log.Debug("startNotify message was dropped")
// StartNotify returns a channel that receives a single value when the client
// established a successful connection to the server.
func (c *Client) StartNotify() <-chan bool {
return c.startNotify
func (c *Client) changeState(state ClientState, err error) (prev ClientState) {
prev = ClientState(atomic.LoadUint32((*uint32)(&c.state)))
if c.config.StateChanges != nil {
change := &ClientStateChange{
Identifier: c.config.Identifier,
Previous: ClientState(prev),
Current: state,
Error: err,
select {
case c.config.StateChanges <- change:
c.log.Warning("Dropping state change due to slow reader: %s", change)
atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32((*uint32)(&c.state), uint32(prev), uint32(state))
return prev
func (c *Client) isRetry(state ClientState) bool {
return state != ClientStarted && state != ClientClosed
func (c *Client) connect(identifier, serverAddr string) error {
c.log.Debug("Trying to connect to %q with identifier %q", serverAddr, identifier)
conn, err := c.dial(serverAddr)
if err != nil {
return err
remoteURL := controlURL(conn)
c.log.Debug("CONNECT to %q", remoteURL)
req, err := http.NewRequest("CONNECT", remoteURL, nil)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error creating request to %s: %s", remoteURL, err)
req.Header.Set(proto.ClientIdentifierHeader, identifier)
c.log.Debug("Writing request to TCP: %+v", req)
if err := req.Write(conn); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing CONNECT request to %s failed: %s", req.URL, err)
c.log.Debug("Reading response from TCP")
resp, err := http.ReadResponse(bufio.NewReader(conn), req)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("reading CONNECT response from %s failed: %s", req.URL, err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK || resp.Status != proto.Connected {
out, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("tunnel server error: status=%d, error=%s", resp.StatusCode, err)
return fmt.Errorf("tunnel server error: status=%d, body=%s", resp.StatusCode, string(out))
c.ctrlWg.Wait() // wait until previous listenControl observes disconnection
c.session, err = yamux.Client(conn, c.yamuxConfig)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("session initialization failed: %s", err)
var stream net.Conn
openStream := func() error {
// this is blocking until client opens a session to us
stream, err = c.session.Open()
return err
// if we don't receive anything from the server, we'll timeout
select {
case err := <-async(openStream):
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("waiting for session to open failed: %s", err)
case <-time.After(time.Second * 10):
if stream != nil {
return errors.New("timeout opening session")
if _, err := stream.Write([]byte(proto.HandshakeRequest)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing handshake request failed: %s", err)
buf := make([]byte, len(proto.HandshakeResponse))
if _, err := stream.Read(buf); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("reading handshake response failed: %s", err)
if string(buf) != proto.HandshakeResponse {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid handshake response, received: %s", string(buf))
ct := newControl(stream)
c.log.Debug("client has started successfully")
c.redialBackoff.Reset() // we successfully connected, so we can reset the backoff
return c.listenControl(ct)
func (c *Client) dial(serverAddr string) (net.Conn, error) {
if c.config.Dial != nil {
return c.config.Dial("tcp", serverAddr)
return net.Dial("tcp", serverAddr)
func (c *Client) listenControl(ct *control) error {
defer c.ctrlWg.Done()
c.changeState(ClientConnected, nil)
for {
var msg proto.ControlMessage
if err := ct.dec.Decode(&msg); err != nil {
c.reqWg.Wait() // wait until all requests are finished
c.changeState(ClientDisconnected, err)
return fmt.Errorf("failure decoding control message: %s", err)
c.log.Debug("Received control msg %+v", msg)
c.log.Debug("Opening a new stream from server session")
remote, err := c.session.Open()
if err != nil {
return err
isHTTP := msg.Protocol == proto.HTTP
if isHTTP {
go func() {
c.proxy(remote, &msg)
if isHTTP {