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2017-10-06 15:29:20 +00:00
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package scale
import (
type Linear struct {
// Min and Max specify the lower and upper bounds of the input
// domain. The input domain [Min, Max] will be linearly mapped
// to the output range [0, 1].
Min, Max float64
// Base specifies a base for computing ticks. Ticks will be
// placed at powers of Base; that is at n*Base^l for n ∈ and
// some integer tick level l. As a special case, a base of 0
// alternates between ticks at n*10^⌊l/2⌋ and ticks at
// 5n*10^⌊l/2⌋.
Base int
// If Clamp is true, the input is clamped to [Min, Max].
Clamp bool
// *Linear is a Quantitative scale.
var _ Quantitative = &Linear{}
func (s Linear) Map(x float64) float64 {
if s.Min == s.Max {
return 0.5
y := (x - s.Min) / (s.Max - s.Min)
if s.Clamp {
y = clamp(y)
return y
func (s Linear) Unmap(y float64) float64 {
return y*(s.Max-s.Min) + s.Min
func (s *Linear) SetClamp(clamp bool) {
s.Clamp = clamp
// ebase sanity checks and returns the "effective base" of this scale.
// If s.Base is 0, it returns 10. If s.Base is 1 or negative, it
// panics.
func (s Linear) ebase() int {
if s.Base == 0 {
return 10
} else if s.Base == 1 {
panic("scale.Linear cannot have a base of 1")
} else if s.Base < 0 {
panic("scale.Linear cannot have a negative base")
return s.Base
// In the default base, the tick levels are:
// Level -2 is a major tick at -0.1, 0, 0.1, etc.
// Level -1 is a major tick at -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, etc.
// Level 0 is a major tick at -1, 0, 1, etc.
// Level 1 is a major tick at -10, -5, 0, 5, 10, etc.
// Level 2 is a major tick at -10, 0, 10, etc.
// That is, level 0 is unit intervals, and we alternate between
// interval *= 5 and interval *= 2. Combined, these give us interval
// *= 10 at every other level.
// In non-default bases, level 0 is the same and we alternate between
// interval *= 1 (for consistency) and interval *= base.
func (s *Linear) guessLevel() int {
return 2 * int(math.Log(s.Max-s.Min)/math.Log(float64(s.ebase())))
func (s *Linear) spacingAtLevel(level int, roundOut bool) (firstN, lastN, spacing float64) {
// Watch out! Integer division is round toward zero, but we
// need round down, and modulus is signed.
exp, double := math.Floor(float64(level)/2), (level%2 == 1 || level%2 == -1)
spacing = math.Pow(float64(s.ebase()), exp)
if double && s.Base == 0 {
spacing *= 5
// Add a tiny bit of slack to the floor and ceiling below so
// that rounding errors don't significantly affect tick marks.
slack := (s.Max - s.Min) * 1e-10
if roundOut {
firstN = math.Floor((s.Min + slack) / spacing)
lastN = math.Ceil((s.Max - slack) / spacing)
} else {
firstN = math.Ceil((s.Min - slack) / spacing)
lastN = math.Floor((s.Max + slack) / spacing)
// CountTicks returns the number of ticks in [s.Min, s.Max] at the
// given tick level.
func (s Linear) CountTicks(level int) int {
return linearTicker{&s, false}.CountTicks(level)
// TicksAtLevel returns the tick locations in [s.Min, s.Max] as a
// []float64 at the given tick level in ascending order.
func (s Linear) TicksAtLevel(level int) interface{} {
return linearTicker{&s, false}.TicksAtLevel(level)
type linearTicker struct {
s *Linear
roundOut bool
func (t linearTicker) CountTicks(level int) int {
firstN, lastN, _ := t.s.spacingAtLevel(level, t.roundOut)
return int(lastN - firstN + 1)
func (t linearTicker) TicksAtLevel(level int) interface{} {
firstN, lastN, spacing := t.s.spacingAtLevel(level, t.roundOut)
n := int(lastN - firstN + 1)
return vec.Linspace(firstN*spacing, lastN*spacing, n)
func (s Linear) Ticks(o TickOptions) (major, minor []float64) {
if o.Max <= 0 {
return nil, nil
} else if s.Min == s.Max {
return []float64{s.Min}, []float64{s.Min}
} else if s.Min > s.Max {
s.Min, s.Max = s.Max, s.Min
level, ok := o.FindLevel(linearTicker{&s, false}, s.guessLevel())
if !ok {
return nil, nil
return s.TicksAtLevel(level).([]float64), s.TicksAtLevel(level - 1).([]float64)
func (s *Linear) Nice(o TickOptions) {
if s.Min == s.Max {
s.Min -= 0.5
s.Max += 0.5
} else if s.Min > s.Max {
s.Min, s.Max = s.Max, s.Min
level, ok := o.FindLevel(linearTicker{s, true}, s.guessLevel())
if !ok {
firstN, lastN, spacing := s.spacingAtLevel(level, true)
s.Min = firstN * spacing
s.Max = lastN * spacing