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2017-01-22 17:36:44 +00:00
package gorethink
import (
p ""
var (
// ErrNoHosts is returned when no hosts to the Connect method.
ErrNoHosts = errors.New("no hosts provided")
// ErrNoConnectionsStarted is returned when the driver couldn't to any of
// the provided hosts.
ErrNoConnectionsStarted = errors.New("no connections were made when creating the session")
// ErrInvalidNode is returned when attempting to connect to a node which
// returns an invalid response.
ErrInvalidNode = errors.New("invalid node")
// ErrNoConnections is returned when there are no active connections in the
// clusters connection pool.
ErrNoConnections = errors.New("gorethink: no connections were available")
// ErrConnectionClosed is returned when trying to send a query with a closed
// connection.
ErrConnectionClosed = errors.New("gorethink: the connection is closed")
func printCarrots(t Term, frames []*p.Frame) string {
var frame *p.Frame
if len(frames) > 1 {
frame, frames = frames[0], frames[1:]
} else if len(frames) == 1 {
frame, frames = frames[0], []*p.Frame{}
for i, arg := range t.args {
if frame.GetPos() == int64(i) {
t.args[i] = Term{
termType: p.Term_DATUM,
data: printCarrots(arg, frames),
for k, arg := range t.optArgs {
if frame.GetOpt() == k {
t.optArgs[k] = Term{
termType: p.Term_DATUM,
data: printCarrots(arg, frames),
b := &bytes.Buffer{}
for _, c := range t.String() {
if c != '^' {
b.WriteString(" ")
} else {
return b.String()
// Error constants
var ErrEmptyResult = errors.New("The result does not contain any more rows")
// Connection/Response errors
// rqlResponseError is the base type for all errors, it formats both
// for the response and query if set.
type rqlServerError struct {
response *Response
term *Term
func (e rqlServerError) Error() string {
var err = "An error occurred"
if e.response != nil {
json.Unmarshal(e.response.Responses[0], &err)
if e.term == nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("gorethink: %s", err)
return fmt.Sprintf("gorethink: %s in:\n%s", err, e.term.String())
func (e rqlServerError) String() string {
return e.Error()
type rqlError string
func (e rqlError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("gorethink: %s", string(e))
func (e rqlError) String() string {
return e.Error()
// Exported Error "Implementations"
type RQLClientError struct{ rqlServerError }
type RQLCompileError struct{ rqlServerError }
type RQLDriverCompileError struct{ RQLCompileError }
type RQLServerCompileError struct{ RQLCompileError }
type RQLAuthError struct{ RQLDriverError }
type RQLRuntimeError struct{ rqlServerError }
type RQLQueryLogicError struct{ RQLRuntimeError }
type RQLNonExistenceError struct{ RQLQueryLogicError }
type RQLResourceLimitError struct{ RQLRuntimeError }
type RQLUserError struct{ RQLRuntimeError }
type RQLInternalError struct{ RQLRuntimeError }
type RQLTimeoutError struct{ rqlServerError }
type RQLAvailabilityError struct{ RQLRuntimeError }
type RQLOpFailedError struct{ RQLAvailabilityError }
type RQLOpIndeterminateError struct{ RQLAvailabilityError }
// RQLDriverError represents an unexpected error with the driver, if this error
// persists please create an issue.
type RQLDriverError struct {
// RQLConnectionError represents an error when communicating with the database
// server.
type RQLConnectionError struct {
func createRuntimeError(errorType p.Response_ErrorType, response *Response, term *Term) error {
serverErr := rqlServerError{response, term}
switch errorType {
case p.Response_QUERY_LOGIC:
return RQLQueryLogicError{RQLRuntimeError{serverErr}}
case p.Response_NON_EXISTENCE:
return RQLNonExistenceError{RQLQueryLogicError{RQLRuntimeError{serverErr}}}
case p.Response_RESOURCE_LIMIT:
return RQLResourceLimitError{RQLRuntimeError{serverErr}}
case p.Response_USER:
return RQLUserError{RQLRuntimeError{serverErr}}
case p.Response_INTERNAL:
return RQLInternalError{RQLRuntimeError{serverErr}}
case p.Response_OP_FAILED:
return RQLOpFailedError{RQLAvailabilityError{RQLRuntimeError{serverErr}}}
case p.Response_OP_INDETERMINATE:
return RQLOpIndeterminateError{RQLAvailabilityError{RQLRuntimeError{serverErr}}}
return RQLRuntimeError{serverErr}
// Error type helpers
// IsConflictErr returns true if the error is non-nil and the query failed
// due to a duplicate primary key.
func IsConflictErr(err error) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
return strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "Duplicate primary key")
// IsTypeErr returns true if the error is non-nil and the query failed due
// to a type error.
func IsTypeErr(err error) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
return strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "Expected type")