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2018-01-03 19:19:49 +00:00
package handshake
import (
. ""
. ""
type mockConn struct {
remoteAddr net.Addr
var _ net.Conn = &mockConn{}
func (c *mockConn) Read([]byte) (int, error) { panic("not implemented") }
func (c *mockConn) Write([]byte) (int, error) { panic("not implemented") }
func (c *mockConn) Close() error { panic("not implemented") }
func (c *mockConn) LocalAddr() net.Addr { panic("not implemented") }
func (c *mockConn) RemoteAddr() net.Addr { return c.remoteAddr }
func (c *mockConn) SetReadDeadline(time.Time) error { panic("not implemented") }
func (c *mockConn) SetWriteDeadline(time.Time) error { panic("not implemented") }
func (c *mockConn) SetDeadline(time.Time) error { panic("not implemented") }
var callbackReturn bool
var mockCallback = func(net.Addr, *Cookie) bool {
return callbackReturn
var _ = Describe("Cookie Handler", func() {
var ch *CookieHandler
var conn *mint.Conn
BeforeEach(func() {
callbackReturn = false
var err error
ch, err = NewCookieHandler(mockCallback)
addr := &net.UDPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(42, 43, 44, 45), Port: 46}
conn = mint.NewConn(&mockConn{remoteAddr: addr}, &mint.Config{}, false)
It("generates and validates a token", func() {
cookie, err := ch.Generate(conn)
Expect(ch.Validate(conn, cookie)).To(BeFalse())
callbackReturn = true
Expect(ch.Validate(conn, cookie)).To(BeTrue())
It("doesn't generate a token if the callback says so", func() {
callbackReturn = true
cookie, err := ch.Generate(conn)
It("correctly handles a token that it can't decode", func() {
cookie := []byte("unparseable cookie")
Expect(ch.Validate(conn, cookie)).To(BeFalse())